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Trump's lemming/parrot followers riled up into hostility, just as he wants

These are the kinds of people that happily swallow anything said by a well known liar, and worship at his feet (while decrying elites, I'm sure). Reality is not in their purview.


I really don't understand why some people still "worship" him as you say. It's a mystery to me. Just wait until November and the Blue Wave!


Wow! And T-rumpeeze on this forum tell us how polite and respectful the right wing is. LOL!


I just found out last night about this "Qanon" BS that a bunch of these Trumpholes are embracing as "truth." Supposed to be a bunch of manufactured hysteria pushed by that Alex Jones fuckwad and other alt-right bozos.

America sure seems to be filled with a lot of assclowns.


Check this one out.... Speaking of assclowns:


That's a real tax write-off project if I ever saw one. Wonder where they think it's going to play, aside from religious networks. Is that Bakker the same assclown who diddled around with Jessica Hahn?


Yes, same moral authority that was accused of drugging and raping someone and then paying them off. Also went to jail for some tax stuff.

And he still has a following, goes to show that the religious right doesn't have a leg to stand on when it comes to morality. Bunch of despicable hypocrites


What gets me is that many of these people think Trump is "one of them"--IE: working class. The problem is: Trump is part of the rich elite, was born rich and never had to work a blue collar job in his life. Trump is the very ANTITHESIS of the common working man. That's why I find it so funny how working class idolize him. This is the man hurting the working class. This is the man who has been the bane of working class for decades.

Trumpers using Trump as "the model for the working man" is like a vegan using Hannibal Lecter as their poster child for vegans.


Good comparison at the end there!


Heh heh...of course, even Hannibal Lecter would be a more trustworthy president than Ronald Dump. At least Lecter is intelligent.


I read an article once and the writer made a point which I found to be amazingly true. He said that what working class white voters fail to recognize (he didn't say they were too stupid to recognize, but that's probably a contributing factor) is that when it comes to income inequality in America, they actually have more in common with a poor black man than they do with a rich white man. But the politicians who are rich white men (or represent them) know that the easiest way to rile up the base of working class white voters and get them to vote for them is to prey on their fears of race, crime, immigrants, etc. Trump may be an assclown, but he was shrewd enough to realize that's all it took to get himself elected President.


Sad but true. Funnily enough, Trumpers have a tendency to think I'm either black or Latin for some reason. When I mention that I'm a white guy they call me a "lib" even after I mention that I'm an independent.

Your point is 100% correct: most Trumpers think Trump is any working white man's dream and can't fathom in their minds that a working white man who isn't liberal could hate Trump.


Trump may be an assclown, but he was shrewd enough to realize that's all it took to get himself elected President.
Sadly, I wish that were shrewd or clever. It is the easiest form of manipulation that is childishly simple and uses the fear and emotion of the ignorant, insecure and low-self-esteemed.


I agree
I’ve been saying the same thing for years


I never planned on voting for Trump, and during 2016, these were the kind of people who pushed me even farther away from him.
However, when people like Acosta talk of "fear" of violent behavior, it's pretty pathetic since there's been ACTUAL violence from the left against Trump supporters.


There's a major difference though. Yes, both Trump supporters and opponents have gotten hurt in the many protests and riots since he declared his candidacy.

But Acosta is specifically referring to members of the press. That's because of Trump's very deliberate "press is the enemy of the people" rhetoric that whips up his crowds into the frenzied hostility we've seen directed at Acosta.

I don't buy that blogger's claims that Acosta has ever incited crowds. That's not his job and if he had he would have been fired. Professional members of the press are not agent provocateurs, their job is not to incite. They're members of the media there to report what's going on. The free press is enshrined in the 1st amendment of our constitution as the 4th estate because it plays the essential role of oversight of our public officials in government. Trump demonizing CNN is a deliberate tactic to discredit them to his supporters so they won't believe the truths about him they report.


Unfortunately, those who say the left are violent do have a point as it DOES seem that more violence is coming from the left than the right in terms of protests.

This is the kind of crap that's going to get Cheeto von Tweeto voted in again.

Then again, many Trumpers keep threatening a "second civil war" if Trump is removed so they certainly seem poised to kill if they have to.

Regardless, those being violent on the left are compounding the problem and are emboldening the uneducated factions of Cheeto's base to become violent if need be.

Idiots on both sides, really.


There's nothing inherently wrong with peaceful protest. Political dissent is as American as apple pie. And there has been more protests from the left, but specifically violent protests? The most violent was Charlottesville and that was specifically an alt-right neo-nazi protest where they did street battle with antifa because police refused to intervene. The only death was committed by neo-nazi against a protester.

I know there's violence between alt-right and antifa directed towards each other, but I've yet to see any evidence that there's a "lot" more left inspired violence. But if you can cite what you mean I'm open to learning if that stereotype holds up.


Indeed, you are correct about the Charlottesville incident. That one really pisses me off because Trumpers love to conveniently forget that their side killed someone there. I've even seen some Trumpers DEFEND it there by saying: "Well, no one forced the counter-protesters to go there. I mean--it was as if they were trying to justify that murder.

As for what I meant about violent protests, I don't have time to list specific examples but I was mainly referring to some of the protests we've seen on the news where cars were overturned, stores burned down, etc.

However, the thought does come to mind about Trump's rallies and how he's basically encouraged his base to use violence to remove naysayers/protesters from Pro-Trump rallies.


I understand the difference, and Trump is very wrong in encouraging this nonsense. But most people distrusted the media long before Trump ever said a thing about them. They're not trusted because they either lie, show biased coverage, or don't report on facts that question their personal world view. I know for a fact Acosta lies. Not because I believe Trump or Fox News (I rarely listen to them), but because I know what actually happened.
Of course the First Amendment is important, but that doesn't make the media some sort of powerful god to whom we put all our trust. Our trust should be in the truth. And if they're not reporting the truth, we have a right to say so.


But there's a difference between distrust of the media and an incitement to violence against the media. Trump is engaged in the latter, which is why Acosta said he was worried someone might get hurt.

What I don't get is the false equivalence, that because of distrust in dishonest members of the media, whether you think it's Acosta or I see it as Hannity, that justifies violence against them under any circumstance.

That blogger was drawing the false equivalence by claiming that Acosta's concerns about violence towards journalists rang hollow, as if press dishonesty justified violence against members of the media and Acosta deserved it. He cited the violence against Trump supporters, he did not cite any evidence that Acosta inspired the violence.


You're correct--people were always distrustful of the media but it was Trump who came along and basically demonized it to the point where he has mass amounts of people in support of having certain free press shut down. Just look at those angry, unhinged protesters from one of Trump's recent rallies. They look unhinged and murderous at that rally--as if they're ready to hang CNN officials from a tree. I half-expected to see tiki torches in their hands. Totally unhinged and deranged looks in their eyes. Have you seen some of those pictures from that rally? They're disturbing, to be honest. Those are the same kinds of angry, hate-filled faces you always see of people in those Richard Spencer rallies.


And it's disgraceful, yes. Those violent members on the left are a major part of the reason why Trump followers continue to feel emboldened. This is the kind of shit that's going to cause that orange cretin to be voted in again.

Extreme left and extreme right are not what our nation needs.


"Those violent members on the left are a major part of the reason why Trump followers continue to feel emboldened. "

Bullshit. I'm emboldened because Trump's policies are working. And I know that electing another socialist would be a disaster for this country.


You're right, the crazy lefties will help get Trump a second term. Snagswolf is right, too. Conservative policies are actually helping Americans.


What conservative Trump policies do you believe are "helping Americans"? I see his tax policies going to the 1% and corporations, but I don't see them helping most Americans, or at least whatever "help" is very disproportionate. What are you referring to?

I'm very curious about this.


Constitution supporting judges, lower taxes (I'm not in the 1%, lol), taking away over-the-top regulations, etc. Notice how Raddatz says she hears about these things "on the road". They live in a bubble!


Yes I understand most people saw some boost, but my point was that it was highly disproportionate as a regressive cut; the higher the tax bracket, the bigger the break. If you're a middle income earner you might have saw a boost, and maybe you're happy with the scraps. But it's a relative pittance if you look up the chain. And for those of us living in states with high state income tax rates it was close to a wash anyway for the 10k cap in deductions for state and local taxes.

The bonzanza really went to large corporations who received a permanent cut instead of sunset provisions if you're drawing paycheck ... meanwhile it didn't do much for LLC and small businesses. If it wasn't estate and AMT my benefits would have been minimal, but not everyone had those breaks.

The real kickers are the giveaway adding a trillion dollars it blew in the debt that we'll have to pay for down the road and throttling income inequality by benefiting high earners most. That's why I have a hard time seeing how the tax cut benefited Americans except corporations and most privileged by widening that gap.

When you redistribute wealth by giving away a trillion dollars with 70% of it flowing to the 1%, that's bad for America by creating stratification and income immobility by unequal access to opportunity which weakens the middle class. This country became an economic superpower on the backs of a strong and vibrant middle class because of the success of FDR's social welfare programs that gave our citizens equal access to opportunity. By increasing income inequality the Trump tax cuts made what was already a growing inequality problem even worse for Americans.


You won't know if your "lower taxes" are that way because too little is being withheld from your check until you actually do them next year. 30% will end up having to pay taxes because of it. I wonder if that was deliberate to make people think they have lower taxes when they don't.

All judges are "Constitution supporting". That's what their decisions are supposed to be based on. You mean right-wing judges.

Those regulations were protecting the public from large corporations. For instance, one regulation required a financial advisor that you hire to give you financial advice which would benefit you. Now they can give advice which benefits them and hurts you. Remember the banks and liar loans which caused the mortgage crisis?

Another regulation lowers the amount that drivers pay for gas. Now oil companies will make more money.

Other regulations lower pollution which cause cancer and asthma. Now illnesses will increase.


Me too


Conservative policies are actually helping Americans.

Really? Which Americans...people like you? Does that mean that if, perhaps, those policies are only helping a minor segment of Americans, that makes them worthwhile since they're basically helping YOU?

As a white, male, middle-class American, I guess I could claim Trump's policies are helping me. But I don't want help from a man who's a liar, a cheat, a bully, and everything I despise about people who abuse their powers of authority.


Yes, some conservative policies are helping us...and many more of them are HURTING us, such as these tariffs. I'm paying more for EVERYTHING now because of Trump's tariffs. How does that help me as an American?

Trump represents every bit as much of a problem to our nation as extreme political correctness does. Two sides of the same dirty coin.


when people like Acosta talk of "fear" of violent behavior, it's pretty pathetic since there's been ACTUAL violence from the left against Trump supporters.

So Acosta shouldn't be afraid of violence.... Because there is violence elsewhere in the world?

That makes literally no sense. You're essentially implying that Acosta should be considered guilty of all violence you can call "Left," and then any fear he feels is simply "revenge."

The mind boggles.


Um, no, lol. I'm saying he's making a big deal about something that hasn't happened yet, but doesn't even mention the actual violence against Trump supporters. He can be afraid all he wants. I hope no one gets hurt because of these crazies and Trump's support of them.


Not Trump's support of them. Trump's inciting them. Big difference.


Um, no, lol. I'm saying he's making a big deal about something that hasn't happened yet, but doesn't even mention the actual violence against Trump supporters.

So, someone can't fear for their own safety without first mentioning that their political opposition also might fear for safety at times???

WTF? You're making literally ZERO sense.

The President is telling his followers that the media is the "Enemy of the people," and pushing them toward extremism, which is now becoming more and more obvious.

Trump obviously has enemies, and a free press is one of them. He even once joked about jailing journalists.

When his staffer's horrible insulting joke about John McCain dying (so he doesn't matter anyway, that was the "joke") leaked out, Trump was more angry at the press for reporting it and more angry at leakers for leaking it.

He had no anger toward the staffer, because Trump himself has insulted and attacked McCain.

Trump attacks anyone and anything that does not bow before him and revere him.

Obviously you're too far gone to see any of this. That's why you make nonsensical statements to discredit the concept of a CNN reporter fearing for his safety.

You're sick, essentially. Sick in the head.


This thread is the perfect window into how the Left sees the world upside down. They've been frothing at the mouth ever since election night, telling us how horrible Trump is. How he's a fascist, a dictator, and the next Hitler. For the first time in history, we have people publicly and opening calling for an assassination of the president.
We have the leftist ANTIFA in the streets, rioting and burning and physically attacking anyone who disagrees with them. We have the mainstream news media pumping out non-stop negative stories about Trump. We have a leftist enraged by all of this to the point of showing up at a congressional baseball game with a gun and trying to kill Republicans. We have rioting leftist students attacking a leftist professor and putting her in a neck brace because she had the temerity to point out that a conservative should have the right to speak.

And yet, despite all of this, according to liberals, it's the Right who are dangerous.

Now that's humorous.


Was the gay night club shooter a liberal? Was Dylan Roof a liberal? Was the asshole who shot those three indian men in a bar (killing one of them) a liberal? Was the hillbilly Clansman who drove his car through the crowd in Charlottesville, killing an innocent young woman, a liberal?

You represent part of the problem: placing all the blame on one party. BOTH parties have shown plenty of hatred, violence and bigotry. You're part of the problem--not the solution.


Yeah what's funny is SnagsWolf loves to do one-off adhom hit-and-run diatribes on this board that he can't back up. Once in awhile he'll try to defend himself by cutting and pasting fox news or breitbart talking points before losing his tongue. He typically doesn't like replying because he's fully cognizant he's one dimensional in his trollish rants.


He's as trollish and fleeting on other boards as he is here. Just one of those types, as you say, hit & run.

Always pretending to be so arrogant, too, but we know he's just a lame-duck or a coward who likes to talk tough before he scampers back into the shadows.


He certainly would have fit right in on IMDB. He probably WAS.


"Was the gay night club shooter a liberal?"

No, he was a Muslim. You're seriously trying to pin that on conservatives?


"Was Dylan Roof a liberal?"

Dylan roof was a racist. I haven't seen anything about his political leanings.

"Was the asshole who shot those three indian men in a bar (killing one of them) a liberal? "

Possibly? Where have you seen conservatives upset with Indians?

"Was the hillbilly Clansman who drove his car through the crowd in Charlottesville, killing an innocent young woman, a liberal?"

Another racist.

I find it hilarious you gave four examples of hate crimes with none of the perpetrators claiming to be conservative. It's only your own bigoted views that make you think they're conservative. "Oh, they're racists, so they must be conservative."

Sorry, that logic doesn't wash in intelligent debate.

On the other hand, ANITFA has stated their political aims. The mainstream media has been liberal for a long time. The guy shooting up the baseball field was a Bernie Sanders supporter. We have the liberal college students attacking their teacher.

Self-claimed liberals, all of them.

"You represent part of the problem: placing all the blame on one party."

What a hypocrite. This thread is based on the premise that conservatives are dangerous, and yet you failed to get on your soapbox and tell them they were 'part of the problem' for 'blaming it on one party.' And yet you felt the need to tell me that.

You're one of those morons who claim to be 'independent,' but come down on every issue on the liberal side. You can always tell who the fake independents are, by who they're constantly arguing with.


What a joke.

So quick to disavow racist extremists of the alt-right that identify with the right, yet so quick to tar extremists on the left as liberals.

FYI: The only "political aim" of ANTIFA is their opposition to neo-nazi fascists. Full Stop.

Why is that even in itself such a bad thing when you pretend to be against racism and reject racists as conservatives?

Antifa are extremists because of their willingness to engage in violence to oppose neo-nazis. So why are you insisting on branding them as liberals? They're left wing extremists, just like neo-nazis are right wing extremists.

Are you really going to deny many racist alt-right would self-identify as conservatives just like I'm sure you'd be quick to point out many antifa would self-identify as liberal?

Your hypocrisy is stunning, but far too typical of right wing hypocrisy.
