MovieChat Forums > gater > Replies
gater's Replies
When I heard "Winter is coming" - I thought it was code for the Night King is coming - the NK did break into ice.
Oh please - it was shit writing - she was on that ship so she could be captured.
Rewatching season 8 is painful.
I like that - much better than what they gave us.
My point being Dany didn't need to ride - to take the chance of being hit by an arrow or just falling off - the Dragon seemed to know what she wanted telepathically.
Watch the opening scene in Gladiator - the King was safely away until the battle was over. Having the King, Queen, or Jon Snow on the frontline is retarded.
Oh yes, forgot about her - I loved the way she flashed Bronn
So if Dany does get hit by an arrow who is in charge? There must be a General.
yeah at that point - during the battle someone other than Dany had to be in charge - there has to be a chain of command.
Don't you remember the conflict between Jon and Greyworm? - Someone has to be in charge.
I thought the show was good until the end of season 6
And why was Dany on Drogon? Don't Queens and Generals stay behind their armies? Why was Missandei on that ship? That made no sense.
Its true - he also renamed Kings Landing as the Land of Tits and Wine
Osha - who knew all of that was going on underneath her robe, very nice.
No - the writing was bad, beyond bad - bring a dead guy to Cersei?
Jon is a bastard his whole life, finds out the truth and they do nothing with it??
Dany is against slavery, loves children, then she go nuts and kills thousands of women and children?
The writing was shit - they did not stay true to the characters they developed over the years.
Danys brother took a bath with a hot one.
Dany in the bathtub was always nice.
Missandei's tits were spectacular when she was with Greyworm.
The girl Ramsey used to fuck was hot.
We have "Bran the Broken", maybe "Jon the Jerk"?
The Night King didn't have a dragon to melt the Wall, the battle with the dead was a long way off - defeat Cersei - take her army - then fight the Night King.
I say Dany was justified with all of her killings until Kings Landing - not a villain.
When was Dany cruel? when she roasted the Tarleys? They were at war.
Dany went from city to city freeing slaves - how is that cruel??
Until she roasted Kings Landing she was never cruel.