MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Season 7 should have been about taking K...

Season 7 should have been about taking Kings Landing

And Season 8 should have been about the battle with the dead.

The writers messed this up - you must have the battle of Kings Landing before the battle with the dead, because if you lose the battle of the dead there is no battle for Kings Landing - when ep3 is the battle with the dead, and ep 5 is the battle of KL, we already knew that Jon would defeat the dead, no real drama there.
That whole idea of bringing a "dead" person to show Cersei was beyond bad writing - a logically flawed storyline.
Also, Dany had 3 dragons, Cersei didn't have any Scorpions, only that old one in the basement. She could have easily taken KL and used the Lannister army to help fight the dead.
In Season1 ep1 we first learn of the blue eyed "dead" - and the show should have ended with the defeat of the dead.
Dany should have been Queen, and Jon King of the North.


The more I think about what could or should have been for this season, and even parts of last season, the more the writers annoy me with how badly they botched things up.

Yes I think the King's Landing part could have been done before the battle with the dead, or incorporated into it even (like having the NK attack that first). The whole idea was that the Iron Throne pales into insignificance compared with the threat of the White Walkers and the army of the dead, so it should be fitting that that's dealt with beforehand. Jon Snow even described it as the one war that mattered, "the great war".


The Night King didn't have a dragon to melt the Wall, the battle with the dead was a long way off - defeat Cersei - take her army - then fight the Night King.


I actually disagree. IF they'd taken the time to write the thing properly, it would have made sense to have put the fight against the Night's King before the final battle for King's Landing. IF they'd taken the time to build suspense and make the most of the interpersonal drama, that is.

Because you're right, the battle against Cersei wasn't that important, she was just an obstacle to be overcome on the way to the final battle... which should have been between Jon and Danerys. That should have been a slow transition from love to disagreement to warfare that was gut-wrenchingly personal in a way that the fight against the NK could never have been... which BTW is why that particular fight should have come last and served as the climax of the whole big drama. The final conflict between Targaryans and their dragons should have left a broken Jon as the last man standing in what was left of King's Landing, a rightful king who loathed the throne that had shattered his heart.

Of course while the writers may have had the right idea, they botched it. The conflict between Jon and Dany should have been heart-breaking and personal as well as a threat to the well-being of all Westeros, instead we got five minutes of polite conversation between them at it was all over.
