MovieChat Forums > Culburn > Replies
Culburn's Replies
Reno knows precisely where the bear shits in the buckwheat.
They broke & entered this country. They're illegal. They don't give a shit about anybody but themselves. They're raping this country.
Of course...Brook Benton - "Rainy Night in Georgia"
Yes. I do not have empathy for illegalsPERIOD
We never have any spare change laying around for American children---always have to wring hands, pace floors, bitch & moan before we grudge 'em. But, Lord-a-mercy all the sudden there is a shit load for that scum.
Trump is right, the only reason Congress won't act to stop it is they want the votes and are cultivating them.
Good find, 000.
...only the remake Max Cady.
They've broke & entered this country. They're stealing from America & American citizens. They give a shit for nobody but themselves.
They are vermin. Anybody that will hire them is vermin.
I have empathy for Americans. Those illegal kids on the border are living better than a lot of American kids.
They're vermin, both the employers & the illegals.
[quote]Trump criminal.
Hillary not.[/quote]
Get your own shit. That's my shit. I work hard on my shit, Sand.
I first went with my family in '63. The bells were still working then and they sounded fantastic. You could park right there on the curb then. You get out of the car, walk 15 feet and you're at the railing. It is indeed fantastic.
I even went once by myself! "I'm not going again, Cully. No." The wife. So, I went myself and had a grand time.
Thank you, for sharing, mp.
What do you remember, fellow? Seriously, I'd like to hear it, if you don't mind sharing. Doesn't have to be polished. Just a read out so I can picture it. Please.
Trump President.
Not Clinton.
By God, he'd better not shit the bed, daddy.
You will never get 2/3 of the Senate, daddy-O. No way.
[quote]The Bridge on the River Kwai[/quote]
*The bearer girls falling in love with the young officer & Holden during the arduous trek.
*The camera, with a severe upshot catches Holden's girls' response for a split second as he's killed in the gorge below.
*Spotting the 2 wooden clubs leaning against the steps to Saito's quarters. Not at first viewing, but, every time thereafter.
*Whistling the "Colonel Bogey March" was Percy Herbert's creation. He's the solider with the boots falling off his feet as they march in.
*Jack Hawkins' steady hand navigates the picture. Makes it whole.
[quote]Paths of Glory[/quote]
First time I ever heard the term "degenerate" used in a motion picture. "What, what'd he call him?"
Goes quick. They get on with it & do not let up.
A year before Kubrick had used Timothy Carey (one of the doomed) in "The Killing" as the race horse assassin at the home stretch.
Grim business.
[quote]12 Angry Men[/quote]
Stands up fine. Showed it a lot in JHS/HS.
Cocksure Fonda (I do believe he produced this) is a bit of a pain in-the-ass, but, Cobb takes everybody with him. Begley tries to keep up, but, Cobb will have none of it. He's a conflagration.
Robert Webber, almost beautiful he is so freaking new there.
& the girl, Susan Harrison. I God's, she was gorgeous in that.
Testify, virus, testify!!!
Wow, brux.
Food for thought.