MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How would you rate these horror movie mo...

How would you rate these horror movie monsters?

1. Norman Bates
2. Hannibal Lecter
3. Freddy
4. Bob (Twin Peaks)
5. Dracula
6. Frankenstein's monster
7. Pinhead
8. Jason
9. Max Cady
10. Jack Torrance
11. Jigsaw


1. Hannibal Lecter
2. Jack Torrance
3. Norman Bates
4. Max Cady
5. Freddy
6. Jason
7. Jigsaw
8. Frankenstein's Monster
9. Dracula
10. Pinhead
11. Bob


I'm lazy...and watts looks about right👍 ima say ditto 😉



I agree with subdividing the characters. I might put Dracula down as more evil than monster. The Frankenstein Monster is unique as we don't know where his spirit eminates from. Most of the characters listed were not around during my youth aside from Dracula and Frankenstein. Norman Bates was but the movie seldom got run I suspect as it was considered violent to a number and dated to other people. Frankenstein's Monster was there when I was a kid and most impressionable. Also, Shelley's book was read while in school so I had that material to help interpret what I was seeing on the screen. The newer characters were just images played by actors to draw reactions to the extreme situations they were in. Today Karloff's monster is just a man stumbling around under wardrobe and makeup but while being a kid and perhaps a little beyond the monster truly had life.



The only one I don't know is Bob. They're all great but Max Cady scares the shit outta me. He's a real human, there's no stopping him and although his actions are definitely questionable, he has a point.


...only the remake Max Cady.


