MovieChat Forums > Charmed (2018) Discussion > Holly Marie Combs on the remake

Holly Marie Combs on the remake

"Here’s the thing. Until you ask us to rewrite it like Brad Kern did weekly don’t even think of capitalizing on our hard work. Charmed belongs to the 4 of us, our vast amount of writers, crews and predominantly the fans. FYI you will not fool them by owning a title/stamp. So bye."

"And another thing. Reboots or remakes, as we used to call them, usually have storylines so similar to the original that they are legally required to use the same title and buy the rights to that title. If it’s not similar than it’s just another show. A new show with a new title."

Agree with her 100 percent.



Good find, 000.


Nice to know they think as their fans do.



I so agree with her.

I have little faith in this ridiculous PC reboot.


I don't see how it can be made worse. It started out awesome....with Shannen Doherty!! When they got rid of her.....added the hidden sister it slid. Going harrypotterwannabe was HORRIBLE. I stopped watching.


You must be talking about Season 6 introduction of "magic school" - "harrypotterwannabe"?

I didn't care anything about harry potter as I never watched any of the harry potters at the time, I didn't like the fact that there's a magic school we never knew about and only learning about it now?! That was my problem with it.


Also agree with her, and don't know why the reboot went the route of capitalizing on the Charmed name instead of just being it's own show. I feel like it would have more/any success if it was a new show with a new name. Imo it shows a big lack of confidence in your own product when the only thing it has going for it is the name.


Well damn...the sass in those statements makes my loins boil.....


Good for her.


Agree with Holly Marie Combs 100%, she could be talking about Buffy too.


