Shooter's Replies

True but he has the hair. The build, I always thought of Ock having a stocky build. He has played a genius, a villain, a guy with metal appendages, a guy who can science the shit out of things, a guy with accents, a guy who can deceive, plus he has already played Loki twice. Now that I think about it, just cast him as Chameleon. Well SLJ was fighting a Skrull, he didnt really stand a chance. But I see what your saying there. I felt the movie flowed as well as could be expected for an origin story, like you said with cap. I enjoyed it and my daughter loved it. 15 yo son enjoyed it as well. The thing about Captain Marvel is she was trained as a Kree. She was taught to suppress emotions. Thats why the second half picks up when she gets further away from that training. Anyways just my 2 cents. I dont know. Could be Skrulls. Maybe Matt Damon. They did not. They both dusted at the end of that movie. I know it is an old thread. But you pick the wrench because you will be hit less with the bigger object. Blunt force for a couple hits is easier to take than a light object for about 50 whacks. Prisoners is such a great movie. Yea I know about the gods I was just talking about the comic versions. Heh, I am part Swedish. Lol. What I find funny is Matt Damon played Loki in 2 different movies. The marvel success beyond just making good to great movies is that each movie is part of a greater whole. Think of when you watch a tv show that you are dedicated too. You WANT to see the next episode as soon as you can but, you have to wait. Put said show in a movie format and im sure you would pay 10 to 15 dollars to see the next episode. Marvel took a tv model and applied it to the big screen. And they hit it out of the park. The fact that more or less every movie is connected is what drives fans to pay to see every movie. Your favorite show can have a dud of an episode but still have the highest ratings. What marvel has done is unheard of. They can put out no name characters and still make a killing. Who knew of Captain Marvel, Antman, Guardians, Dr. Strange, Thanos, Loki, etc. These characters are now house hold names. No it does not sound about right. Honest question. If you dont care for them, why are you posting on the boards? Sufferer of Dysentery Is that an Oregon Trail reference? If so, I understood that reference. If not, I am more like Cap than I thought. lol. Theres always post credit scenes that can be added Yea the only one who had name recognition when they started was Robert and Edward and Hopkins and Jackson and Tommy Lee and Elba and Bridges and Norton and Hugo Weaving. Who really knew Hemsworth or Evans before they were mcu stars. The MCU has made actors, stars, Evans, Hemsworth, Hiddleston, Pratt, Johansson, etcetera. Even B or C list actors have been bumped up. and they keep bringing in new stars and legends. Why do you think so many actors want to be in a Marvel movie. Marvel gets upcoming actors and legend actors. Post Script; Marvel has been running big actors since they started basically. Its been going fornten years now. I am a pacifist and I really do agree with that. Not on the small scale at all. Small scale should be able to solve things peacefully. Large scale war tho. Lots of war is based on beliefs. People who will refuse to see the other sides point of view. Or basically out of need. My people are more important than your people. But, violence never solved anything. Just look at the middle east. When I was young A guy wanted to fight me because he wanted my girlfriend. I just said to him, if you win why would she leave me. he had no answer. Ok I dont really know who reads comics anymore. This is an honest question. Do kids actually read comics in todays time? I mean they have phones with youtube my kids are into DanTDM, Collinkey, Moriah, elizabith, guava juice,coyote pearson. My kids enjoy the movies. But we go mainly because im the fan. When my kids watch it. They love it. Being a family man going to the movies can be tight in the wallet. Those are the type of movies as a family we go to see. Good for adults and kids. Btw my 8 year old daughter loved Captain Marvel. Her favorite is still black panther. And me and her Scott and Cassie. So what your saying is that he's the guy, playing the same same guy, disguised as the same guy. Am I right here. No need to apologize. Ghostbusters did suck btw. I dont have a problem with Rey. The execution of TLJ however. I have never watched Dr. Who so I cant comment on that. Didnt see the latest Star Trek but I thought Chris Pine was the lead. Pre-dator(sorry I have to write it that way, lol) is next on my watch list. There is no doubt hollywood is pushing the female agenda. But they are a business. Thats why they are catering to China as well. This business will always be male and American dominated. Theres room for other demographics tho. Personally I just want to entertained. If the product is good, than I could care less about politics. Thats the whole thing. I dont want to waste breathe on them. I want to go to boards and discuss the movie but, its all just SJW this and that. Its why I never post anymore. It will just end up as an argument that was not even related to the original post. But this is the first female marvel movie. You still have Tony,Cap, Thor, Hulk, Dr. Strange, Ant-Man, Black Panther, Most of the Guardians, Thanos, Spiderman. One female movie which leads into a movie (end game) that will be dominated by men, I feel, is not a big deal. If some one does not like her politics I just feel like they should discuss it on her board.