Casting for Doctor Octopus

With this movie and the characters already introduced in Homecoming, it seems they're heading towards some sort of Sinister Six story line. That being said they'll still need a Doc Oc, and I think Rainn Wilson could pull it off. I feel he's definitely got the look and although I haven't seen him in much, his roles in the various things I have seen him in differ enough. What are your thoughts?


I'm honestly fine with them reusing Kathryn Hahn's version from Spider-Verse only in live action. She was great. But I doubt that would happen so back to the OP. My top choices would be Russell Crowe (may be too expensive) or Michael Stuhlbarg (unless he's cast as Penguin first).


I'd be completely fine with Kathryn Hahn's version as well to be honest. I'm not a big Russell Crowe fan so he's definitely not one of my top choices. As for Michael Stuhlbarg, I haven't really seen him in anything so I can't really have an opinion. Evidently he was in Doctor Strange though as Nicodemus West, which seems to be a smaller part since it's a character name I don't recognize so I wouldn't be against Marvel using him for another role.


I am not sure we will see Doc Ock again since Feige said they didn't want to use villains that were in the previous Spider-Man films. Frankly if they do him again, I want Doc Ock to be more sinister and less sympathetic than the Spider-Man 2 version.


Yeah I'd be definitely down for that. I mean, Vulture was already a sort of sympathetic character.


In that case, they gotta introduce Kraven the Hunter at some point.


Elton John. 😁


He certainly looks the part! But I'm with the OP-- Rainn Wilson has the look and the personality. Dwight Shrute was one nuclear accident away from becoming Doc Ock as is. Which makes one ponder.... just who else would one want in a Sinister Six?

Electro - Norman Reedus comes to mind. Electro was always something of a blue collar sociopath, which I think Reedus could nail
Kraven - a large, hirsute actor, but who?
Sandman - Dude from Spider-Man 3 was great, but they'd have to find someone new?
Mysterio - Jake Gyllenhaal until proven otherwise
Vulture - Michael Keaton, obv


He's not hairy but he is tall and muscular, so what about Alexander Skarsgard for Kraven?

I like Norman Reedus for Electro.


Alexander Skarsgard sounds good for Kraven, but what about Luke Evans?


He doesn't have the swarthy look, but he was a great Tarzan which leads me to think he'd be a solid Kraven.


Maybe Matt Damon.


Matt Damon is way too much of a jock to play Doc Ock. He also doesn't have the right voice for it either.


True but he has the hair. The build, I always thought of Ock having a stocky build.

He has played a genius, a villain, a guy with metal appendages, a guy who can science the shit out of things, a guy with accents, a guy who can deceive, plus he has already played Loki twice.

Now that I think about it, just cast him as Chameleon.


I doubt that Vulture would be in the Sinister Six. Homecoming seemed to imply, in the post-credits scene, that Toomes became a good guy/antihero

Mac Gargan was introduced in Homecoming. Gargan becomes Scorpion, so it's possible that Scorpion will show up later. We could also have Shocker come back

So the Sinister Six could include Scorpion, Shocker, and Mysterio. They would still need a higher-profile villain to lead them. One would think either Green Goblin or Doctor Octopus


I just thought Toomes didn't tell Gargan who Spider-Man was out of respect for saving his life. I don't think that necessarily means he's turned a new leaf. Maybe he just wants to make a move on Spidey before anyone else does.


You are wrong, though. The seeds of his redemption were planted throughout the whole movie of Homecoming

He is portrayed as a genuine family man. Even when he kills Jackson Brice, he meant to just incapacitate him. He is a very sympathetic character. It would not make sense for him to protect Peter Parker from Scorpion only to turn around and join the Sinister Six. So I highly doubt that he will be a part of that team

Don' take my word for it, though. He will have a cameo in the Spidey movie coming out soon. I promise he will play a good guy


So him pulling a gun on Peter and threatening to kill everyone he loved was just for show then? As well as dropping a building on him that he expected to kill him?


Like I said, the key word is "redemption"

Apparently you forgot that Loki tried to destroy all of humanity and is now an antihero

I don't think you understand storytelling that well. He had to be menacing enough during the actual film to be taken as a credible threat. But there were enough seeds planted that you could see a character arc coming a mile away, if you know what you are watching


You're right for the most part. The director said that Toomes protecting Peter's identity was him getting some redemption as a way pf thanking him since Spider-Man saved his life. I don't think that necessarily means he'll maintain good guy status though. I don't think he'll pursue Spider-Man unprovoked, but if Spider-Man gets in his way again I think he will.

As for the future of the character, neither of us can be completely certain whether he's a good guy now or not so we'll just have to wait and see.


Yes, I guess we will see

I believe that Chameleon is a rumored character in the upcoming movie, so he may be a part of the Sinister Six as well. He is a less high-profile villain than the others, but I've always liked him
