charliekelly's Replies

That's actually a perfect casting choice. Great actor and he looks like HW in several pics. Well done. If we're going by modern Hollywood requirements/standards... uhhh... maybe, Tessa Thompson or Kristen Stewart. They have to be in everything else, apparently. That's a good question. I think I would just say something like he was "promoted" in their world/government, but he handpicked his replacement before he left. Then just make it someone awesome. Edit - Found this shorty after: I think that's pretty cool. Paying respect and all. One minor disagreement: " be protected by media and white knights." I don't think the vast majority of these "victims" turn themselves into make believe victims for protection. No, I don't think that they're, in all actuality, even remotely emotionally or mentally affected by comments from RANDOM STRANGERS ON THE INTERNET. I think they pretend that they are for career advancement, especially when you've just had a performance or piece that wasn't well received, for honest reasons. Like someone in another thread said, she'll probably have her own network show within a year. "Fresh Off the Boat-ish", followed by sequels and prequels. I couldn't wait to see the show without Fiona, as I never really cared for her, but man, if I'd known that the trade off was going to be cranking up the politics to an 11 and the show basically just becoming intense white hate porn, I would've wanted to have kept her around for good. That said, I'm still also enjoying Frank's shenanigans, Ian & Mick, and Lip has always been my favorite. I think at that point, Hollywood Handlers had yet to decide whether or not they wanted to #MeToo QT along with Weinstein. Whenever they decided "no", she seemed to forget all about it and it was all of a sudden never really an issue and "forgiven". DD = Doggiedaddy. Legendary MovieChat radical leftist. That's whose name the above poster is parodying. From what I've seen, that's my favorite as well. I've seen all of his work with QT, and both films with Kevin Smith, as well as "Argo". I don't think that I have seen any of his early work though. Right. I guess it is supposed to be a superhuman type thing. Actually, now that I think about it, that may be why I have this one a little lower on the QT list than most. I'm not really a super hero movie kind of guy. That does sound like a good one. I wonder, within the scope of the film, if these superhuman feats were intentionally written as such to foreshadow that "The Bride" was special enough to have the "mojo" to perform "The Five-Point-Palm Exploding-Heart-Technique" and, in fact, "Kill Bill". It's been so long since I last saw the film. I can't remember if we've been introduced to the idea of the technique yet. Edit: Just remembered, yes, we have been. I think that's kind of the point lol. She's able to use her training. Can't believe that happened during the filming of "Killing Zac Efron". On a serious note, those shows/documentaries rarely ever have any real danger in them. Might be an interesting watch. Truth be told, I haven't seen any of the films and didn't know the woman existed until she started popping up here. When I saw that my friend Satan2016 was pushing her into trending, I knew there was some ulterior motive, as I've never seen that individual ever give a genuine opinion on anything that is actually about film or television, just the politics surrounding it. That said, I do plan on diving into SW soon. It's just such an undertaking at this point. Interesting, never saw that one. And it was freshly filled, rather loose dirt? Alright. Like I said, I know several people that think both Driver and Cumberbatch are attractive. I guess I just wanted to see how many people genuinely think she's "hot" and "sexy", as opposed to just being caught up in the political/disney/box office wars horseshit. Yeah, I know, but again, it's almost always for comedic effect. Like, Toby Jones hooks up with Jennifer Connelly in a serious drama, not a rom-com - that doesn't really happen, does it? Though, it seems like it does happen with women. Hmmm, I don't know. I thought the exact same things, regarding #1 & #2. Hadn't considered #3 & #4 - not bad though. I'll give you BC, even though a bunch of women say he's hot, and I take their word for it. As for the others, that's part of the joke. Everyone knows they're not actually that attractive. Had to look up Kylo. And I would agree, to me, Driver is not an attractive man, but once again, I can only go by the opinions of straight women and gay men that say he is. So, that brings us to the next point - does anyone genuinely find her attractive, or is it all just a part of the game that folks like my good pal Satan2016 play? The game in which anyone who is a part of whatever group(s) you align with can do no wrong and has no flaws. Sadly, that's exactly how it is. Perception is now immediate reality, proof and evidence no longer required. White privilege is an absolute joke. I can relate to your life so much. Unfortunately, not the 6-7 figure part haha, but definitely the rest. Born and raised below the poverty line, from a broken home in the Appalachian foothills; no neighborhood whatsoever, the middle of nowhere. The nearest town (that I now live in) is a perfect microcosm for the rest of the country. The only privilege that exists is green privilege. Us whites in town that don't have money are still treated like shit compared to the ones that do. That's just the way it is. That's the reality of America. I started out my adult life working hard instead of smart. Now, after a few injuries, I'm trying to do the latter, but under no circumstances will I ever blame anyone else for the hand that I was dealt and look to them for sympathy/profit out of forced guilt. I'll never be that pathetic. Yeah, as for Hahn, I always liked her as well. She was pretty good in comedies and seemed like she was going to fare well in drama also. Fingers crossed for her and her talent.