charliekelly's Replies

Office Space Along Came Polly Friends with Money Always nice chattin' with you, Satan. :) Why is he a "bogeyman"? I don't know. He probably just isn't that good at golf. He should watch "Caddyshack". It's a MOVIE about golf. Maybe he could go to a MOVIE SITE somewhere to learn more about it, if there were such a place. While he did seem to (kinda) be their superior, I got the impression that Arno wasn't the shot-caller either. I felt like all three of them worked for someone else. I think at that point, #2 was so exasperated with Arno, due to all of the breaks and leeway he was giving Howard because he was his brother-in-law, that he felt Arno was no longer fit to lead, and would just take his chances explaining that to the boss, hoping a couple sackfuls of jewelry and a resolution to the entire ordeal wouldn't hurt either, or he was just so hot and delirious from being locked in the doorway, combined with all they had dealt with from Howard previously, that he quite literally snapped and very little thought actually went into it - a quick decision made in rage. I know when they finally got out of the doorway, he looked worn out, and practically done with the life altogether lol. Because he knows that Howard will just dick around again and scheme up a way to not pay them. That is kind of the point with Howard - he had several opportunities throughout to break even and just go home, but to some, there is never enough. So, he decided he'd rather handle it the way he did than to just continue to repeat the same process over and over, and get the money they were owed (and probably more) in jewelry. lol I said to myself, "I can't believe THIS DUDE is saying this!"... then I saw the "s". Nice. Much too honest for the real DD. I hadn't heard that. Though, I did hear about the upcoming sequel where Kristen Stewart plays a down-on-her/his-luck chimney sweep that has to go through trials and tribulations dealing with the aftermath left by the evil, phallic yule log. This is the best of Dafoe's that I've seen. Both he and Pattinson did an incredible job. Awesome. Kid's a legend. It's funny how Ralphie sort of drives the whole thing forward, but all of the other kids are so much more memorable, to me at least; Flick and the pole, Randy, and Scut & Grover. Well, one thing's for certain - he can't tend a fire for shit. He just keeps poking the andiron. lol Only people like Scut Farkus would watch on TBS. Couldn't agree more. "I don't know how to genuinely be funny, so I'll just repeat something that I've heard people laugh at before to obtain my acceptance and affirmation from society. You know, because I'm cool and current." Fuck "memes" and anyone that uses them. First of all, stop misusing the word "meme", and just tell a joke. And, for fucks sake, try and make it a good one, but at the very least, just let it come from YOU. This exchange, because of The Dude's misuse of the word "parlance"; a word said to The Dude by another character, earlier in the film. I love callbacks. The Big Lebowski : What in God's holy name are you blathering about? The Dude : I'll tell you what I'm blathering about... I've got information man! New shit has come to light! And shit... man, she kidnapped herself. Well sure, man. Look at it... a young trophy wife, in the parlance of our times, you know, and she, uh, uh, owes money all over town, including to known pornographers, and that's cool... that's, that's cool, I'm, I'm saying, she needs money, man. And of course they're going to say that they didn't get it, because... she wants more, man! She's got to feed the monkey, I mean uh... hasn't that ever occurred to you, man? Sir? Our manager's not here right now... *picks nose* I'd recommend "Bug" (2006) and "Take Shelter" (2011) for something different, from both Shannon and the films themselves. I'm not a big fan of this one, personally. <i>How dare you</i> continue to deny it?! Not enough women in RD, too many in DP haha. That's a good point about the chatter and the fact that they were shallow though. Truth be told, I, myself, was probably always pretty shallow in all of those moments, looking more than I was listening. " Also, my criticism of no women was the least of my caviling." It was just the only one that I didn't understand. Again, especially from yourself. I'm not really trying to be in heavy defense of the film or anything. I definitely like it better than most of his. I think I ranked it second, behind PF, in another thread. Then again, I think I also ranked "Death Proof" and "Jackie Brown" as my #3 and #4, which most people seem to not like (especially "Death Proof"). So, what do I know? "... not to mention no females in the main cast." Pardon my French, but what the fuck does this matter? I'm quite surprised at this comment, from you of all people, especially. Aren't you typically against the nonsense of the radical left, or have I mistaken you with another user? If a female (or male) doesn't fit into the plot, why force one?