charliekelly's Replies

There is no "best" when all of your "options" are irrelevant. Because those without authority shouldn't trouble themselves with fake responsibility. The whole thing is a sham. "The vote" is a lie. We have no actual power as citizens. Yet, so many of us spend the majority of our lives emotionally distraught over a real life soap opera. You're just not hearing me, because you're so emotionally invested in your attack on your "enemies". No, she didn't deserve that. As I said earlier, no one does, 13 or 73, male or female, but it's just the way it is and neither you, nor I, can change it. For all we know, Greta just laughs at all of it as she rakes in the money and fame. You shouldn't let it emotionally affect you so much. That's my point. I've yet to read anything where she commented on being emotionally or mentally affected by it. That's part of what makes it so odd when her worshipers insist on being upset for her. Same with Trump's worshipers. All of them. It's very odd. It's very odd to care about someone, that doesn't even know you exist, (and if they did, they still wouldn't care about you or your daily life) to such a degree. I'm not sure how many of you actually care at such a level vs how many of you just enjoy the fight and don't actually care at all about the person/topic at hand. "Mars Extinction", maybe? That was what they found out, IIRC. Then, the ending would let you know that it isn't going to be limited to Mars, as it did. I totally agree (see my reply to modica below). I'm just trying to be realistic about the way the game is played, regardless of age or gender. I'm not referring to her naysayers as "the big leagues", but rather the stage she has put, or found, herself on. That's kind of my point. Name one person in politics, on either side, that society doesn't do this with. It's not right or ideal, I agree, but it is to be expected. Did you mean to reply to me? I was just making a joke about their misspelling of "sun". Their rage has nothing to do with her gender. They just don't agree with her, and especially don't appreciate the tone in which she disagrees with them, so they get nasty. Many of you are just gender obsessed, so you try to make it about that. She's playing in the big leagues, regardless of her age or gender. So, she and her worshipers shouldn't be surprised when she gets the same treatment that everyone else playing in the same political big leagues gets. Think of it like when a girl wants to join her brothers and their friends in the weekly pick-up basketball game. Do they just all of a sudden not play defense and let her score/win at will and ruin their experience because of her age and gender? Seems like inequality, no? If you want to play, be prepared to play. If you're not prepared, sit on the bench and wait until you are, then give 'em hell. I want to make it clear that I have no dog in this (nor the vast majority of other) political race(s). This is just the truth. Well, we can pretend that there is one, or I could admit that I overlooked that part of the instructions haha. Either way. I Saw the Devil (2010) Min-sik Choi - Gotta' have a little Korean in the mix. Oh yeah, you've got me drowning in a pool of unrest, I tell ya'. I'm not conservative enough to not give it a try lol. If it's just more straightwhitemale hate porn though, I'll have to tap out. I did think the show would be more of a topic on MC by now, though, with the way people pick apart things that aren't nearly this direct. Not at all. I think some of the best actors are unattractive. The point of this thread was to discern whether people actually thought she was as attractive as I'd been hearing over the past week or if all of the sudden talk of her attractiveness was politically driven. So, I decided to sort of group her in with the list above ⬆️, to see if it was just personal taste, as FB suggested, or if it was mostly politically driven. I have my answer, that I should have just assumed anyway. Thanks. Oh, so it was partially parody? You definitely puzzle me on this one, Satan. Good points. Probably is just a matter of taste. Isn't almost everything? Wow. Definitely looks like her. No, the purpose of the thread was to discuss whether or not they might favor, not to fail at being funny by making a joke regarding her relevancy. You know damn good and well it would have taken less time to google her than to make your extremely clever comment. I heard about this a few weeks ago. I was wondering when someone would comment on it. Congratulations, flower, you've cast the first line. May the games begin. Off the top of my head: Meryl Streep and anyone she's been in an on screen couple with. Good actress, but... Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling. Now, she isn't bad at all, but even coming from a straight dude... come on. Daine Keaton - same as Meryl, minus Woody. Helena Bonham Carter and Johnny Depp (before he got all... whatever he is now). Tilda Swinton and Tom Hiddleston. Just a few that I've noticed throughout the years, and recently. I wasn't saying that she did. This was in response to everyone all of a sudden saying how hot and sexy she is. I was just curious as to the political/social motivations behind declaring such a statement, because I was, at the time, unaware of who she was, let alone the fact that she was in a SW movie and being "harassed and bullied" online. Now I know most of the boring details, and don't really give a fuck. No one cares about her, either way. She's just trying to advance her own career with victim status and everyone else is just using her as a pawn for their agenda. It's 100% about politics, big surprise.