MovieChat Forums > charliekelly > Replies
charliekelly's Replies
"I think most straight women do not have a preference for just strong women leading the way in tv and film. We enjoy the men too."
Definitely. That's what makes this whole movement so odd. That's what makes it seem like a top-down agenda. Most of "the people" aren't calling for any of this, yet it persists.
If that's the case, I kinda see the show's point, as his acting abilities aren't exactly "top dollar worthy". Ideally, you'd hope that something could be worked out, but you know that the suits will never budge on money, and changing actors mid-show is always a weird thing, but... It's a shame that the show's quality and the fans are, ultimately, the ones that take the brunt of the damage.
Totally agree. I just don't understand why realistic strong women aren't enough. They're all across America, everyday, as are strong men. I understand that there have been larger-than-life male action heroes; your James Bonds, Jason Bournes, etc. But, it's weird to me that in shows/films in this modern movement, basically every single female involved is a Bond or Bourne. And, yeah, sure, this exists with men as well, in things like "The Expendables", but like in that movie, the concept has a sense of humor about itself. It's in on the joke. Although, with these "strong woman" shows and films, we're actually supposed to take it serious. Very serious. And, if you don't, you're an incel, or misogynist, or just an overall bad guy. I'm not sure what the "hot word" insult is for women that feel like we do. I think their opinions may just be swept under the rug.
To me, it seemed more like a projection of what certain groups in modern American society are wanting from modern males. Asking consent before trying to kiss the girl you like, not knowing anything about sex, in fact, being grossed out by the site of sex in porn (yeah, right), etc.
Basically, getting rid of "toxic masculinity", and turning every young man into a pussy and future cuck, primed for mental, emotional, and financial manipulation.
Vapid - it's just letting you know, right out of the gate.
I don't know the man, personally, but it's possible. I don't know if Gimple is riding the "future is female" train or not, but the stupidity of said train is, indeed, undebatable. The orders probably just came from the top down while he was #1 puppet. It's irrelevant, really. Regardless of who makes the call, the political/social agenda is the at the root of it all, as further evidenced by the ridiculousness in last night's episode.
"I wonder the same thing. Surely by now they have had enough flops of these sorts of films to know what really pisses people off. So is it like a political/war strategy where you just keep making the propaganda anyway, kind of like the term "Throw enough shit and some of it will stick" where they get to slowly brainwash people and write off the losses as the price of waging war?"
Yeah, I fear that this may very well be the case. Why else would they continue to knowingly lose money?
With good writing/storytelling obviously not being the main focus, the reasoning behind a forced, unnatural topic such as this has to be one of two things - (1) brainwashing or (2) giving the people what they want, regardless of any realities. Well, the money tells us that these strong woman/white man bad movies aren't exactly giving the people what they want, more times than not. So, what does that leave?
I thought Fanning was great. I completely lost her in that character.
So, this is what "comedy" has become since the whole PC craze took over, huh? Goddamn. I'd just prefer to never hear another "joke" again.
Probably so, because there's also the one scene in the trailer where he's mad at himself for his performance and starts a rant to himself about the number of whiskey sours he had. lol
No, it's just a win-win situation. It's all about the top down agenda. I'm not even sure that they care about making money anymore; not with all films, at least. If it does well, they get to say, "See!? Everyone agrees with us!" If it doesn't do well, they get to say, "See!? It's those misogynistic incels that killed us at the box office. Told you so! Told you THEY were out to get US!"
I'm still uncertain as to whether it's a top down political/social agenda in it's entirety, with the money of it all being mostly irrelevant, or if it's just a sort of fail-safe win-win set up for STRONG WOMAN when her shitty film produces shitty numbers. Either way, it's bullshit just to spread a certain idea. The reason for the spread is, somewhat, still up for debate.
Yeah, definitely. If you just really want to do it, it can definitely be done. I'd recommend at least a day-and-a-half fast and a series of enemas, at minimum. That said, I'm certainly no doctor. There has to be someone better that you can ask.
As for the context in the film though, I'm pretty sure it's talking about the average person that hasn't had any of that done. Rosario's character says something like, "In the heat of the moment...", but I'd have to disagree and still give a resounding "No" to the average untreated asshole.
Helluva first post. Welcome.
Well, I've never been a part of any "A2M", but I have participated in some "A2open air", if you will, and I can confidently say, at that point, it belonged in no one's mouth.
lol exactly. So many don't realize that porn stars go to those great lengths you were talking about. So, they just watch some video and say, "Hey, I'm gonna try that soon."
It's fucking gross. Don't do it.
"From what I have noticed, she always looks bored and as if she would rather be somewhere else."
I've often said that that's what I didn't like about her. I've been told that's just her "anxiety". I'm still on the fence about it, personally.
"Not to mention she is the wrong build (as are the other two) and wrong actress altogether for an action film.
It would be like casting Steve Carell as Rambo."
Man, this exactly. My wife and I were talking about it, and just this morning I said, "It's not because they're women. It'd be just as silly if it were DJ Qualls going 'round the globe, kickin' ass and takin' names."
Gina Carano, Ronda Rousey - women like that are believable. Heck, even actresses like Michelle Rodriguez or Regina King that can look the part.
When men like Qualls, Rowan Atkinson or Leslie Nielsen are cast in these roles, not only are the roles intended to be all-around comedic, their stature and lack of abilities is often the main joke.
Though, for some reason, with these new age female action films, we're supposed to believe it and take it seriously - and I mean SUPER CEREAL - and if you don't, then you are obviously a misogynistic incel that needs to "mansplain" (whatever the fuck that is).
The name now an ironic reflection of the site itself and those involved with it. Wouldn't you love to get your shot with a basket full of rotten Better Boys?
I thought you only ate Moon pies.
Yet, somehow, still not as graphic as the OP.
Wow, nailed it. Don't forget Kevin Hart as Bosley, because even Bosley must be portrayed as silly and small in the presence of such powerful women, whilst still checking the popular black male actor box.
That was true at the time. Now, perhaps you've noticed, even all of the non-white males are pathetic. Not just on this show, but many others. The movement is advancing.