MovieChat Forums > xoxo > Replies

xoxo's Replies

That's what Leftists and the PC crowd love to do. Call anyone a sexist or a racist if thry disagree with them. So stupid. You people are the ones who put race, gender, sexual orientation, etc before what's right. You love to use identity politics and judge people by what they are on the outside, then by their character. Lol you just responded to yourself Yeah it does. You're clearly the one who doesn't understand the term and how it applies to Rey. Oh ok Well a lot of them have problems too Huh? It's not like people bully others for only their looks I wish it was more moderate in terms of political views What's wrong with Trump doing well? Isn't that supposed to be a good thing? :/ It's always bah a PC/SJW agenda?? I don't remember any of the women characters being Mary Sues, the guys being dumbed down, the non white characters being there because of their race, etc. So no, it hasn't had an PC/SJW agenda. Maybe it was political at times, but it didnt go that extreme nor shoved any political agendas on our faces like Disney Star Wars has. Sorry to disappoint, but that's the truth. Also, the new Star Wars is Left wing, if not the far Left. If it was more Moderate, then maybe the characters would be better written, same with the story. Solo was rushed and boring Ok well I think those types of fans are the minority because a lot of us who are boycotting hate the Liberal PC/SJW agenda Disney Star Wars is pushing It was bad, political agenda or not No we're winning because Disney Star Wars is dying No we're winning because Disney Star Wars is dying Aren't they biracial? Lol Yep you're trolling See people like you just don't like to look at proven facts Ah I am, I'm just not PC