MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015) Discussion > Max Landis, the douchebag that all "Mary...

Max Landis, the douchebag that all "Mary Sue" whiners are parroting, regrets saying it.

"It’s very easy to take dumb and horrible shit I said six years ago, and trot it out every time there’s a new article about me," Landis tells Newsweek.

(Actually Max, that was two years ago. He doesn't bring up any other context and this is while talking about Force Awakens, so yeah. Well maybe he's thinking of something else from six years ago, BUT AT LEAST HE ADMITS that he HAS INDEED said "dumb and horrible shit.")


When pressed to do just that, Landis admitted he did regret the now-infamous Force Awakens tweet, but stands by his original sentiment. "I regret framing it that way. I didn’t understand that the term 'Mary Sue' had been co-opted," he said.

(He also still obviously doesn't understand that Mary Sue isn't very effectively applied to magical characters with a power that is constantly being expanded and added to and changed, it's supposed to apply to humans doing impossible and superhuman things.)

(He also still obviously doesn't understand that Luke would also be a major Marty Stu in his logic, with Jedi development that was already considered impossible and miraculous in the Star Wars universe. Taking shortcuts is practically at the heart of Star Wars, turning huge space stations into one-shot-kills that have a built-in tunnel for your convenience, taking down entire Empires by killing one old man, legions of stormtroopers that can't even get close to hitting the heroes even when Luke is standing stationary 30 feet away and Kenobi has already claimed that stormtroopers have good aim, etc. To take "the Force" SO SERIOUSLY in the context of the fantasy universe I just outlined has to be for a good reason... And when a woman is seen as "overpowered" then that's enough reason for a fratboy douchebag to suddenly decide that this fantasy universe has the same hard rules as reality does. If Landis wanted to criticize the realism of Star Wars, he wouldn't be focusing on bashing a female character and applying a gender-specifying term to her... He could have written an entire ESSAY on the inconsistent anti-reality seen all throughout the Star Wars saga, even from the first minutes of A New Hope where one of the biggest logic lapses in movie history occurs and Imperial gunners suddenly forget that non-living intelligent droids exist in their universe, allowing R2 and Threepio to escape Leia's ship... Thus causing the entire original trilogy to be dependent on the unfathomable ignorance of those gunners and their superior)


"I deserve the scrutiny I’m getting," Landis concluded

At least he understands the impact he has.

But Max Landis has been a huge douchebag in more ways that this. He was a douchebag long before he badmouthed Rey and amassed a douchebag parrot fan club.

Don't miss what I added in the replies below. If you're a Max Landis parrot who is triggered by the sight of a strong woman, you'll love his musings on abusing women, and you'd probably also love his crappy movie "Bright" with its garbled non-message about race relations.



Max is a baiting douchebag in other ways, too.

The script, by "Victor Frankenstein's" Max Landis, clumsily makes a mess of racial issues.

"Astoundingly bad in virtually every way ... Max Landis' script — supposedly rewritten heavily by Ayer — turns the whole mess into a parable of discrimination, clumsily evoking troubling moments in race relations both new ('Faerie lives don't matter today') and old (the Rodney King beating) to preach tolerance while somehow doubling down on stereotypes of Latinos and other people of color."

— The Wrap's Todd Gilchrist


"It's rare to see a movie so toxic that it manages to raise multiple red flags before the very first shot, but 'Bright' is a special piece of work. As if the goofy crackle of blue magic that runs through the Netflix logo isn't enough of a warning sign, that gag is followed by a card for a production company called 'Trigger Warning Entertainment.' Just gonna go out on a limb and suggest that these might not be the best people to make a thinly veiled metaphor for America's racial violence that starts with Will Smith swatting a rodent-like garden sprite and declaring that 'Fairy lives don't matter!' Lock and load, snowflakes!"

— Indiewire's David Ehrlich



I know a lot of the parrots may not even know that Landis is the one they're parroting when they blindly repeat something like "Rey is a Mary Sue," since they probably got it second hand, but here's some more info on what kind of person Max Landis is.

And this dates back to 2013, way before Force Awakens, just to keep things nice and clean.

Revised disclaimer: don't click unless you're ready to be disgusted by Landis' musings on chicks who don't orgasm the way he thinks they should and how neat it is to be a single guy in LA surrounded by "unhealthy and anxious" hobags — and even more disgusted by how he thinks he deserves credit for being "real."

Gee, is it any surprise that a guy like this kicked off the "bash Rey for being female" craze that swept across the douchebag landscape?



Lol you just responded to yourself


Max Landis is a hack, why is anyone even paying attention to him


He wants to remake his Dad's "American Werewolf in London" now.

Can you believe this spoiled little shit?


The Mary Sue crowd doesn't want to accept this reality, LOL


Slow day on Facebook is it Spanners?


He was right though, she is a Mary Sue



Yeah it does. You're clearly the one who doesn't understand the term and how it applies to Rey.



She didn't even train. Unlike Anakin and Luke, she all of the sudden knew how to use the force without any training. If that doesn't sound like a Mary Sue, then I don't know what is. Plus it takes years to become a good force user. She was able to use the force in 2 hours, or something like that. It was completely ridiculous.



Sure it does.


More like you have been hate mailing him every day for 3 years :).


Max Landis is an awful writer, but obsessing over him online like you two have a personal relationship is somehow ... worse.


At least he's making a genuine admission. Doesn't hurt that it's getting his name in the media again though.


WOW, Rey is the new textbook-example of a Mary Sue, even more than the original Mary Sue character from "A Trekker's Tale" (1974). LOL

I cannot remember a character in only one story who magically had every ability he needed to look good. Or who was magically better at anything than the pros. Or who got magic hugs, missions, positions and unwarranted attention.I would say that Ma-Rey Sue is the Super-Sue every other Sue and Stu must pray to.

Horrible amateurish fanfic writing, but fanfic writers at least mitigate it by using Mary-Sue checklists.
