Skullomania's Replies

I have a codpiece. So I haven't even torrented any of the new films. She reminds me of Art the Clown. Close Encounters of the Third Kind - Aliens make a man climb a mountain to see their band play then give him a backstage pass. Robocop - Policeman works himself to death for promotion. Prince of Darkness - People find out drinking Fairy Liquid is bad for you. Howl (2015) Sean Pertwee's in it. Lives or dies? Place your bets :D I'll get roped into going because I've went with the same people every Christmas so it's kind of a thing now. I honestly can't be bothered though. Nothing happened at the end of the last film that had me caring what happens in the next one so there's zero anticipation. I think Disney have killed it for me being totally honest. Even when I see SW merchandise now, I kind of look at it in the same way I would Twilight merchandise. I used to be like, STAR WARS STUFF! Now I avoid it. Evil Dead II The Dark Knight This post was deleted because I had lamb chops for lunch. Macbeth You'd have to really love your fish to buy that for them. I love the review from Thw New York Post. Calls it racist and sexist then insults people with tourettes in the same paragraph. SJ at its best. I though this looked bad but will check it out now if twits like that are against it. I watched a second time thinking maybe it wasn't as bad as I remembered. It was 🙈 Evil Dead II The Lost Boys The Crow They Live Dark City The Blob (88) Hellraiser The Fog (80) Creepshow Re-Animator American Werewolf in London Sunshine Equilibrium Rise of the Planet of the Gilbert Grapes. Saving Private The Meg Ryan Cue saxaphone 🎷 Rocky and the Eye of the Tiger (instead of Sinbad) Beowulf. It's not horrible or anything but I remember when I first seen the graphics and thinking that they couldn't get any better and that was the best they'd ever be. Now it just looks like standard cinematic cutscenes from a game. In fact the launch cinematic from The Witcher 3 makes it look like amateur hour. [url][/url] Sun - I love the colours it makes the world. Snow - Always feels great walking in a winter wonderland. Going out on my mtb - I love the freedom. Christmas - It's Christmas. I've never used prefixes vocally. I especially wouldn't nowadays with the crazies saying there are 200 genders and all that bunkum. I'm worried I might give one of them PTSD by getting their prefix wrong. It bothers me more when people are rude to others more than me. I don't hold doors etc. for a payoff, it's just how I was raised but it bugs me when people don't acknowledge someone who is doing them a service (worse if they're thumbing their phone the whole time). That's just pathetic.