MovieChat Forums > Skullomania > Replies
Skullomania's Replies
I have a codpiece. So I haven't even torrented any of the new films.
She reminds me of Art the Clown.
Close Encounters of the Third Kind - Aliens make a man climb a mountain to see their band play then give him a backstage pass.
Robocop - Policeman works himself to death for promotion.
Prince of Darkness - People find out drinking Fairy Liquid is bad for you.
Howl (2015)
Sean Pertwee's in it. Lives or dies? Place your bets :D
I'll get roped into going because I've went with the same people every Christmas so it's kind of a thing now.
I honestly can't be bothered though. Nothing happened at the end of the last film that had me caring what happens in the next one so there's zero anticipation. I think Disney have killed it for me being totally honest. Even when I see SW merchandise now, I kind of look at it in the same way I would Twilight merchandise. I used to be like, STAR WARS STUFF! Now I avoid it.
Evil Dead II
The Dark Knight
This post was deleted because I had lamb chops for lunch.
You'd have to really love your fish to buy that for them.
I love the review from Thw New York Post. Calls it racist and sexist then insults people with tourettes in the same paragraph.
SJ at its best.
I though this looked bad but will check it out now if twits like that are against it.
I watched a second time thinking maybe it wasn't as bad as I remembered. It was 🙈
Evil Dead II
The Lost Boys
The Crow
They Live
Dark City
The Blob (88)
The Fog (80)
American Werewolf in London
Rise of the Planet of the Gilbert Grapes.
Saving Private The Meg Ryan
Cue saxaphone 🎷
Rocky and the Eye of the Tiger (instead of Sinbad)
Beowulf. It's not horrible or anything but I remember when I first seen the graphics and thinking that they couldn't get any better and that was the best they'd ever be.
Now it just looks like standard cinematic cutscenes from a game. In fact the launch cinematic from The Witcher 3 makes it look like amateur hour.
Sun - I love the colours it makes the world.
Snow - Always feels great walking in a winter wonderland.
Going out on my mtb - I love the freedom.
Christmas - It's Christmas.
I've never used prefixes vocally. I especially wouldn't nowadays with the crazies saying there are 200 genders and all that bunkum. I'm worried I might give one of them PTSD by getting their prefix wrong.
It bothers me more when people are rude to others more than me. I don't hold doors etc. for a payoff, it's just how I was raised but it bugs me when people don't acknowledge someone who is doing them a service (worse if they're thumbing their phone the whole time). That's just pathetic.