Are you going to see Episode IX?
I don't think I'm going to. I didn't see Solo and I'm 50/50 on the next one. I'm leaning toward not seeing it.
shareI don't think I'm going to. I didn't see Solo and I'm 50/50 on the next one. I'm leaning toward not seeing it.
shareSure, I'll check it out. I just won't watch TLJ again. Once was enough.
shareNah. I liked TFA but is has been steps downward since then and TLJ & Solo were enough to shake me off the hayride.
Although, if IX gets universally rave reviews (from boards like this, not critics) then I might watch it at home to see. But I no longer care about SW. They ruined it.
You really think there's any chance of IX getting rave reviews on this board??? Even if its the best Star Wars movie ever there will be plenty of people on here saying it sucked. All the movies get pounded on. Even Empire has plenty of threads talking about how overrated it is.
shareSounds like the odds of me seeing the next one are slim indeed.
shareI like JJ, if it was rian Johnson directing no chance, I'll see how I feel when the trailer hits
shareProbably not. If I do, it will be a few weeks after it comes out and decide on the public's reviews of it.
shareyes, opening night
low expectations
I'll get roped into going because I've went with the same people every Christmas so it's kind of a thing now.
I honestly can't be bothered though. Nothing happened at the end of the last film that had me caring what happens in the next one so there's zero anticipation. I think Disney have killed it for me being totally honest. Even when I see SW merchandise now, I kind of look at it in the same way I would Twilight merchandise. I used to be like, STAR WARS STUFF! Now I avoid it.
No ! I am just ignoring the sequel series. I was interested on seeing Force Awakens but the moment i came to know what happens in he film i decided to boycott any Star Wars Disney makes. For me the last image of Star Wars is Luke, Han, Leia, Lando and Force ghosts of Obi wan, Yoda and Vader all together in Return of the Jedi celebration.
shareI'll watch it, but with reservations. It's basically the last chance for Disney. If they fuck it up, I'm done.