Arghhhh's Replies

No amount of bold will make you right Froggy old fellow and if you actually read my comment you'd see it made several separate points to the OP. As for why nobody had any issues with Leia 'tearing down' men it's because - and wait for it because the answer is shocking - it's because she's... Well. Written. She feels *real*, not somebody that's walked out of a bad YA novel. And it's only going to drop. These are people that saw it in the first few weeks - the ones that really wanted to see it. Because that doesn't fit the narrative which is that 'strong' female characters didn't exist prior to 2015. This is then in turn used to excuse Rey (clearly one of the worst characters ever written) - she's 'fixing' a problem. The sad thing for me is that I actually do believe there is a problem - not that there is an absence of good female characters but there's definitely a lack, but here's the thing - Rey in no way fixes that. She just makes it worse! I mean, is she even female? Does she demonstrate any feminine qualities? How would this character be any different if she was a man? All they have done is get a (pretty good it seems) actress to play Luke Skywalker and then remove every weakness and flaw, and what is the result? A terrible character that sinks the film. You see Rey doesn't just spoil 'her bit' of the film, she ruins it for everyone! No one can help her, no one else can exceed her, the bad guys can't beat her, she can't be seen to suffer or fail. I mean, just try writing a story like that and see if it's any good! Pretty much. But here's the thing - I kind of get why they didn't correct the problems. Because TFA grossed 2 Billion, had wall to wall positive coverage and an army of fan bois defending its every flaw. So all I can say is you reap what you sow. Congratu-fucking-lations chumps, welcome to the Star Wars you apparently always wanted where the past is dead and the plot doesn't matter. Wow. So the head of the 'Story group' of one of the most influential film sagas in history has the following writing credits to her name: One episode of "1-800-Missing" and one episode of "Crossing Jordan" Anybody remember these classics from 2003??? This is exactly the problem with discriminatory hiring policies (well aside from the moral issues!) - you don't get the best person for the job. By definition. We can only dream of the Star Wars that could have been made if they'd only chosen people based on ability rather than the topography of their genitals. This. The dollar is the only language they speak. I can't believe how successful TLJ has been after TFA fiasco but at least it seems the message is filtering through now. Do not give them your money. Don't hate watch. Don't go to see IX 4 times before coming to the conclusion it's shit. You know that really is a pathetic point of view, not to mention racist and sexist. I love Japanese cinema and the last time I checked I'm not Japanese. The best film I've watched recently was Hedwig and the Angry Inch and I'm not trans. I'm a big fan of Scandinavian thrillers but I'm not Scandinavian. I have absolutely no need for the films I enjoy to have anything to do with my own life and I'd probably prefer they didn't, given that I tend to experience rather a lot of it as it is. News flash for you Otter - 7/8 of the world *isn't* white... 7/8 of the world is busy making and watching movies about their own culture while also enjoying films from all over the world because they aren't a race/gender/sexuality obsessed bigot like yourself. Maybe there's hope yet? Now all we need is for everyone suckered by JJ 'mystery box' Abrams to give a genuine rating for TFA so that can sink down to live with the likes of Baby Geniuses where it belongs. Yep. And not just pilot it, pull off the most incredible flying we've seen in the entire saga (lining up the broken Lazer to shoot the tie), on her very first time in the cockpit! This movie is an embarrassment to the species. 'it's easier to fool someone than to convince them they've been fooled...' People defended TFA by saying all its plot holes/weaknesses will be fixed by the sequel. And they weren't. And now you think they'll be fixed in the next one!? And if not then, then maybe they will in the new trilogy I suppose? There is nothing to explain. These aren't stories. Ren/Rey aren't characters. They are points plotted on a scattergram that JJ/KK hoped would appeal to the most profitable demographic. We are now almost 5 hours in to this new trilogy and everyone involved has admitted they're just making it up as they're going along. It is ok to admit you were conned. Lied to. Just let it go. And don't let the fuckers bilk you out of any more money. Oh Frog. You and your fan fiction. It makes me wonder why you even bother going to see films when you just make it all up anyway. They're laughing at you, you know? JJ and KK. Having a good old chuckle. Rey is a Mary Sue. Agreed No - he hasn't, and there is nowhere for this story to go. Rey defeats Ren? Big whoop - she's 10^10 times more powerful anyway. Rey turns evil? And risk the wrath of Salon et al? I don't think so. Ren turns good? Well then where's the climax? They build YET ANOTHER FUCKING SUPER WEAPON? Surely even the most deluded Fanboys are not going swallow that. The First Order attack the rebels? All 3 of them? I can't wait honestly. It's going to be a fantastic experimentation in group think and mass delusion. You essentially have thousands of critics that have either sold their soul/lost their minds praising these films to the hilt and you have millions of people desperately trying to convince themselves they're not being sold snake oil. Question is - will the tide break? I think too many people have too much invested in the idea of IX being good. JJ could show three hours of him masturbating with $100 bills and they'd still love it. But here's hoping the hack doesn't get away with a 2nd time. Rey is a Mary Sue. Let me clarify my point a bit. I think the politics have helped in making the new Star Wars shit (but plenty of other reasons too) and in that regard, yes, you're right - the fact they're shit has lost them money. They've made a shitload but I can only imagine how much they would have made if they had been any good. But the politics has also helped them make money by being so very Current Year (getting them a free pass from the 'critics' for example). I think this is a short term thing though as they are rapidly burning through the good will of the fans. As for Ghostbusters its planned sequel is no more due to it's performance and the Marvel SJW comics seems to be getting cancelled now as they're not making money. I guess my main point is you're giving them too much credit by implying they value politics over money. They value money, that's it, and if Fascism was the in thing right now I guarantee you the heroes would all be tuetonic blue eyed blondes. But the pendulum is swinging back. The awful RT score, the huge drop off in sales, the countless articles and Youtube clips of people just dismantling these films.... It'll take a few more years but reality usually wins in the end. Just a shame SW will be dead by then but fuck it - they can never take the OT away. Because he wasn't. KK (2/3rds of the way to 'KKK' - makes you think) has an average of 2.3 director/writer firings PER movie. It's pretty clear whose vision we're seeing on screen. Not quite I think. It's been bought to sell and make money and they're using the current politics de jour to help them do that. Make no mistake - Disney would not insert ANY kind of politics if they thought it would jeopardise their bottom line. As we've seen, the identity politics that has infested Nu Star Wars has been very successful at making them money... and all those glowing articles from the click bate cum rags of the internet's waste paper bin (Salon, Huff Po, etc) have helped inoculate the films against bad reviews. "You think Rey's a shit character with zero interesting aspects? Misogynist!". Your new SW film getting low user ratings? It's Alt Right trolls! Well I'd say people *do* get obsessed over these things - Batman/superman/LoTR etc. But as for StarWars it pretty much invented the modern blockbuster (for better or worst) while simultaneously being incredibly hard to imitate. Think about it - what else exists that is like Star Wars? Krull? Battle beyond the Stars? Many have tried to imitate SW but they've all pretty much failed because when you think about it it's actually weird as fuck. It's a strange mix of old/new fantasy, scifi and fairy-tail. It manages the almost impossible of creating a timeless far away world that also feels accessible. Some people are now trying to slag it off as some kind of insane way to defend this new abomination of a trilogy ("oh, so you think TFA/TLJ is shit, well Star Wars was always shit! Check mate haters!") - but it remains a classic and its unique mixture of time/place/story & feel has never been captured since 1983. I think you're possibly right, but yeah, it's not proof. I do think that RLM helped define the prequels as being the 'worst things ever' so when it came time to make a sequel all they bothered doing was to NOT make it like the Phantom Menace. "Don't make it good, just make it not like this thing" is not a good way to make movies, as we've seen...