Thanks to Bubbathegut: Luke is a huge Gary Stu, and it's apparently completely allowed.
I wouldn't have ever bothered posting this, but Bubba threw down the gauntlet and he made me realize just how huge of a Gary Stu we have in Luke. I don't even have to mix in a few dishonest and completely incorrect points in order to make my case, like Bubba did.
-Leia cares so much about comforting poor Luke over missing Ben, a man he knew for a day or maybe two, that she doesn't even care to mourn her entire dead family and the genocide of the planet she called home. Let's not forget that Leia only just met Luke, too!
-An old Jedi Master lays down his life just so Luke won't SLOW DOWN! He didn't sacrifice himself to save lives, he literally did it so Luke would leave.
-Luke gets to be promoted to pilot over other experienced Rebels even though he'd never flown an X-Wing. No one has even seen him fly ANYTHING at all! It doesn't matter because everyone just KNOWS that Luke is the all-important one!
-Luke puts the lives of the entire Rebellion at risk by turning off his targeting computer just to try out this new Force thing he heard about recently.
Luke gets to be the big ultimate hero just because he's Luke and he has magical powers.
Yeah, it's Star Wars, it's fantasy. The main character is literally magical. I get that, some people don't. Some people take it too seriously and start bashing female characters like crazy because they have an agenda (and yes, I mean more female characters than just Rey).
Don't blame me for trying to talk sense. The only thing needed for evil to flourish is for good people to remain silent.