MovieChat Forums > kuku > Replies
kuku's Replies
I don't think they're paid, beyond their own salary, I mean.
It's more like this is a political/religious topic, since the movie is promoted as openly woke (as Black Panther or Captain Marvel). Media companies are heavily politicized these days. Critics know that they must follow the memo or they risk losing their jobs.
It's not somebody paying them some 'extra' money. It's more like them critics saying what's expected from them to keep their jobs.
For what I got from the RedLetterMedia (which is quite long, but very interesting, more than the episodes themselves for sure), it's starting light woke (though wokeness can be turned up later on during the season, that's becoming a common trend), but the main problem is that the script is total non-sense.
I think the key factor should include age difference, and not only age. A 17 years old fucking a 14 years old shouldn't be a sex offender, a 50s years old should be.
I hope that's a parody and you're not considering it, not even remotely.
It's a tax on property, dressed as an environmental license.
That's common in many countries. You create lots of small taxes belonging to completely different sides of bureaucracy (this case, it's not even a tax, but a license fee). That way, you can sell the public that you're only taxing 100, when you're really taxing more once you add all those fees.
I hate it, not only because it overcomplicates and hides taxes, but because they often prey on easy targets and their own complexity leads to create harmful incentives. That case, for example, you're taxing the people that take care of environment, and what you incentive is neglecting it.
That means that no matter how hard you work, you will never have anything but what you inherited from your family. The main way to gather wealth is to inherit or marry it.
That already existed centuries ago. It's called '<b>Aristocracy</b>'. Star Trek has gone from Classic Liberalism to Modern Woke Neo-aristocratic system.
If Roddenberry could see what they're doing with his franchise...
Sorry for the delay.
Nope, I don't. The story is kind of similar, though different. A broken home too, and me promising myself that I'd make it right. A very good friend of mine who collaborated with charity for years told me once that there were two kind of people coming from broken homes: abusers (sadly, the most frequent outcome) and people who try really hard to make it right, sometimes too much. There's no middle point.
In my case, most relationships didn't work very well, and it took me quite a while (a long while) to find the problem. I'm a kind of bohemian character, however, to make it right, I used to take relationships very seriously. That seems contradictory, and every girlfriend interpreted as me being dependent. By the time they realized I wasn't and decided to take the relation seriously, I was burnt out and had moved on emotionally. And rinse and repeat. It was nobody's fault, but as the proverb says, hell is filled with good intentions.
1) The Intern (2015)
2. On Golden Pond (81)
3) Memoir of a Murderer (2017)
4) The Straight Story (1999)
5) Cocoon (1985)
6. Dirty Grandpa (2016)
7. The Bucket List (2007)
8. Calendar Girls (2003)
9) Everybody's Fine (2009)
10. Amour (2012)
• <i>starting in the school system, where black kids are something like near twice as likely to be suspended/expelled than their white counterparts for similar disciplinary issues</i>
That can have an easy explanation: in school the ones that are often suspended or expelled are the repeat offenders. Providing only data about whether the disciplinary issues were similar, and not whether the historical of offenses were similar, that's insufficient data. Probably <i>interested</i> insufficient data.
• <i>The ability to overlook so much data</i>
Yeap, so much, as the one before. You had "lots" to choose from, and still you couldn't find something that couldn't be explained easily.
• <i>But my point is that a white person absolutely cannot claim in good faith that there's no such thing as white privilege</i>
I call that bullshit. What you call 'privilege' is 99.9% of times white people working hard, collaborating, and being civilized... and of course, harvesting it. Black community treat their streets as a dumpster, and then say that living in a nice place is "white privilege". It's not some magical 'privilege'. It's just that white people dont shit in their neighborhoods.
1. To Live And Die In L.A. (1985)
2. Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987)
3. Warlock (1989)
4. Baby Driver 2017
5. Tank (1984)
6. Groundhog Day 1993
7. Ronin (1998)
8. Men In Black (1997)
9. Borrowers (1997)
10. Stepbrothers (2008)
11. Road House (1989) -
12. The Bourne Identity (2002)
<blockquote>Wow, angry much? Is it so hard for you to accept that some men wanted to go to war? That "duty" was not the only reason to do it for everybody? [...] some men went to war for personal reasons, like they believed that that could prove their manliness</blockquote>
The problem is that this is a <b>MYTH</b> created by modern woke feminist narrative.
There's an easy way to check whether what you say is or isn't true. One thing that was studied decades ago was <i>how willing were soldiers to kill</i>. If what you say is true, there would be quite a few men willing to kill to prove their manliness.
Let's check.
Here you have a video about the topic:
It was found that very few men were willing to kill. And the common element among those men was that they felt responsible and obligated to protect. There was actually a very frequent (and surprising) shared element: many of them were older siblings that had to take care of the younger ones before the war.
So, nope. The 'brute male willing to kill' is actually a fake feminist propaganda. Most men, at least in western countries, weren't willing to kill unless they had to do so to protect their ones.
I think that's a bit inflated. My guess, $90-$100m OW.
Fully agree with him, as usual.
With regard to the banning of period dramas in the BBC, I think it's because London is not British anymore. You don't see Nigeria making British period dramas, because it's not their history.
British history is not the history of modern London (or BBC, for what matters). it's a different society, a different culture. Different people. <b>It's not their history, not anymore</b>.
In my opinion, the four best acting in the trilogy were Michael Caine, Ledger, Morgan Freeman and Gary Oldman. They stole their scenes.
Damn, you had guys like Liam Neeson or Tom Hardy, or Rutger Hauer, who are bloody good actors, and they were completely overshadowed.
<i>You are a nasty piece of work.</i>
It seems I hit the nail on the head.
Morgan Freeman already did a wonderful job with Nolan. Modern Hollywood is often about "scoring" virtue points, and you can't score what was already scored.
Nope, you don't. Perhaps you like to fuck them, but that's a different story. Slave owners liked to fuck their slaves, that doesn't mean they liked them.
I agree. But if he was white in the original source, chances are they would have blackwashed him by now.
<blockquote>You know I wouldn’t have noticed or cared about this but since it gets right up your nose I’m pretty happy about it</blockquote>
I have no doubts about it. The hate towards western whites males has become widespread.