MovieChat Forums > imjustasking > Replies
imjustasking's Replies
Yes, it spoke for itself. I thought the movie was strange with no commentary. I kept thinking maybe the second half of the docu would present the opposite take on things. But with the lady coming out of the car wash at the end---and it opening up for her, like they always do---made me think of it as symbolic, like the 'parting' of the Red Sea. She probably thought it was god opening up the car wash for her to go talk to a burning bush.
Totally agree.Get off the fence you "agnostics".
Gibberish,really. The adults were doing it. It's is in 'Religulous' also(a man wears a suit in a desperate attempt to legitimise it).I forgot the technical term for it.It's supposedly the lord speaking through you in a tongue you don't understand.Some religious zealots practice for hours just to dumbfound you and throw you off balance, thinking there might actually be something behind it. There's not. Great question.
I'm very surprised at the negativity toward this movie also.I really liked it.This was so refreshing for this day & age,considering what's out there.But I'm not new to the scene, digesting anything the contemporaries throw at me.I watch stuff from approx.the 50's till current times. No superheroes, dumb comedies,or women trying to be men.At least not for me.I give it an 8/10.
Thanks.Finally a centered voice of reason.
Love your comment!
Scott,I agree with your comment about Amadeus.All the music (being a musician also) was an attempt to add grandeur and make the overly-long film justifiable. It ended up steamrolling over the plot---making the story itself secondary. Those who can't understand think you want to take ALL of the music out(oversimplified thinking).Like if the music was removed we'd forget it was about a composer(2 actually) AND his music.Pearls before swine.
I thought Silence O T Lambs also.Young,female newbie. How did you get your scar.I was waiting Spader to say"Quid Pro Quo, Starling"
Funny! Thanks for the laugh!
I agree.Something about her makes her smoking hot but I just can't put my finger in it.
I agree.Something about her makes her smoking hot but I just can't put my finger in it.
I agree.Something about her makes her smoking hot but I just can't put my finger in it.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and this beholder thinks she's on fire!
Nice to see some informed people out there.I agree.
Funny and horrifically true.
That was Katy Mixon and she appeared in a few episodes of 2 & 1/2 men as "Betsy" near the final season.She meets Charlie in a church. That was before she gained that weight(she was voluptuous and hot). I noticed her name in the opening credits and watched for her.Cute as a botton.
It was enjoyable but it did have flaws.Like the bedroom scene when he kissed his dead wife---uh.Kari Wuhrer looked great as did Lucinda Jenney.The plot was super.I bought the dvd even when I still had the VHS.I'd give it a 7.5.
I didn't understand that either.I thought she just slapped her but Patsey cried out like it was something much more.And what happened to Eliza? Good movie as a whole but those sloppy missing pieces make it less than a great movie.
That is a copout,I agree. Too many movies display images that can be taken as reality OR fantasy(especially now with modern special effects) so it eliminates the need to make a valid plot.Sloppy and lazy.
Yes,a recurring theme in many war movies,repeating repulsive behaviors that go beyond rational thinking.