MovieChat Forums > Ranb > Replies

Ranb's Replies

Trump is all about Americans as long as those Americans are himself. Trump will even screw over family if they piss him off. If trump wanted everything to help America, then he would have not delayed meaningful action on the pandemic instead of claiming it would just go away like a miracle. But since Trump has access to the best medical care money (taxpayer money when he was potus) can buy, it's not like he really gives a damn about anyone else. Surely you understand that it is illegal for the police to just murder someone after they arrest them? I think you would be singing a different tune if the police were kneeling on your back. Yes, I'm going to lose bad next year as the GOP will still continue to be divided. Congress will be divided and will not make much progress on important issues. I'm a registered voter, not registered with any certain party. Does not work that way in my state. The last GOP presidential candidate I voted for was Romney. You are correct, the GOP in it's current form is the one we have now; and they are losing. Trump is trying to burn the country to the ground while squeezing it for all he can to line his own pockets. I'm not GOP or Democrat. I vote on the issues, not the party line. Gun control freak Trump will never have my vote. Most of the voter fraud has been linked to GOP voters. If the GOP adds guns rights (no more gun grabs like bump stocks) and universal health care to their platform, then they will have a chance in 2024. Trump is dividing the GOP; there are now two kinds of republicans, those who kiss Trump's ass and those with some common sense. Until Trump fades away, the democrats will keep on winning. Tom Cruise owns the P-51 fighter in the poster. He is rich and enjoys flying. Just because there are freaks that fly any kind of flag be it feminism, chauvinism, CSA, etc does not mean the true meaning of the word is distorted. A person can identify as a feminist without beinging a freak. Trouble is you think anyone who is a feminist is deranged just for thinking the sexes can all be treated like human beings. If you're a scientist, then why did you fall for these claims in Sibrel's video? They (USSR) had logged 500% more hours in space than the USA; only true until 1965. Had the unmanned Soviet lander not crashed it would have brought back the first moon rock. Press coverage of NASA activities is entirely government controlled. The Van Allen Radiation Belts extend from 1000 to 25000 miles above the Earth surface. Every space mission with humans on board except for Apollo remained below the VAB. Solid lead shielding is required to travel through the VAB. The Saturn V rocket can't lift off with lead shielding installed. The Apollo spacecrafts shielding was less than 1/8 inch of aluminum. JFK set the IRREVOCABLE goal of landing a man on the moon by the end of the 1960's after the first American astronaut spent 5 minutes in space. The technology required to launch the Saturn V rocket and an ICBM is 95% similar. The Soviets put the first animal in space. The sole goal of Apollo was to be the first to plant a flag on the moon. Building the first atomic bomb did not involved secrets getting out. NASA launched the TETR satellite to simulate flight data coming from the moon. That video is dirt. Anyone who presents this is evidence of a hoax really needs to re-examine their reasoning skills. Sibrel must think that the people viewing this video are complete morons if they are expected to believe the crap he is shoveling. Here is my response to Sibrel's garbage. The reason has not changed since the first episode. Leonard believes that their children will smart and beautiful. The fantasy eventually became a reality. So it has to be propaganda and not entertainment for entertainment's sake? I defined revisionist as; someone who tries to change existing beliefs about how events happened or what their importance or meaning is. It doesn't. But it is revisionist just as Inglorious Basterds is. If you read the book that Apollo 13 is based on (Lovell's Lost Moon), you see that it is a pale imitation of a film in comparison. Everything you claimed is wrong and stupid. Armstrong did not test the lunar module on Earth as it was not capable of operating in our atmosphere. Instead he flew (and crashed once) the Lunar Landing Research Vehicle. Armstrong landed in the wrong spot, several miles long. Collins in the CM never saw their landing site. The crew had a 16mm film camera in the LM to record their landing and the activities outside of the LM. The landing was not perfect. Armstrong took manual control after seeing that the LM was headed for a rocky area. He came close to running out of fuel. I call BS on the stupid "facts" you made up even though you have no reason to believe they are true. There are 21st century productions of the Apollo program that still depict events as they happened, not as you think they would be written. First Man is an example. None of the astronauts were depicted as non-white. You're grasping at straws and coming up short. One of the nice things about having a common language is the ability to communicate. From the dictionary; Definition of feminism : belief in and advocacy of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes expressed especially through organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests If feminism is not about equality of the sexes, then what is it? I think most people would be satisfied to be thought of as smart, educated, caring, tolerant and peaceful. Do you think this is liberal propaganda because you are anything but smart, tolerant and educated? It was made quite clear that it was only a few soldiers who were nuts. So Louise is a liberal because she mistakenly thinks she is "thoughtful, intelligent, peaceful and cares deeply about life"? Were the soldiers who planted the bomb in the alien spacecraft also liberals? Or were they deranged individuals who were influenced by a wackjob Alex Jones type talk show host? Opaz says Louise was liberal, but gives no reason that she might be. Was there anything in the film that indicated she was liberal? Was she liberal because she did not abort her baby? Probably not a good reason to think so. Adams was raised as a Mormon, probably not a liberal upbringing.