MovieChat Forums > First Man (2018) Discussion > lunar module earth test crash

lunar module earth test crash

All we know for certain is that when Armstrong tested the module on earth, it crashed and he nearly died. Yet when landing on the moon, on the exact place determined- with pre flown cameras to film the event, the landing was perfect... As if it was lowered down by a rope... I call BS on the moon landings, it did not happen.


Everything you claimed is wrong and stupid.

Armstrong did not test the lunar module on Earth as it was not capable of operating in our atmosphere. Instead he flew (and crashed once) the Lunar Landing Research Vehicle.

Armstrong landed in the wrong spot, several miles long. Collins in the CM never saw their landing site.

The crew had a 16mm film camera in the LM to record their landing and the activities outside of the LM.

The landing was not perfect. Armstrong took manual control after seeing that the LM was headed for a rocky area. He came close to running out of fuel.

I call BS on the stupid "facts" you made up even though you have no reason to believe they are true.


Why did you waste your time replying? The OP would have been doing the equivalent of fingers in ears and LALALA when they saw your post.


Because it is useful to repeat facts from time to time even when no one is listening.


There are other people on this forum who prefer that someone like Poopsey1 do their thinking for them. I normally do not let lies like his go unchallenged.


...and don't forget those famous 1201 and 1202 alarms going off. Buzz breaking the circuit breaker that operated the LM ascent engine. A lot went wrong.


Yes. One of the best places to counter BS claims like those made by Poopsey1 is It is run by a former Apollo denier, who has since seen the light, hence the name.

It is frequented by engineers, a few scientists, photographers and a bunch of layperson like myself. Occasionally a hoax proponent will show up and make unsupported claims, which are promptly ripped to shreds by others. It has been a long time since I saw anything original.

Sometimes one of the resident "brains" will make a mistake and it is jumped on by the other members, but not in a mean way as most people sometimes make mistakes. I mostly lurk there and learn from others.


I'll check it out! Thanks.
Have you ever read "Apollo, race to the moon," by Charles Murray & Catherine Cox. think it's the best book out there.


Thanks, I'll check it out.
