MovieChat Forums > Ranb > Replies
Ranb's Replies
Well no shit sherlock. What has that got to do with the likes of David Duke?
If he was awesome, then Fox News lawyers would not have successfully argued that Carlson is a known liar that no one takes seriously, in order to win a libel case in court.
Carlson acts like his audience is just that stupid.
If the USA succeeds in any way at all, it will not be due to the efforts of turds like Duke.
If you refuse to back up your claims, then you are a irrelevent. Calling me a troll and refusing to refute my claims just makes you coward.
Yes, 2017. But Carlson actually said these things.
Carlson panders to his sexist, flakey and racist audience. This means money for the Fox Network. The reins will not be pulled until he stops drawing in the money.
I'm fairly certain I've already complained about African colonialism by European powers. That resulted in lots of white people moving there to exploit its people and resources.
The wall is an example of Trump doing something he said he would do? That is one of the most stupid things I've read here in a while. Trump said he would build the wall and make Mexico pay for it. The Trump administration managed to build 80 new miles of wall; Mexico did not pay. He did manage to improve parts of pre-existing wall though.
Trump left a long list of promises unfulfilled.
Bragged covid would go away.
Said he would be too busy to play golf.
Repeal the ACA and replace it with something better.
Failed to bring corp tax down to 15%
Bragged he would make the economy grow, it stalled instead.
He left our troops in Afghanistan for Biden to screw up.
He went back on his promise to put Clinton in prison as soon as he was elected.
He failed to block all muslims from entering the country.
No real progress on national debt.
He failed to make a dent in the illegal immigration population here.
He only got $21 billion of the $1.5 trillion promised for infrastructure development.
He did not re-instate torture of terrorists.
This is only a tiny part of the long list of promises Trump made and has not kept. Trump's legacy will be that of a proud rapist and insurrectionist who avoided responsibility for anything.
Seldon (of the +20,000 years in the future) was not well received on Trantor. The book does not go into any detail at all about skin color vs intelligence. Cultural identity was examined in more detail in the prequels though.
So which shade of brown did you want for the series?
David Duke is a turd. I have never had a problem with determining who I am. I don't need crap like Duke advocating for my skin color.
Are you saying that Trump is good because Biden is bad? I'm just fine with you calling Biden bad; nothing Biden does will ever make Trump a good guy.
Bump stocks were not illegal until Trump directed the DOJ to amend 27CFR to define them as machine guns. The ATF during the Obama administration repeatedly said that bumps stocks without a spring to assist in the back and forth motion of the action were legal. Previously the Bush administration defined a bump stock called the Atkin Accelerator to be a machine gun. The ATF tracked down the owners and told them to surrender or destroy the spring that was in it.
The CFR made it clear that it is the bump stock that is the machine gun, all by itself. Back in 2018 Trump said he would ban bump stocks and he did so. Trump wanted his own gun grab and got it. Here is the final rule for anyone who wants to read it.
The new rule says in part; "The Department of Justice is amending the regulations of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) to clarify that bump stock-type devices—meaning ‘‘bump fire’’ stocks, slide-fire devices, and devices with certain similar characteristics—are ‘‘machineguns’’ as defined by the National Firearms Act of 1934 and the Gun Control Act of 1968...."
So far, of the many people I've talked to about this, it is only the Trump supporters who deny that bump stocks are machine guns or that Trump is not a gun grabber. When I ask if Trump was lying when he called bump stocks machine guns, I never get a rational answer.
Obama was anti-gun, to the core. Compared to Obama, Trump is a gun grabbing commie.
Is David Duke great for being a felon who de-frauded his followers? The guy who wrote a self help book for women advocating adultery?
Really? A FEW bad apples? There were four dirty cops at the scene that day. Chauvin who murdered Floyd and the other three that let it happen and abetted the murder. If 100% of the police that showed up at the scene that day were dirty cops, how many others are their in the Minneapolis PD?
Recall the name John Balcerzak? He was one of officers fired for handing over an injured child to serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer even though bystanders told them that the boy was in danger. If the police had done their job that day, Dahmer would have been stopped earlier.
It was not just Balcerzak that was dirty. The judge that had him re-instated was filth too. To make maters worse, Balcerzak had the support of the majority of the department he worked for. He was elected president of the Milwaukee Police Association by a majority of his peers. What does it say that so many police officers wanted that kind of filth representing them?
Surely you're not that clueless? Why is it that almost everyone else knows that the police sometimes kill people who are not a threat and not career criminals?
Daniel Shaver was murdered by a police officer as he lay on the floor crying and begging not to be shot. He was attempting to comply with conflicting orders when he was killed.
Take a look at swatting deaths in this country then tell me that these people had i coming to them.
So you're okay with "gun-grabbing, SOB who did not deserve the GOP nomination in 2020"?
Most Trump supporters I talk to try to deny that Trump classified bump stocks (just the stock, not the gun it's attached to) as contraband machine guns so that he could have them seized or destroyed without compensation.
I keep seeing people throwing around the word "woke" as another way of expressing their sexist and racist feelings. What are you using woke to describe?
I don't. I was asking you a direct question. Why are you evading an answer? What makes you so immune from police violence?
You could be the next Daniel Shaver who finds himself confronted by police whose motto is "You're Fucked".
What countries are you talking about? Are all actors just whores to you?
How long until they decide to shoot you in the head then?