MovieChat Forums > Ranb > Replies

Ranb's Replies

People keep on trying to justify Rittenhouse's shooting by saying he shot bad men. It is either self defense or murder no matter who he shot. Anyway, the verdict was "not guilty". That is a stupid thing to say unless you are the one who plans on killing them. It is extremely rare that any juror is assaulted after a verdict. Self defense or not, he was the only one shooting people. Lunatic pedophiles are normally not handed a death sentence just for being pedophiles. Well, no. If Rittenhouse was unarmed, then it is likely no one would ever know his name. Rittenhouse was the only person shooting/wounding/killing people that night Blow your brains out in such a target rich environment? If we had to depend upon people like that to survive, humans would go extinct. :) When will you figure out that these men are not on trial for "asking", but for killing someone? What in these videos, makes it okay, to run down and kill a non-violent jogger? The three men are on trial for murder, not talking. Surely you understand the difference. Arbury ran and ran and ran. when he could not anymore, he defended himself against a man branding a shotgun near him. Pillars of society do not chase non-violent people down with a truck then blow them away. He didn't think Arbury was armed unless he actually saw a weapon. What he actually did was imagine Arbury was armed. That is a huge difference. The three men are stupid for recording their crime and showing it to others. The phrase, "the stupid shall be punished" seems to be tailor made for these violent fools. If you don't think Arbury had the right to attack an armed man who chased him on the road with a vehicle, then you should be able to show a link to the GA law that says this. If not, then you're just assuming anyone reading your crap is an idiot. No one should be stupid enough to trust any armed person who is chasing them down the road. Why should we believe your claim that Arbury is that stupid? It like you're trying to convince us that the McMichaels were actually Mother Teresa and not murdering SOBs. If the McMichaels had evidence that Arbury was doing something so bad they needed to chase him, then why were they not talking to the police days before they decided to kill him? I'll tell you why. They probably wanted to kill a black man, make video of it and enjoy watching it for the rest of their lives. Yes, you can argue that going for the gun is stupid. Would you say the same thing if you were put in the exact same situation as Arbury? So the ability to run for hours depends upon if you are aged 25 or not? This has got to be one of the stupidest things I've ever read. Perhaps you understand that running for hours is what marathon runners do? What percentage of 25 year old men do you think can run for hours? Are you saying that the McMichaels knew Arbury's criminal history, so GA law made it legal to just blow him away? Is so, then this is another stupid claim. No, the corrupt local cops decided to let the McMichaels slide on their bogus claim that they were making a legal citizen's arrest. After they were called on their BS, other law enforcement got involved and arrested them after their snuff video was posted online. So what? You changed the scenario to armed men coming up to you instead of chasing you. Do you see how that is different? An area does not have to be infested with klan for a person to find themselves threatened by murderous racists. Arbury found that out. The thing is, the McMichaels would not be on trial if they decided to behave like decent human being. Instead they decided to chase a man down on the street then blow him away when he justly tried to defend himself. It is not legal to kill a person just because you think they did something wrong and they don't kiss your ass after your chase them on the street. Just about everyone on the planet understands this, why don't you? Trump says he can, is Trump a liar or not? Questionable does not always mean fraudulent. Perhaps some people are too stupid to know how bar coded ballots and scanners work? Don't you remember that Trump was crying like a baby when he lost the popular vote? He was crying fraud all the time even though he had proof of nothing. So was Trump lying when he claimed the constitution gave him the power to do anything he wanted? So you were accosted after a lengthy car chase while you were on foot trying to avoid armed people? The facts are that the McMichaels did not witness Arbury committing any crimes that night so they had no legal reason to chase him down. Arbury had every right in the world to attack a man who brandished a shotgun after chasing him in a vehicle. Not wanting a creep in the area is not a moral or legal reason to do what the McMichaels did. Of course Arbury was gong for the gun. What does any sane person do after they have been chased down by armed men? You defend yourself. How is it that you don't understand that Arbury had every right to defend himself against those armed men who chased him down? How do you know Arbury was able to keep on running away? Exactly how would you "sort things out" in the presence of anyone who chased you down in a truck and is armed with a shotgun and willing to kill you? Really? It was obvious to the most casual observer that the police were unwilling to do anything at all about the McMichaels killing Arbury even after the snuff video was published online. It seems that the McMichaels just damn well knew they would not get in trouble for murdering a black man and bragging about it by making a video of it. It was police other than the locals who decided that this death was worth investigating. He bragged. It was stupid to do so because the constitution clearly outlines what the president's powers are. The president's powers are not "anything Trump wants to do". If Graves posted a lot of info about fraud, then why do the courts (including Trump appointed judges) think is is BS? So evidence all by itself causes what to happen? Unless the court decides that there was criminal activity, then evidence by itself is meaningless. Because Trump didn't want any investigation as president of either election. How is it you don't understand this? Trump repeatedly bragged he could do anything as president. Turns out he did not want to investigate the election properly. No one has ever been able to show evidence of widespread fraud that would pass muster in any court. Pence certified the electoral vote. It is done, fraud or no fraud. Instead of making of BS claims, show us the law that says Trump can be "re-instated". Then millions of people are idiots for not understanding what the line of succession is.