Tulsanoodles's Replies

You saw the prequel trilogy. Are you old enough to remember the decade when liking Star Wars was an embarrassment because the "genius" behind the universe was making cringe-worthy prequels. Has all that been forgiven and forgotten now that there is a big-bad corporation giving hundreds of millions of dollars to a variety of different directors to tell their stories within the framework of that universe. I assumed anyone on a film board would no about Altman and Eastwood's films and their portrayals of "heroes" to not require a detailed thesis in a post. I was apparently mistaken. It would be kind of hard for Lucas, who I haven't respected for decades or read anything about since he sold the rights to the films he so poorly made, to give me the sads anymore than he did with the prequels. Save your debate games for the trolls. I'd be happy to expound on Johnson's choices for anyone sincerely interested. You are just deflecting because I called you out on your shallow name calling. So if you are now ready to engage in a dialogue show your good-faith by expounding on my misconceptions or apologize for your dismissive post. Funny you didn't feel compelled to to address the actual content and instead just nit picked spelling and dismissively mentioned misconceptions you chose not to elaborate on. Sorry you have the sads about not getting the Star Wars movie you wanted. Old enough to have seen Star Wars multiple times in the theater before it was a chapter called A New Hope. I adore the Last Jedi and it shrugging off the antiquated "hero's" journey that has become toxic in so many people including the current "esteemed leader" of the US and his legion of minion-deplorables. I'd been suspicious of the "genius" of Lucas after Empire Strikes Back was such a marked improvement and gave up on Lucas and the Star Wars universe after Phantom Menace. Force Awakens and the Last Jedi have brought me back and I'm thrilled to see something interesting come of the characters and world that had been slowly suffocated by Lucas' narcissism. I hope Warner Brothers can do likewise with the DC comics universe now that it is freed from Zack Snyder, but WB is no Disney when it comes to bravely turning tent poles over to fresh voices. The Hobbit and Harry Potter are proof of that.