MovieChat Forums > Tulsanoodles > Replies
Tulsanoodles's Replies
I hope he brings Solo and Akbarr with him
What's trollish is claiming you have knowledge that is nothing more than speculation and opinion. Disney certainly had a release schedule plan, they hired directors and screenwriters for something. Disney clearly plans Marvel films. PIXAR doesn't seem to be running off the cuff. Why would you assume that Disney has no plan based on your disappointment? Maybe the plan is not to have a plan and let the directors realize their visions and Kennedy's vision.
I don't know and I don't care but I'm not going to invest time and energy second guessing people and processes I know nothing about. And I am going to let those who do know, I think they are fools.
I'm not the one claiming to know.
He'll probably just stand and glow while ewoks sing and dance.
I didn't realize you were Kennedy or part of Disney's development team. My apologies.
Like it or don't. But don't pretend you know anything about me. Some logic, yo.
I'm sure you are right. It's not like Disney has shown itself to be be a studio that plans ahead for it's franchises and successfully executes those plans. I much prefer Warner Brothers who gave us the uninspired Harry Potter filmed novels and the visionary DC universe that now only exists because a lone talented director came along and made a good Wonder Woman movie.
Having your psychic abilities confirmed after five years must be very gratifying. Maybe you could try not to sound so pathetic even if it's just for appearances sake.
Non-conformists who like billion dollar making Hollywood franchise films? Talk about just farting out the first thing that goes through your head.
The movie triggered my castration anxieties.
Po and Finn's reckless plan didn't save Mom (Leia) and the babysitter ( Hodo). Leia had to firmly but gently tell them to grow up.
Luke tossed his light saber (penis) aside and let a girl have it. And she's not even a girl born from royalty or the spawn of heroes, just a random girl with determination...and she's really good with a light saber.
Dad (yoda) showed up and mocked Luke for being weak and a coward. I felt bad for him.
When Finn tries to sacrifice himself and die like a hero, a girl driver hits him and firmly but gently explains that dying to kill your enemies is not as valuable as living to fight for the things you love. Finn really wanted to be a heroic suicide. I felt bad for him that he failed.
A little stable boy may grow up to be the King of Kings but I'm only going be entertained and reassured if he is a violent samurai, cowboy, smuggler or trigger happy jet pilot.
You really should give up on trying to mind read others. I'm sure you have legitimate talents but ESP is not one of them. You don't anything more about me than you do Trevorrow.
I will be disappointed if Benicio Del Toro isn't in chapter nine. I believe he has a bigger role to play. Otherwise, you are right. It was just a pointless cameo.
I would disagree on Snoke's death. I understand that it subverted expectations set by TFA but I see it as thematically significant. Johnson is definitely rejecting the notion of a super-powered evil that requires a hero to destroy and instead portraying evil as more insidious and petty that is better handled communally through teamwork and inclusion even of those tempted by the dark side.
Nothing speculative about that. Pure, objective knowledge and alternative facts worthy of a Trump tweet. In other words, "we know" nothing more than we did before.
Care to cite your source? You know it hasn't been released in China yet? Was TFA at this point in its release?
Are you going to bait every response I make on this board? Move along. You've proven that you have nothing to offer.
Newsflash! Nolan is closer to Altman and Eastwood than he will ever be to Lucas and Star Wars.
That may be what Disney is doing but it is certainly not what Abrams and Johnson did. I suspect the original Solo directors and even Ron Howard are not directing commercials and your cynicism does a disservice to all filmmakers and even yourself.
That is the only articulate response I've seen to my posts. Kudos to you.
First I think you have separate TFA from TLJ and not not lump them as "Disney films". TFA is certainly guilty of fan service and I expect Abrams will now go overboard on that with the backlash to TLJ when he does chapter nine.
I can see the humor not working on fans who take themselves and the "universe" of Star Wars too seriously. I think that is why LOTR fans had such a good time trolling Star Wars fans until the Hobbit movies came out. I certainly would not have missed a few of the jokes if Johnson had been more restrained.
Critical reasoning isn't really your strong suit, is it? You known Hitler didn't found ISIS and no one is pining about how sacred Hitler's creations were except maybe Trump and the deplorables
Do you really want a catalog of the amateur levels Lucas stooped to in the Star Wars films he directed? You are as derivative as your idol.