You saw the prequel trilogy. Are you old enough to remember the decade when liking Star Wars was an embarrassment because the "genius" behind the universe was making cringe-worthy prequels. Has all that been forgiven and forgotten now that there is a big-bad corporation giving hundreds of millions of dollars to a variety of different directors to tell their stories within the framework of that universe.
shareI have seen the flawed prequels multiple times and yes I am going to come out and say it: They are miles better than anything Disney has produced!!!
sharenot as good as Rogue One or TFA , Lucas went loco in 1997 with the horrendous special editions, he went full loco when he gave us Jar Jar Binks
shareYes they are still miles better than Rogue One and TFA. I would take the Holiday Special over anything Disney has put out.
I didn't care for Jar Jar Binks, could have been a good character if they reeled him in a bit. As for the Special Editions there are some changes I like (like removing Yub Nub) and others I don't (like Greedo getting a shot off)
was never a big fan of episodes 1 and 2 but thought 3 was a a saving grace for that trilogy. This was fine but I admit that much of the stuff TFA set up was thrown out here.
I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see and if you have any thoughts or criticisms, i'd love to hear them. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-https://youtu.be/nerCnafPUm8
better stories I agree , but they are poor films , Rogue One and TFA are more organic star wars , much better production, and whats wrong with a new hope, one of the greatest films ever made
and that's why a lot of people liked them , that's why I liked them RO was a fine film
if you rewatch the prequels, they are also built on the same template as the original trilogy , TFA was a safe approach , one that was also built on the same successful formula as the OT, and thats why people liked it , it was a nice and warm comfort blanket to remind people why they fell in love with star wars in the first place
shareThey are better than Rogue One and TFA, because they are original, better stories, and not reliant upon Star Wars: A New Hope.
Wow, your imagination can really stretch far ...
Get that you are trying to defend the TFA, but literally no-one had this stance when the prequels were released so the attempt is moot. You can't just magically have a convenient position with regards to the OT/PT after some decade(s) because it suits your love of SJW-fest TFA - what makes it EVEN MORE laughable is that TFA-lovers have no actual defense for the COMPLETE BS that is in that film - rather their 'only hope' is to try and manufacture some kind of past-equivalence with older films that doesn't exist - hence the stretching.
"You can't just magically have a convenient position with regards to the OT/PT after some decade(s)"
First off, people have pointed out the similarities between TPM and ANH since it came out. Secondly, your statement here is absolutely absurd. There is no time limit for comparisons, PLUS you seem to assume that this is something that I just now came up with.
And no it hasn't yet been decades, but it's close. One more year.
"what makes it EVEN MORE laughable is that TFA-lovers have no actual defense for the COMPLETE BS that is in that film"
Your antagonistic word-vomit here is such laughable tripe. It's obvious you're not the kind of person worth discussing things with.
Get over yourself, child.
No it's PRECISELY the same as people trying to claim that 'Luke is a Mary Sue too!!!! waaaa'
0 people have mentioned his is almost 40 years, now magically when TFA is released people are trying to claim it? How convenient indeed.
Like how there is no argument for Rey *not* being a Mary Sue ...
Don't get offended now.
Pointless hyperbole and drivel.
shareWrong, troll. And everyone knows it except for you.
shareI couldn't have said it better myself.
shareAs for the big concepts, just replace Tatooine farm boy and powerful newfound Force child Luke with Tatooine slave boy and powerful newfound Force child Anakin, [/quote]
Except that Luke had no force powers at all. Sure, he was a good pilot and in hindsight that could have been force helped but not even close to Anakin. The idea that a young person is the focus of the story is not new but the similarities between Rey and Luke are way too close: 1) Neither know who their parents were 2) Neither showed any real force knowledge until they were told about the force 3) Both went away to learn from a master 4) Both masters were reluctant at first to train them 5) Both left their masters during training 6) Both had a battle with a Dark Force user in front of the biggest Dark force user (the Emperor and Snoke)
[quote]replace the Empire threatening Yavin IV with the Trade Federation threatening Naboo, [/quote]
Yavin IV was a military base and the Empire was going to destroy it with the Death Star, Naboo was a non-military installation that was not going to get destroyed. This is not a “similarity” between the two films but a use of force that many movies will have to show the bad guys being bad.
[quote]replace the Death Star with a command ship that controls a droid army, [/quote]
Yes a sci-fi show has space ships, again not a thing that shows TPM and ANH are similar enough that an argument can be made.
[quote]replace blowing up the Death Star core with blowing up the core of the Federation ship, [/quote]
The climax of a sci-fi film in space has a big explosion, whoop-dee-do
[quote]replace Princess Leia with her mother... [/quote]
This one is better but it shows the character similarity between Leia and he mother. This is not an indication that shows the structure of the films are the same.
[quote]There's still a medal-giving celebration at the end, there's still a token non-human companion who is taller than the others, on and on.
yet the prequels were three movies in a row pivoting around the same superweapon: Controllable armies.
I guess the looming conclusion from all of this is that the studio can't think of or implement new ideas for the new movies, at least without risking the possibility they will fail at the box office because people reject non-homage new scripts. This is may be founded on the assumption that fans don't want stories that may depart from the image of the original trilogy. They don't know how to create new films that at the same time maintains the ethic and spirit of Star Wars.
shareI wonder how dependant Lucas was on deriving a "winning formula" to produce the prequel films if as you say he was using A New Hope as a skeleton framework to build on? Are there other signs of duplication/emulation or has he dropped hints/commentary to that effect?
Liking Star Wars is an embarrassment now, prequels were crap, SJW sequels are shit.
shareI'd take the prequels any day over the garbage Disney's given us. Sorry but RO felt nothing like a SW movie (at least until Vader appeared but waaay too late). And that idiot who kept chanting I am one with the force the force is one with me was more annoying than Jar Jar.
shareAhh yes, although I enjoyed RO ... the China money pandering was completely out of context in the SWU.
Asian kung-fu masters telling traditional Chinese proverbs and doing ACTUAL ASIAN SHIZ in the SWU?
Not to mention level of side-story China pandering that occurs in TLJ as well ...