MovieChat Forums > sunshine62 > Replies
sunshine62's Replies
by Reality:
Saru and Tyler/Voq are the closest to characters that I care about and that is because each has underwent some sort of transformational struggle and came out of it better off.
@Saru has definitely matured as an officer and as a person but as far as Tyler goes I think he has still along way to go before he finds peace.
I like Tyler's personality ..he is a very altruistic person ,I hope he makes it and that Michael and Tyler will remain together.
My favourite characters are:
Lorca , Michael , Tyler followed by Saru and Stamats..
Tilly and Hugh are at the bottom of my list.
I also like the robot looking character.
@ to maximmm.
I too would have preferred that Lorca had plotted against the Empress for a noble cause and not for personal gain..
I wonder what kind of personality would M.Michael have had living with a ruthless person like the Empress.
If M.Michael's parents were killed by Vulcans like in the Prime Universe and then was adopted by Goregiou most probably she grew up hating Vulcans and their allies , all enemies of the Terran Empire.
At first I found Stamats obnoxious but as the series went along I got to liking him .. the guy that plays his lover ....his acting is very poor , though.
Looking forward to seeing episode 13 .
by maximmm
After all, this TV show is so super progressive - it spent quite a bit of time on the gay bits in the finale, so the makings of the first black female captain is in the cards next. To me, that's disappointing, because the actor playing the captain was a decent actor - but now he's been thrown under the bus, via being a vigilante with a nasty personality from the parallel universe.
@In all honest I think the actor considered this role , not only because it was an interesting/compelling one but also , because he knew it would end with season one.
Having a leading role in the newest Star Trek series is a juicy catch but Jason Isaacs is too much of a creative and versatile actor to be tied down too long in the same part.
What makes acting exciting for talented actors like Isaacs is to be free to take on regularly new challenging roles.
That said, I’m not sure how the cards will play out. Depends a lot on Michael. Will M.Lorca’s deception make Michael team up with the Empress ? She is ruthless and she wants to wipe out the rebels.
I too like Lorca so I'm hoping also for some act of redemption on his part .
With Lorca out of the picture , you maybe right in regards to Michael becoming the first black female captain… I saw a review about two weeks ago that theorized an interesting possibility.
During their jump back to the Prime Universe an anomaly occurs and they finish up in the past before the war started giving them somehow the opportunity to stop the war ,to save Georgiou etc...
by costumer :
Actually, I believe L'Rell explicitly states that they captured Tyler during the Battle of the Binary Stars.
@She said that and much more ..."Tyler was captured at the battle of the Binary Stars ...we HARVEST his DNA ".......
So why would they need to harvest his DNA if they could use his original body ...they needed a new/clone Tyler because the original died soon after his capture.
They recuperated Tyler's memories before he died and put them back (together with Voq's memories entwined but temporarily dormant ) into the empty mind of the new/cloned Tyler .
They modified/disguised Voq's organs to pass as human and crushed his bones (limbs and spine) to "fit " into the empty casing of Tyler. (Hugh, the doctor revealed that before he got his neck broken).
They riscontructed Tyler like Frankenstein did with his creation .
What's the purposing of harvesting his DNA , otherwise ?
By triplea:
Then how were they expected to appeal to China $$ if they didn't have that meaningless subplot.
@ What would the Chinese public find inspiring in a chubby Asian character teaming together with Finn , the comic relief character, in a subplot that added no thing to forward the story, anyways?
After surviving the opening heroic action, teaming Paige with Poe would have worked better and give them a mission that counted. ( drop Rose altogether and leave Finn on board to cheer up the morale of the rebels)😑
The funniest part is the film tanked in China as soon as Rose went bl#ck.
@ The character tanked long before.
PS. Just something I noticed ..a pothole or a nitpick maybe..
We have seen that Geogiou , Michael , Saru , Tilly and the rest of the crew of the Shenzhou /Discovery in the Prime Universe are all connect in the MU.
We can’t say the same for Michael and Lorca. They didn’t know each in the Prime Universe… only after MIRROR Lorca demanded Michael to be transferred to the Discovery did they meet.( and we know now why he insisted on having her )
…in the MU instead M.Lorca and M.Michael knew each other well , in fact it looks like they may have initially plotted aagainst the Empress and at the last moment Michael may have decided to rethink her position and go after Lorca per the Empress.
My point is Prime Michael never knew Prime Lorca ….yet in the MU they were very close in many ways.
by pesebrero:
Still puzzles me how he got to the bridge of Discovery as captain. I'll have to rewatch some episodes to see how his story fits in. But we saw he has really strong ties *wink* with a Starfleet admiral. She is aware of his sensitivity to light. And, given her high rank, she might know about mirror universe and the Defiant (in fact, I think Emperor Giorgiou was bluffing about its fate).
@ Yes , it was most probably via the Starfleet admiral that Lorca got the command of the Discovery. She knew about his sensitivity to light but I feel she just thought it was caused by some battle injury or health issue.
Could Starfleet have , known that Lorca was from the MU , made a deal and used his unorthodox methods to win the war in the Prime Universe ? It is a possibility ..but not delivering the vital information He had to the Federation ( that would have hopefully ended the war sooner ) , it appeared that Lorca’s true identity WAS a secret and all he had in mind was his own agenda.
Another scenario would be a rebel, but still evil Lorca, who is an ally of the Klingons from MU (he clearly shares a lot of its warrior philosophy),
@ I too was hoping that Lorca wanted to replace the Empress and install a less aggressive position towards the enemy (Klingons, Andorians etc).
The story behind the ex lover, Eva ,caught me off guard seeing I was thinking until then that Lorca, despite his questionable methods , did want to improve thing .
Not sure what to expect now , depends a lot on Michael and her reaction to M.Lorca’s deception , maybe still more twists …definitely looking forward to watching how events unfold on Sunday. I wouldn’t count on the Empress despite what she said …I don’t think she is trustworthy as she said to Michael.
by pesebrero:
I think it's pretty clear that the "old" Tyler has no future after the events of episode 11. He IS Voq. And most likeky, L'Rell just restored the "Tyler cloak", in order to try to fool the humans again.
@The trailer for episode 13 leaves us intentionally in the dark .T’Rell loves and believes in Voq and his cause so I find it hard to believe that she would just eliminate Voq on the words of Saru who told her that the Klingons had lost .
To stop Voq from hurting himself again , T’Rell could easily have just switched him off and given Tyler control again…It’s also clear that there is a glitch in what they did to Voq/Tyler.
Burnham would be an idiot if she trusts cloaked Voq again. Now, it is also possible for Voq to leave behind his fanatical "kahless light", switch sides, and become a force for good and a vehicle for peace. Then, and only then, Burnham could forgive him and perhaps love him as Voq.
@I don’t see Voq ever becoming a promotor for peace between his race and the Federation but Michael could still love Tyler . They just have to make sure that T’Rell really did switch Voq off and make sure it’s irreversible .
As for forgiving Tyler… he wasn’t himself …he did his utmost to fight what was happening to him without really understanding what was going on . And anyways, when Michael was with Tyler it was Ash that was in control and not Voq.
by stringey:
I think that instead of spending so much time on rose and Finns escapade we should have had a couple scenes demonstrating more Kylo Ren's confliction.
@.I totally agree much screen time wasted on that stupid subplot... there would have been more meaning in seeing Kylo relive that moment when his father touched his face just before dying and falling . That gesture of love from his father ,despite what his son just did to him, is what still keeps Kylo from becoming totally dark.
It's obvious he's a damaged person ..he's emotionally unstable and is constantly under emotional stress. He completely lost it when he saw Luke..he was so blind with rage that he didn't even realise that all that cannon fire would have killed Luke had he really been there.
If I 'm still interested in this debacle it's thanks to this character and I have to add Driver does a great job showing the conflict in Kylo.
by plainstyle:
Forgot to say, it was pretty obvious to me before this episode that they captured the original Tyler during the Battle of the Binary Stars. All signs pointed to that part of the story being true.
@Initially I thought they had captured Tyler and planted the dormant mind of Voq under Tyler’s.
______________________________________________________________________ .
Looks like from this last episode that, as I also suspected, that series of surgeries weren't just performed on Voq but on Tyler as well. Tyler's body is dead but his personality was "reconstructed" over Voq's, to paraphrase L'Rell. They're probably the last memories he has from before his body died.
@From my understanding the procedure was more complex . T’Rell says that they "harvest Tyler’s DNA ".
Most probably Tyler was seriously wounded , dying so they decided to create a new Tyler from his DNA.
Tyler’s memories were saved/cloned from the original before he died and Voq's mind (temporarily dormant )was entwined into Tyler’s before being placed into Tyler’s new brain .
Voq’s limbs and spine had to be crushed and sized down to fit in Tyler's new body created from his DNA . Voq’s internal organs were also modified to appear human if scanned.
If the production chose this “Frankenstein method” to create a spy it's because all the surgical scenes added drama and mystery and , for how they were filmed, could be interpreted in more than one way…initially many thought that Tyler had been tortured and sexually abused .
And besides putting the viewers off track , these topics would have created some interesting debates.
It appears that ultimately T’Rell has decided to switch off Voq ‘s mind leaving Tyler in control…I’m not certain what this means entirely for Voq…I’m not sure but that sounded like a death cry to me .
by MichaelPacino:
@TLJ is far more than JUST a film …it’s part of something's part of the Skywalker saga…. there are seven correlated films before TLJ in which it is established , among other things , how to become a Force user…. being Force sensitive is just the beginning ..either Jedi or Sith : ONE MUST TRAIN to be able to use the Force .
And Johnson justifying Leia’s (unnecessary) Mary Poppins’ scene is like giving the third finger to Star War fans whose love and devotion has made Star Wars the multibillion dollar franchise it is today.
Keeping silent would mean that we are willing to accept Johnson's crap .
It’s obvious that Johnson didn’t care or bother to do his homework before writing TLJ so he deserves all the justified criticism he is getting.
Be aware SPOILERS ALERT..........
We are never told exactly how the Klingons got their hands on the memories of (the true) Tyler…it’s highly possible , that during the Binary battle the true Tyler was taken prisoner and his consciousness taken from him before he die (maybe) and planted over to Voq’s mind which was temporarily put to sleep..
Voq’s boby structure was modified to pass as a human….once on board the Discovery a specific phrase would trigger and awake Voq’s dorment mind.
In the trailer of the 12th episode , we see a suffering “Tyler” in sichbay…I can only hope that of the two minds that are part of “Tyler” now hopefully Tyler’s mind “crushes and annuls” Voq’s .
I think Michael and the bond between her and Tyler, will be of great importance in giving Tyler’s mind the help and strength it needs to prevail over Voq's.
It is also quite obvious now that Lorca is from the Mirror Universe...Lorca wanting Michael , the muntineer , as a member of his crew until now really didn't make sense .
MU Michael was hunting down Lorca for the Empress.
Lorca , this time around, will use Prime Michael's help to destroy the Empress, who obviously is unaware of the switch.
What we don't know is Lorca's true intentions, though. ...did Lorca want to kill the Empress and form a more lentient Terran Empire or was his goal just to replace the Empress and still destroy the coalition?
Thanks landofree but I didn't expect a scoring just your replies to the test.
Anyways ,it figures .. I root always for the "black sheep"of the situation.
Which is your favorite Star Wars Project?
1. The Last Jedi
2. The Force Awakens
3. Rogue One
Haven't seen Rogue One ,but I did like the idea of the mind connection .
Who is your favorite Star Wars director?
1. Rian Johnson
2. Gareth Edwards
3. JJ Abrams
I thought the fight scene was well filmed , specially Kylo and Rey swirling around in slow motion and fighting back to back against Snoke's Praetorian guards.
Who is the most compelling new Star Wars character?
1. Rose Tico
2. Finn
3. Holdo
@None of these three are compelling.
Which is your favorite Star Wars fan film?
1. The Force Awakens
2. The Last Jedi
3. Rogue One
@.The Last Jedi despite all its shortcomings
Favorite non-Star Wars film by a Star Wars fan filmmaker?
1. Star Trek: Into Darkness
2. Looper
@1.....Haven't seen Looper or Godzilla and ST: Into Darkness is full of illogical moments but JJAbrams can produce some (senseless yet ) sensational set when the Enterprise rises out of the water.
Finish these sentences:
1. Poe is the biggest _____@fuck up.
2. MaRey Sue is a____@pain in the butt.
3. Rose Tico smells like a____@PC choice.
Fill in the blanks:
1. Rian Johnson _IS_ a big _FART.
2. JJ Abrams is one of the biggest _OVERRATED __ Filmmakers of all time.
3. Gareth Edwards polishes erect_SELF IMAGES____at midnight.
Bonus: Captain Phasma sounds like a woman and dies like a ___SISSY.
Which is your favorite Star Wars plot thread.
1. Finn and Rose go on a road to nowhere.
2. Luke drinks Sea Cow Milk and dissipates like a giant fart.
3. Rey has the Force, needs no training, never loses, tries to turn Kylo Ren for no reason because he is nothing to her.
I enjoy tormented characters so I'll tick number 3.
Looking forward to your replies.
by Costumer:
This Mirror Mirror universe seem to be different from the TOS one. There was no indication in TOS that the Empire was human only.
Exactly ,yet I'm sure I read that the producers said that this was the same MU as the one in TOS.
So do we know when the Terran Empire started? When did the Terrans start hating the Vulcans who were the ones that made first contact with Zefram Cochrane .
How did Sarek met with Amanda ?
Did they meet and marry before the Empire began or was the Empire already established and Amanda was a dissident (like those three that were executed and tele transported into space ) who joined the alien opposition where she then met Sarek?
Thanks for the links Satan2016.
The young Vulcan seated near the Tellarite .. could that be Spock ?
Do we know when the Terran Empire began ? In the Mirror Universe could Spock 's mamma still be Human despite the Terrans hate Vulcans?
Alert ...Spoilers following
I hope Ash 's persona /his bond with Michael /their love will be strong enough to destroy Voq.
by darkpast:
wasn't this all Snoke's doing and nothing to do with Rey sensing good on her own.
@After killing his father, Snoke sensed that Kylo , unexpectantly ,did not "surrender " completely to the dark side ( remember , after he didn't kill his mother).
Snoke linked Kylo and Rey's minds because he was counting on Rey wanting to try and save that spark of light/of good that was still in Kylo ..he used Kylo as bait .
The distance between them was great but linking their minds Snoke gave Rey the possibility to sense Kylo's conflict .
Luke should have sensed it too ...he was far stronger with the Force .
me: " a female strong with the force who tries to save a Skywalker "
landofree: Still doesn't answer why the story "needs" her to be female.
@There has been a lot of pressure from different social groups/movements “demanding” to be represented on the big and small screen…franchises are global wide “promotional vehicles” for their agenda.
Disney wanted to follow suit with other American film studios and so it decided to script the first main female empowered character strong with the Force for one of the biggest and loved franchise in history : Star Wars.
Unfortunately Disney’s intent somewhat backfired and its PC choice became more of a disservice than an achievement …. Rey is depicted unrealistically …Rey knows more about the Millennium Falcon’smechanics THAN Han , she can fly the Millennium like a pro , she can do mind tricks , everything that she achieves comes without (much) effort ,without little to no training .
She’s the heroine of the trilogy and fans should be rooting for her , yet many instead dislike her and will agree that her characterization sucks.
Disney had a great opportunity and blew it…and JJ.Abrams is not the one that is going to clean up the mess
me: "never showed to be a force user in the first trilogy"
landofree: Wrong. Go watch them again. Just because she doesn't float rocks, doesn't mean she didn't use her Force powers.
@Leia and Luke were connected telepathically but we never got to see Leia interested in following her brothers steps.. developing her connection with the Force to become a Jedi…she chose to fight the Empire running the Rebellion . Only in “The Last Jedi “do we see ( unfortunately) for the first time some major Force usage from Leia.
me: " Luke” trying to save Kylo Ren/a Skywalker again…that would have been repetitive and boring."
landofree: Not necessarily. Saying something like this speaks to the limits of your creativity. Also, the "Episodes" are known as the Skywalker Saga.
@In Disney’s case it would have because they don’t have good writers … despite having replaced Luke with a potentially engaging female character , Star Wars VI turned out to be mostly an uninspiring rehash of Star Wars IV.
Daisy’s character , who supposedly should be the heroine of this third trilogy , has been written so absurdly , that she has rightfully become a thorn in the side for many fans .
Furthermore .. the subplot in Star Wars VIII is silly …so much wasted screen time which could have been used better to flesh out realistically Rey’s journey of understanding and embracement of the Force…something that was not done in Star Wars VI.
Kylo Ren IS a Skywalker …no need that the other main character that “saves “ or “defeats” him has to be yet another male Skywalker .
A WELL written main female character strong with the Force would have been a great addition to the Saga and an engaging counterpart to Kylo Ren , a Skywalker lost to the dark side…
by landofree:
Short answers like: "because" and "why not?" or "Why did the character need to be a boy?" are not acceptable. Give me a reasoned answer, if you can. Questions are not answers. Go...
We have had Anakin /Darth Vader , Obi-wan , Yoda and Luke all males ,strong with the force …it was time to have a female character become strong with the force…
Leia , despite being a Skywalker , never showed to be a force user in the first trilogy.. then out of the blue ,in Star Wars VIII unfortunately she “uses the force” to survive in space for a few seconds ..a cringe worthy moment that we all would prefer to erase from our minds.
We already had a male Skywalker going Sith ..Anakin /Darth Vader …we sure didn’t need another “ Luke” trying to save Kylo Ren/a Skywalker again…that would have been repetitive and boring.
Having an unrelated , female strong with the force who tries to save a Skywalker who has been seduced by the dark side of the force gives a fresh, new ,interesting dynamic to the plot.
It’s only a shame that Rey ‘s numerous abilities come without any training making her a Sue Mary .