FilmBuff's Replies

The word Cloverfield is in the title of each. I agree that Harris is a barely literate buffoon, but you're not doing much better. In a 3-word response in which one of the 3 words is "lol," you managed to get 2 words wrong. its should be it's your is incorrect. it should be you're. It's like, I think this is meant to be a joke, but at the same time it's possible you actually believe this. That is the story. He's a broken man. He was abused from birth and it made him who he is today, and he has spent his entire life trying to come to terms with it. Just like anyone else in a similar real-life situation, he tries to fix what's wrong with him through various versions of "do this and start over," and just like in real-life, it never works. I'm not refusing to admit anything. I'd never seen that interview, so I watched the part you linked to. What I heard him say was that movies are no longer about real people, they are about unrelatable archetypes and overused cliches, and he wants to make films telling real stories about real people. You are asserting that means he wants only to make stories completely grounded in reality, with no supernatural or hyperreal elements to them whatsoever. You can even take it to mean he only wants to make documentaries or biopics from here on it. I believe he's open to making any type or genre of film, as long as the film is about real people facing real issues. It doesn't matter if the protagonists are soldiers stuck in a jungle who have to fight a CGI'ed alien or farmers trying to eke out a living in troubled times, as long as the stories and characters aren't over-the-top camp, he'll do it. If I'm misunderstanding him, then I'm wrong, but that's how I interpret what he said. You don't seem to understand what he's saying in that interview. He's not saying he wants films about literal real people. He's saying he wants characters that represent reality, which is quite different, and in all honesty, a Captain America film could be exactly that. Predator was that, so was Die Hard. The Winter Soldier was that. Honestly, after listening to what he said, I think he's even more qualified to have made the first Captain America film, because he'd have made a film that told a relatable, real story rather than the poorly conceived action film we got. He can explain all he wants. Doesn't mean I don't want to see Captain America fight a Predator on top of Nakatomi Tower. Yes, when I look at his resume I see nothing but films about real people doing real people things. Maybe they could have switched from Red Skull to a Predator to lure him in? That's a very good suggestion. I think he'd have been the perfect director for that first Captain America film. The Russo Brothers knocked it out of the park with the next two films, but the first one is one of the weaker entries in the MCU, and a little McTiernan magic would have been ideal. We aren't talking about comedy, we're talking about people openly stating they wish Trump had been murdered. I don't think it's at all unreasonable to call those people out for their behavior. If a comedian wants to make a joke about, that's up to him, and if his audience enjoys it great, if they don't and he loses his audience, that's also great. But when people, especially people in positions of power or influence, come out and say they wish he'd been assassinated, it is 100% fair to let their friends and employers know they expressed such a thing. At that point, it's up to those people to decide how to react. This is baseline common sense behavior for keeping society civil, and preventing violence and murder from becoming accepted norms. Where are these people? I've yet to meet one. I hear people on the right saying that they believe that sane people think it's wrong to celebrate someone's death, or wish death on someone, and it's reasonable to expect people to be held accountable for the words and actions. I don't hear anyone saying a person should be canceled simply for expressing an opinion contrary to what a given political faction believes. You're comparing apples to oranges. This is my favorite movie of all time. I've seen it twice in theater, and a couple more times at home. I'm going tonight with two friends to see the restoration. Sadly, Corey Comperatore will be voting Democrat from now on. You're listing some pretty superficial stuff, some of which isn't completely accurate. Thanos didn't start as an enemy of the Guardians of the Galaxy. He first appeared in the films as the enemy of the Avengers, but was already off doing bad things even before that. Ego never seemed to be taking the good of the universe into consideration. He was killing indiscriminately in order to further his own selfish needs, and never expressed any sense of altruism or duty. In the ways that seem to me to matter most-- motivation, personality, behavior, history-- the two are completely different. Yeah, in a lot of ways that really ruined the movie for me. Besides that moment, it's a solid film, but that made zero sense. It wasn't as if Ego was portrayed as being unable to understand humans and their emotions. He even fell in love with a human. It was very clear to him that Peter loved his mother, so why would he casually mention in conversation that he killed her. And his reason for killing her made no sense, either. He was worried she would distract him from his mission? He's been alive for like a billion years. If he lived on Earth with her for the remaining 60 or so years of her life, would that really have been even a blip to him? They really dropped the ball on that crucial plot point. What similarities do you see between the two? Thanos was doing what he felt was his moral duty, even when it involved great personal sacrifice. Ego felt alone so he decided to implant his persona on every planet in the universe. I don't see what you see them having in common. Love for one's country, and a willingness to give one's life for the greater good. Not everyone is as selfish as you seem to think. No, but how you respond shows a lot about your character and your strength, and Trump was impressive as hell after taking a bullet. He's up there with Teddy Roosevelt now. Are you being serious?