FilmBuff's Replies

I wasn't aware they made a second one. There have been four of these things?? I mean, an 81-year-old Hilary Clinton running against J.D. Vance would be about as entertaining as it gets, short of them rolling an 85-year old Biden out to oppose him. I guess that's not surprising. Fox is the right-wing news channel, so they may have been optimistic about Romney's chances. At the time, it seemed like the overwhelming consensus was that Obama was going to have a cakewalk to another 4 years. This year's election seems to show that traditional media has been upended. From what I saw on Reddit, Facebook, the New York Times, and pretty much every traditional news outlet, the race was going to be close, and Harris was probably going to edge out Trump. Yet, it was all clearly phony, and for the first time in my lifetime, it seemed that people were seeing through the curtain at the man pulling the levers. Fake news stories and outright lies that would have swayed popular opinion in years past were rendered inert by the existence of Twitter, the one uncensored, unbiased platform for news. Twitter was the only news platform where people weren't being censored, and without the thumb of the mods on the scale, you got an honest look at public opinion, and journalists could share news that was being suppressed everywhere else. Anyone who looked at Twitter new that Trump as going to win rather easily. That's a nonsense reply to a legitimate question on my part. What are you basing your response? It sounds like pure speculation on your part, and very optimistic speculation at that. If one Chinese citizen found a way to circumvent our election security, it's a near certainty that others have, too. It's also a near certainty that other governments are aware of the flaw. You can wave it off and say, "oh, it was just a one-time thing," but that's ducking your head in the sand. Think about the actual ramifications of this. There is a method by which a non-citizen can cast a ballot without being caught, and even if he turns himself in, or is caught, the ballot cannot be removed. While we can't know how many have done this because until that guy confessed, we didn't even know it was possible, it's the height of naivete to assume that there aren't thousands, and quite possibly tens of thousands, of others taking advantage of the same vulnerability. That's true. Probably because structurally it's a modern pop song, and has a steady thumping beat, while the original is more of a post-punk/new wave song that is a lot looser, and more meandering. That's a factor of the passage of time and changing tastes more than praise of one song or indictment of the other. Fantasy isn't a version of "Genius of Love," it's an original song that samples it, and she was far from the first to sample the Tom Tom Club's song. The first time I remember it being sampled was by Dr. Jeckyll & Mr. Hyde, in "Genius Rap." Afrika Bambaataa and The Jazzy 5 sampled it, Grandmaster Flash and The Furious Five sampled it, and many others did, too. Even Rich Little, the comedian, sampled it for his "President's Rap." I would conservatively guess that at least 100 songs have sampled "Genius of Love." A non-citizen voted, and got away with it. Had he not asked for the ballot back, we'd have never known it happened, and even though he did confess, the ballot counted. How many other non-citizens did the same as him, except they didn't turn themselves in? What polls were you watching? Romney losing was a foregone conclusion leading into that election. I was very certain he'd win convincingly, as long as it was a fair election. I had every state that went red red on my predictive map, and everything blue that went blue except New Hampshire. I thought he was likely to flip that state as well. My final tally was 316-222. It looks like it's going to end up 312-226. However, I was definitely concerned that the Democrats would "discover" 15 million or so votes overnight, a la 2020. I know many here disbelieve there was any fraud in 2020, but one wonders... Obama got 65,915,795 votes in 2012 Clinton got 65,853,514 votes in 2016 Biden got 81,283,501 votes in 2020 Harris has 67,878,826 votes in 2024 Where did those 13 to 15 million votes come from in 2020? Why didn't those people vote in 2024? There were a record number of new voters registered leading up to this week's election, and there was record voter turnout, and yet... Meanwhile, Trump had 72,560,841 votes this year, and 74,223,975 in 2020, so more or less the same, and 62,984,828 in 2016. Romney had 60,933,504 in 2012. All more or less consistent. It's nearly impossible to know, but my gut feeling is usually along the same lines. If they weren't making money making these films, they'd have stopped making them a long time ago. But then, on the flip side, cinema is in decline, and what used to work no longer does. There used to be a massive second life for films on video, but no more. Films used to linger in theaters for months, slowly recouping costs, no more. I would not be at all shocked to know that a film that the studio claims cost $180 million to make really only cost $90 million, and that the $150 promoting it was actually $30 million. It's good marketing to make people think they're going to see a film that cost over $300 to make/promote, and it makes for great tax write-offs to inflate those costs, but it could all well be exaggeration, in which case it's easier for them to profit on the film. Same here. Gal Gadot was born to be Wonder Woman, so it's going to be tough for anyone to follow her, but Debicki seems an especially poor choice for the role. Doesn't "you've been released from the team" mean the same thing? Drop and release synonyms, which is why saying "Apple dropped their new iPhone today" sounds just as correct as "Apple released their new iPhone today." The terms have been used interchangeably to mean a person or company issuing a new product or concept since the early '90s, making it a somewhat new colloquialism, but at least it's one that makes sense grammatically. Drop and release mean more or less the same thing, which is why the words are so often used interchangeably. I've always considered him and John Cazale as the only actors in history to have what I'd call perfect resumes. They nailed every role they played, and every film they were in is an unmitigated classic. Anymore? It never did. Even when it was new no one cared or talked about it. It made very little at the box office, and other than Paul Rudd famously using a clip from the film in a series of practical jokes at Conan O'Brien's expense it never pops up in mainstream culture anymore. That's all you've got, isn't it? Rather than engage me on what I said, you lob an insult at me, hoping that will suffice. I meet a LOT of people like me. We're not heavily engaged in politics, we lean left on a lot of issues, we're appalled at Kamala Harris and the Democrats, and are reluctantly voting for Donald Trump. You can pretend we're all radicalized, MAGA hat wearing lunatics, but we're not. I oppose all forms of racism. I'm opposed to censorship in all forms. I support free speech at all times, and in every instance. I don't think men should be allowed to compete in women's sports. I don't think a child should be allowed to make irreversible decisions regarding their body, be it a tattoo or a sex change. I'm pro-choice, and believe abortion should be legal up until 22 weeks in a pregnancy. I'm against U.S. involvement in foreign wars. I'm pro-immigrant and in favor of immigration, when done legally. If any of that sounds like a radicalized, far-right nutjob to you, I think you need to reassess where you place people on the political spectrum. Pretty much EVERYTHING I believe was considered left-leaning until recently. All I can say is that the fact that you think that demonstrates how far down the media rabbit hole you've fallen. My gf's sister had a Nintendo, and this game. It took me a few weeks of playing almost daily, but I eventually could knock out Mike Tyson. It helped that my best games in the arcades a few years before that had been Punch-Out and Super Punch-Out. I set the high score for both games on every machine I encountered, so I think that gave me a head start on the NES version of the game. It shouldn't surprise me, but it still does that so many people are incapable of looking at things with an open mind. I'm not in any way biased for or against Trump, or Harris. I read, I observe, I consider sources, and come to conclusions. But then so many people will repeat known falsehoods without batting an eye, and you can tell they really believe what they are saying.