MovieChat Forums > Galilguy > Replies
Galilguy's Replies
Commies need to go away.
I think he's doing very well despite the Dems campaign interference.
The law abiding gun owners were never going to comply with this insane woman in the first place.
Was Trump so bad we'd rather suffer with sky high inflation, border invasion, climate change lies, child mutilation agenda, trans ideology, human trafficking, schools doused in Marxism, WW3, protection of CCP? How much longer before our infrastructure starts collapsing...dams and bridges? They tax us and pocket the money for favors and bribes. We're pushing 2 trillion in debt. C'mon America, enough is enough. The GOP has to start talking about kitchen table issues, expose the corruption, and put it on social media. Ads on tv are limited in reach.
That's why I think they're nuts to believe the Biden Regime is doing anything but pulling us down. It's like some of the Leftists don't live in reality but some drug infused la-la-land.
If even half of what they are saying about Biden is true, then the republicans are honor bound to do an impeachment inquiry but as we all know impeachment will never pass the Senate, but so what? Expose Biden for what he is and an impeachment inquiry is the best place to do so. Do they have the balls is the only question. The RINOs can be brought into line the old-fashioned way, with money..
This whole thing is starting to look like the latest orchestrated 'trial-balloon' to cripple the 2nd Amendment, an ongoing series of maneuvers dreamed up in wokester 'think-tanks'. I'd bet money that the wretches who pull Biden's strings are the same ones who put this thing into motion, using a willing Democrat governor as their stooge.
Think: there's nothing unusual about innocent people getting shot in Democrat-run shitholes. It happens every day but for some reason, this liberal Democrat governor in New Mexico decides that this instance of killings demands negation of the 2nd Amendment.
Governors now pick and choose which Constitution Amendments to ignore, Mayors pick and choose which laws to enforce each day, and the feds just make it up as they go along..
Amazing how when the Dems cut these deals we always end up on the short end.
I wonder what the possibility is that this was a backhanded way to buy that oil we confiscated. Our nation is severely short on oil reserves thanks to the Biden administration’s disastrous green new deal policies. A quick band aid before it all comes crashing down.
Obama's third term is working out well for Iran.
Hopefully a decent horror movie, I'll check it out later.
The Cult of affordable energy, jobs, food, law and order, secure borders, global stability. Sounds ok to me. Better than being a pos Marxist/Communist..
More and more people are completely disgusted with the Democrats and their hijacked party by radicals. That's why Biden is the lowest rated President ever in the US. That right there speaks volumes of how history is already looking at the Left as a nefarious and foul mistake.
Progressive science is not real science. It's just statements and conclusions that they agree with. If they don't agree with it, it's not science to them regardless of how many facts are involved.
For the left, the only thing that is more important than virtue signaling is making sure someone else is going to pay.
More petty insults from the padded room patient.
I couldn't care less what Leftists think of Christianity. You people don't even know what bathroom to use..
God forbid the Xiden regime does ANYTHING for America.
Only Leftist nutjobs would celebrate more hardship for others..
I can tell this picture really triggered the limp-wristed snowflake Leftists into their usual petty insults and nonsense.
That city has no shortage of savages unfit for society.
<blockquote>Dismantle electoral college</blockquote>
If anything that would create inequality..
All the Leftists have is hatred and propaganda. Just ignore these mentally ill windbags..