Galilguy's Replies

Is that in Dollars or Yen? Let's be real, Biden has no competition in his fund raising, Trump has at least 6 others competing for the same donations. Biden has a 38% approval rating, think about it.. It's great. Gaza has been autonomous since 2005. Have they done anything to improve the lives of their people? Have they acted in a way which would not warrant the Iron Wall and allow meaningful commerce with their neighbor? No, they just built their war machine and will now reap the whirlwind. Those are some mighty kind words for the puppet. You can't possibly believe any of that.. Biden can't manage himself in the bathroom.. Also the sane people of the world are concerned about these wars. Exactly. She sure has a special voting bloc. Atheism is nothing. Once again the GOP outs itself for its sheer fecklessness. I'm not impressed either.. Jordan is the last man standing. Whether the GOP will coalesce around him is another question altogether. Hamas fires thousands of Missiles, in an unprovoked attack, into the heart of a sovereign state - Israel. All I hear from the media is how serious/bad it is that Palestinian civilians will be killed or harmed by Israel enforcing THEIR RIGHT to self defence. The UN says Israel is wrong and breaking international law - NOT SO, all countries have the right to fight back using any amount of force in response to a direct attack. Not even the UN can stop that. The BBC refuses to call Hamas "terrorists" in case they offend or appear to be bias. Get rid of the BBC. This shift towards "poor Palestinians" by the media is shocking and surreal as far as I am concerned. I do not want innocent people to die but when you attack a country you must take the consequences. This is the fault of Hamas. Once again the MSM is a disgrace. We have to be wary of fake news in the Fog of War. Similar stories were circulated in WW1 about the Germans raping nuns and bayonetting babies, both of which were untrue. I haven't seen any concrete articles about this but I wouldn't put it past these barbaric savages though.. They got what they asked for and now they are crying? They are as two-faced as the Democrats, no wonder the Demo-commies back them.. BLM is basically a Marxist group so no surprise there. These punks just want to side with Palestine to be edgy/trendy. If they actually had to spend some time in the Middle East, I think they'd be singing a different tune. From what I've read, a lot of the Muslims out there aren't keen on the whole "BLM" thing.. I would have preferred Jordan, but Scalise is ok.. She can't hide her hate for those folks who supports President Trump, because he took away her last chance to become President. And why are they trotting out this old bag of a two-time loser? She is now repeating lines that Hitler, Moa, Stalin spoke. There is a big difference with a pathetic immoral clown such as Biden in the Whitehouse and say, JFK -Trump et al. Anything is possible with Biden in charge. The USA was ready to nuke any serious direct threat.. all other leaders knew this. You must have this fear factor because no one knows how rogue countries will react. They do not listen to reason so the threat of being hit hard, in retaliation is the best way. No one fears Biden. That said he is doing as much damage to the USA by his policies and anti Christian stance as any enemy could do. And diseases and crime.. Let's see how Biden is influencing the world stage... Ukraine officially at war. Israel officially at war. China closer than ever to invading Taiwan. Iran on brink of completing a nuclear weapon. North Korea more threatening than ever. Did I miss anyone? Remember the "good ol' days" when they were telling us TRUMP was going to start a war? This information is no secret, but them making the claim that it is secret, will reassure our enemies that the information is correct. $50 says I could read these numbers out of a Jane's Defense book..