Galilguy's Replies

What kind of asshole has three german shepherds who bite people....a fake tough guy, that's who. What a clown show! So this is what passes for justice in the U.S. today. A Judge clearly prejudiced against Trump, and a AG who actually campaigned on the basis of getting Trump! This case is the very definition of Judicial malfeasance. He’s nothing more then a facilitator in a show trial with no integrity and no respect for the rule of law. The gold diggers at the top of the 'FIB' food chain are only trying to justify their existence to their global masters. They know, we know they are part of the problem. Trouble is you can’t believe the news, 99% of it is nothing more than propaganda. Russia is excellent at it and the west has even upstaged them in the amount of utter BS being thrown out about this conflict, but if you understand their reasoning it makes sense. They have to keep the citizens believing that the Ukraine/west is winning and that they are the good guys, they don’t want the people questioning the massive amount of unchecked money pouring into Ukraine. When the truth is the Ukraine/west are losing by a lot and we are not the good guys, not that Russia is, but neither is the Ukraine/west.. Typical of the commies in the Democrat party. They create a disaster on us and then pretend to ride in on their white horse and FIX IT. Snakes all of them. Plus, they are now getting shit from some of their commie governors and mayors in the blue states and they are being overrun. NOTICE they didn't say a thing until it hit home on them. Snakes all them. These people couldn't care less about the illegals pouring in here, any attempt to curb it is strictly because an election is looming. The big victory is that McCarthy will not run. Trump as speaker is fantasyland. Scalise and Jordan are in the running. Either of these would be a big improvement. Trump is busy enough and doesn't know enough of the House machinations to be as effective as he would be as President.. I think adjourning for the week was a bad move. Get on with it. These Leftists are certifiably insane. Considering a year of violence by BLM & Antifa (both left-wing groups), billions in damages, numerous dead or injured, how in hell can the myth of White Supremacists/MAGA Republicans being the greatest threat to National Security still exist? let's not forget Jan6, where Capitol Hill Police, FBI/DOJ plants, and DNC supporters, all colluded to create an atmosphere of chaos, in a major false flag event. The FBI must be dissolved. His nose just grew a hundred yards.. They wouldn't pretend to be outraged that's for sure. I know nothing about the guy but when I hear someone doing that (switching parties) I just think of someone using black paint to cover the white line down the back of a skunk. It no longer looks like a skunk, but it still emits a bad smell. However anything that puts out a message that democrat policies are not all sunshine and utopia is a good thing. The Media was all over Trump using the Obama child holding cage photos and claiming those were used by Trump. The media is absolutely dishonest and duplicitous. Indeed The OP is a shit-stirring propagandist. You can feel the disgust in the expression and actions of President Lula de Silva. I watched the video several times. The Brazilian President just looks away, motions, and calls it done. A single misdemeanor. Gonna stick it to Mr Epps, aren't they? Pfftt! Small fine or community service, no jail time. Just enough for the Feds to say "Look here! We are fair and treat everyone equally!" Fat chance, assholes. Ya know, it's kind of ridiculous, that the DOJ would even begin to think that charging Ray Epps gets them off the hook. We all know J6 was a government operation. Charging Ray Epps is a dumb move even by DOJ standards. Fools nobody, except maybe brain dead people who enjoy watching The View every morning while sipping on their lattes or smoothies. A blind man can see this is nothing more than the DOJ covering their butt. Not much different then the gun charges against Hunter, just window dressing.. It's a hard choice, who should be impeached first, Garland or Mayorkas.. Garland is a treasonous criminal, thank God he is not on the Supreme Court. The country can't absorb this, they will be squatting on people's land soon. It's baffling that anyone can support this administration. Staten Island citizens stand strong and defend their community against Biden’s planned, and orchestrated invasion of the United States.