swl1019's Replies

In most US states the age of consent is 16. In Italy the age is 13 with exemptions and 14 without restrictions. I recommend researching ephebophilia and hebephilia, both of which, like pedophilia, are chronophilias but are indeed not pedophelia. Were Armie Hammer's character a man who exclusively pursued relationships with boys the age of Timothee Chalamet's, he may be an ephebophile. However, if his attraction isn't exclusively to boys this age, he wouldn't be. All I know about life for gay boys and men I know from reading and listening, so I can't authoritatively speak to their experiences, but I understand that for many gay men relationships with older men is a big part of coming of age and into one's own in a world that even in 2018 is shunned by so many. I think Armie Hammer embodies Western ideas of male beauty. While of course how attractive anyone is is entirely subjective, there are historical norms regarding beauty; from at least the 20th century on, Westerners, at least Americans, have liked their men tall, muscular, and with a Batman jaw (cartoon Batman). I felt he was perfectly cast because he has enough acting chops to actually make the character human and he looks the type who might sweep people off their feet. (Many people, though as we can see here, not all.) Having just seen it today, I can assure you that the skies are blue throughout the film. As far as the skin, I didn't notice it not having texture; I think I just thought Armie Hammer's face looked perfect like always. Regarding the cinematography though, I do believe it was the filmmaker's intention to present an idyllic world, which, if that was the intention, was brilliantly achieved. Have you seen Far From Heaven? If so, what do you think of its cinematography? The film, I think due to the screenplay (and the actors execution of it) and the cinematography, is actually kind of cheesy. Obviously though, Todd Hayne's vision was to present our revisionist, idealized version of the 50's and hold this version up against truths we wanted to deny existed; in the case of this film, one of these truths is that there were gay people and unhappy marriages during the beloved 1950's. I find at least a vague similarity in CMBYN; they're in this idyllic, utopian place living very charmed lives, but everything isn't as easy and simple as it would seem. You don’t have to be straight to have an opinion on how attractive a man is. Armie Hammer is as close to objectionably gorgeous as anyone can be. He looks like a Ken doll. Of course, he possesses one type of male beauty, but it is the classic (or cliche) type. Letthemeatcake, a general note (I see your posts everywhere; I don’t know if anyone on the site is as active as you): your harsh opinions take away from your keen knowledge of film and filmmaking. You have a strong argument about the minstrel show, but repeatedly calling the leads ugly/gross, particularly while doing it at the same time you talk about black face takes away from your fair and sharp criticisms. Can you really tell from a preview how a film’s cinematography looks and informs the viewers’ experience? I just saw the film today and was about as floored by the cinematography as I was by the acting. I think it deserves an Oscar nomination. Could you level with us and tell us if you just really don’t like digital? I thought he was implying that he was gay and (at least) once had the opportunity to pursue a relationship with a man but didn’t. Thank you. I enjoyed the movie a lot; it’s very entertaining. I wanted to make sure I got it. I agree with you; the screenwriter (the identify of whom is another separate mystery) had an amazing robbery plan but I don’t think Channing Tatum’s character could have a thought of it let alone pulled if off. I think Soderbergh’s direction grounds the film in a reality that exists while we’re watching it; we just shouldn’t think about it too much afterwards! That wasn't Heigl in the movie? Do you not enjoy him a little in 21 Jump Street? what about A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints? I watched the whole movie and had no idea who he was. Between the hair & makeup and the accent I never would've guessed it was him. And it was a small part. And he was fantastic. It's probably the best non-animated acting he's ever done. Have you not seen it because you think it will suck? Why do you think it won't be good? You think the Room is crappy or the Disaster Artist? It's made $15 million on a $10 million dollar budget. I just saw it and I don't think my brain articulated it to itself while watching but having just read your post I realize I felt this way myself throughout the film. Maybe it was because I was so impressed with how much J. Franco looked and sounded like Tommy that I couldn't focus too much on how little D. Franco looked like Greg. I do think they had to do the at least the beard. I wonder if they could've used some prosthetics. I think he deserves an Oscar nomination based on having seen it two hours ago, but the only other SAG nominee I've seen is Daniel Kuluuya and I firmly believe Jake Gyllenhaal deserves a nomination for Stronger which it's apparent now he won't get. I do wonder what Oldman, Washington, and Chalemet's performances are like. Your post surprises me. Your opinion is based on the movie itself and not the trailer? I just saw it and in closeups it was obviously not Tommy but otherwise I thought he looked just like him. They nailed the hair. And I could hear James Franco's voice in there, but only because I know it so well. I think he pretty much sounded just like Tommy. Have you seen it already? If not I recommend seeing it at a midnight screening. I cannot imagine seeing it by myself. You'd have to have some drinks if you watch it by yourself. It's one movie where it's not only acceptable to text while watching but encouraged. Midnight screenings are a blast though. That's where you get the full experience. And I do think seeing the Disaster Artist without having seen The Room would be odd. I still have dozens of Disney films on VHS. And Home Alone. But I sure as hell can’t rent S&L on tape. I may just buy it. It’s a known great film. It’s significant he was nominated for directing.