MovieChat Forums > swl1019 > Replies
swl1019's Replies
Not my thread? Says somebody who undoubtedly rants about free speech and the PC millennials who want to take it away. I can participate in any conversation I want here. You're a fascist and a fool.
I am.
Sorry, the filter. The bit about not actually shooting in a way to show yellow, but rather to just use a yellow filter.
Can you post something that indicates Deakins definitely used a lens on O Brother, Where Art Thou? I am curious.
You think I'd kill my uncle and my brother?
Margot Robbie was outstanding. Whether or not she became Tonya Harding, I don't know. She was definitely this Tonya Harding. I look forward to her Oscar nomination. I also anticipate her losing to Frances McDormand graciously.
Were Steven Rogers and Craig Gillespie to do the Nancy Kerrigan story, might you watch both films? I saw this film in part to see how a couple of filmmakers who have a questionable empathy for Tonya Harding would do it. I knew all along I'd read later to see how fair and factual-or not-the film is. Can you not enjoy a few great acting performances?
It is you who's ridiculous. You rebutted "women can abuse women" as if somebody had posted something to suggest otherwise when nobody had. Cathexis hasn't remotely defended Harding. Cathexis simply pointed out your false equivalencies. It's factually inaccurate to write as though Harding committed multiple abuses. She was tried for one crime. If you sincerely believe they're the same person then you completely misunderstand the systematic predatory behavior of Harvey Weinstein. He was a serial rapist. Harding was a serial nothing. And to be clear this is not a defense of Harding. I would simply like the distinction between somebody convicted of conspiring in an assault against a colleague and somebody who abused power for 30 years to rape and molest women to be made.
Disgusting. Incredibly tone deaf. And insensitive and hurtful. Weinstein spread their legs forcefully without consent on numerous occasions. You don't appear to understand what rape is.
Do you think American millennials and North Korean millennials are very similar?
That settles it. You don't like movies after 1959. Roger Deakins is revered by photographers across the world as one of the greatest living cinematographers. You don't like the way the Coen brothers' films look. Their films are fairly universally praised for their aesthetic qualities, among other ones (writing and acting). You have a very particular taste. But commenting on specific movies is essentially pointless. You're like somebody who just doesn't like urban areas talking about how terrible New York is. Your being on a site in which people are going to mainly discuss current movies doesn't seem to make much sense since you won't like any of them.
You write things like this. You have nothing to bring. You're a troll. Nobody's interested in your Libertarian politics. We came here to talk about films.
So this isn't the General Discussion.
You lead a very privileged life. Your indifference to those who suffer is what's wrong with this country. You're a selfish person who can't positively contribute to society.
I'm relatively new to MovieChat but I believe I'm in the Shape of Water forum. What am I missing?
Another very real moment in a very real film
I thought the exact same thing about the goodbye; I thought this is the saddest goodbye in movies since Lost in Translation. I felt they nailed it, too. Guadadigno did a fantastic job making a film that wasn’t terribly cinematic-and of course sometimes a film being cinematic is a good thing; it just depends on the film.
I felt like I was hanging out with those people in Italy more than I felt like I was watching a movie. If he had chased after him on the train or something it would have been out of character- both for Elio and the film itself.
What do you think of the Social Nerwork?
I'm curious where you get those numbers, but it's not too important since Breitbart isn't just conservative; it's a radical, racist, sexist fake news source. (It's actual fake news, unlike CNN, which while it may be the Clinton News Network, does report things that are actually happening, albeit with a liberal slant.) I doubt very much though that the likes of Margaret Hoover read Breitbart. I don't think a majority of registered Republicans are avid Breitbart readers.
And we're away from movies, which is what this site is supposed to be for.
You sound like every unoriginal rightist incapable of using data and facts to explain to leftists why, in you're opinion, they're wrong. "Libtard" also, it should go without saying, comes from an outdated, archaic word that insults the developmentally delayed. Why would you use it?
Why would you even engage in this post that has so much less to do with movies than politics? This whole thread is a waste of time. We can go on Facebook for this crap.