MovieChat Forums > PeteRose > Replies
PeteRose's Replies
It has really worked out for me. It's the only way for me to know how I really feel about a movie, to know I am not being manipulated by advertising or other people's opinions
That's his finest performance as well
Synopses keep you away from the best stuff, and draw you into crap. I love to go into a movie with only the vaguest notion of what it is. Directors, writers, and actors are who I follow around. When I like some stuff by any one of them I give their other stuff a try. My motto when I was a teenager was "no preconceived notions" and if I can avoid any or all of a trailer for a new movie I know I'm going to see I will. Having seen literally nothing about something primes you for optimal enjoyment.
If you like Slater that is enough, it's his finest role and the cast is amazing
Yes it is, it's many things, but the title is sincere. Also you should probably stop reading premises. When are they ever even close to the experience of the movie?
Turning it on now. This site is great for prompting my viewings
Bloodsport represent! You know I'm a softy for Van Damme
I'm also 5 weeks on weed and 5 years on cigarettes. Quitting is hard but so satisfying
Waaat? Stand by Me is an absolute classic. Six Feet Under is the best TV show of all time. Period. I felt a serious loss after I watched the last episode, like I'll never get to watch it for the first time again. Go slow and take it all in. I am not surprised you haven't seen Flight of the Navigator but it comforts me to my core. Watch them all stat
I had crazy headaches when I quit that only went away about a month later. It didn't seem like it was affecting my sleep until I quit and realized how much better it is now. I also used to have mad muscle tension that is basically gone. Drug addiction is like being under a spell, you can't see it until you're out
Stand By Me
Six Feet Under
Flight of the Navigator
True Romance
I did just think of something. I haven't drunk caffiene in more than 6 months and ever since I quit (after significant withdrawal had subsided) I have far fewer issues with things like this. My body is much more adaptable and stable energy-wise and the time change confusion about why the light is like it is at whatever time is gone completely. Caffeine is the worst thing that everybody does.
I am always fully adjusted by the end of the first day. I've never understood why this throws people off for so long. I mean it's one hour people. I do know it gets worse and harder to adjust as you get older. I hear elderly people using the "recent" time change as their excuse for being run down like weeks and months later, and I'd love to say I don't find it hilarious, but I do.
Sometimes I would wake up from a scary dream into a boring dream that resembled real life and I would go about my morning routine until it slowly revealed itself to be a dream and would get sucked back into the scariness.
True they probably considered the Turtles' shenanigans necessary spillage, can't lose the best customers
When I was a kid I had several recurring dreams. The first was a giant white tiled facility that went on and on, like a bathroom or a really fancy locker room, it had weirdly shaped toilets and other fixture (and lots of naked guys), weird body parts that all seemed like normal variations, such a double penises or half penises (I was a very pervy little boy.) It had a very enchanting feeling like a wonderland, and their were various pools of water that sparkled and were different shades of blue, I would wander forever and take in the sights, and occasionally go for a swim, and like many of my dreams the endless hallways and rooms were ever changing and moving around me, like in the movie Cube where the rooms rearrange themselves. Everything was very sparkly and bright, and soft piano music would play in the background.
The other one I can remember having a lot was a variation on The Goonies, which I watched a lot. I would dive for coins at the bottom of the wishing well, ride the spikey waterslide into the big pool and end up on One Eyed Willy's ship. All the other Goonies would disappear (sometimes eaten by the octopus that only appears in the TV version or deleted scenes) and a dirty pirate would confront me in the underbelly of the ship, inching ever closer with his jagged blade until I was backed against the wall and right before he stabbed me I would wake up.
Both of those I had many many times
I didn't remember any of my dreams for like 12 years when I was smoking a ton of weed. I quit a month ago and have had very vivid dreams rush back into my life. I am often in weird structures wandering, things that seem like a combination of many places, like an airport and a high school, neither but both, the geography changes as I go. The strangest thing is when I experience vivid sensory input like a sound. The best example I can think of recently is someone raising a gun into the air and when they fired it it sounded like a deep droning sound, like the inception noise
I wanna wear that dragon doji so bad, I would love to steal an old lady's CRT TV and vanish without a trace. Damn it's so good. Didn't know of the illustrious history
But the dominos should just not deliver through sewer grates at all and problem solved