MovieChat Forums > PeteRose > Replies
PeteRose's Replies
Turn those gears you're onto it
Everything to do with them
Yes it was
Been a while since I stopped ranking and rating, since there's so damn much I've seen, but I'll give it a go with some of my 1st time watches.
Room 2015 - 10/10, I am a tough grader, or I was when I graded, this was the most emotionally gripping movie I've seen in a long time. Top notch performance by Brie Larson and everyone else was also great. I liked how claustrophobic it felt in the beginning and then opened up and up and sends you into shock along with the characters.
Manchester by the Sea 2016 - 7/10, was really good, I liked seeing Casey Affleck in a lead role, which I can't remember seeing since Gone Baby Gone. He was great but it was very understated, not sure if it was oscar worthy but very good. Kenneth Lonergan directed one of my favorites "You Can Count on Me" and this reminded me of that, great performances all around, especially by the young cast.
JCVD - 7/10, Very funny and touching at times, I loved seeing Jean Claude stretch his wings a bit, but also delivered with what he does best. I was watching a lot of his films recently and this was recommended by a fellow MCer, I think twinA.
The rest I've either seen before or are series I'm in process of watching. I'll do better this week of keeping track, rating, and reviewing.
Yeah log is being started just for you Stoney
Interesting, very interesting, lots of MC retirement lately. Still can't see through the smokescreen but I had some good chats with you Dewey.
I'm originally from a suburb that began as a small town, and grew into quite a big burb, and my dad was a high ranking police officer in our town. Even when we were into the 10s of thousands of people, we would go years without any murders, and then when one happened it was quite shocking. There's now about 70k people in my hometown, but they still have on average about 1 every 2 years. The city I live in now had 125 murders last year, it blows me away because it rarely happens near where I live, so the homicide density of certain areas must be really high.
Paul Dano, Joseph Gordon Levitt, Ryan Gosling, ditto Jodie Foster, Daniel Day-Lewis, Peter Sarsgard, Steve Buscemi, Annette Benning, Edie Falco, Hugh Laurie, Frances McDormand
I really want to see it, it's top of my list with Lady Bird.
I should start keeping a log so I can better respond to theses posts. The ones that stand out were Room 2015, Manchester by the Sea, Bloodsport, Kickboxer, Cyborg, JCVD, Total Recall, and a show I was streaming over Netflix "Hitler's Bodyguard." The Looming Tower and The Path on Hulu, The Real O'Neills, and Happy Endings.
Pfeiffer, Devito, Walken, I'm not sure it's toppable. They're all so dark and sexy and disgusting. My favorite hero, or as you said, villain movie. My 500th post!
I really never feel the need to use emojis, there are so many words at my fingertips that do the job.
What's their rationale? MC is for chatting with predominantly text?
That seems rather silly, but I think I'm safe on this one
I don't think I've used one yet
Thanks, I just realized this, but is your username an [i]It[/i] reference? January embers
Time will tell but I really don't know if the next Star Wars can be an apology on the level of Crusade. So much more was shaken up in Star Wars with Last Jedi than in Indy with Temple. I agree they are analogous, but I stand by my claim that there is just no easy outs for JJ. It will have to be the most standalone movie if it's going to resolve the series; it just can't be like anything we've yet seen, and if it is, it will be a big fail, which Dis just won't allow. They're not above firing and replacing people, and the studio was pleased with the controversy and money Last Jedi brought in, so they may feel like there's nothing to apologize for. Lucasfilm under Disney seems to be ok with pissing off small groups of viewers in favor of better reviews from critics. The money seems to be the same either way.
Indie drama
"You know, I almost forgot that my mom told me that. She said, 'His daddy splattered his brains all over the wall.' I thought it was sad at first, but now? I like it."
The Pacifier, why do I know this?
Maybe, but celebrities might do it simply for the reason that if you film it, it's likely to leak, and the whole any publicity is good publicity thing is something a lot of people still subscribe to.