We still don't have the details. This is so shocking because this is such a nice area in our town. Yes. There are drug busts and there is crime. It actually isn't a town.... it's a small city. I find it scary that this has happened only 5 blocks away from our house. The police have been on the scene since 8:30 yesterday morning. I don't know the people involved. I believe that they were renting because that house is never occupied by the same people for more than a few years. The news still hasn't given all of the details.
Anyone else ever experience this sort of thing in their neighborhood?
I'm disturbed by the whole thing. It isn't just the local police involved. The State Police is now involved as well as the state Crime Lab.
Yes, almost exactly the same distance from my house as your occurrence. An elderly woman living alone. It's still unsolved. I had a detective come to my door once asking for assistance.
Did you know or see anything? I hope that they find that person.
Same here. I keep wondering what happened, and what the circumstances were. I will keep you and anyone who is interested, posted.... once the details come out.
We haven't had anyone come down our way to ask questions. I kind of doubt that will happen. It's a bit unsettling though, not knowing what has happened yet. The crime tape is still all around the house and the police cars are still down there this evening. I can't help wondering if there is a suspect yet..... is there someone dangerous still out there or what? Hopefully, we will find out more soon.
Hopefully they won't want to question Mr. Dewey, who was rumored to be sneaking around that neighborhood and acting very suspiciously.
In all seriousness, please try not to worry. The bad guy(s) probably will want to stay as far from that area as possible with all the ongoing police activity.
Where the heck IS Dewey? I never did hook up with him last night! Now I'm really worried!
You are right. If someone is still out there, this would be the last neighborhood anyone would care to hang out in.
I guess my main concern is that this isn't some crazy random thing where others may be hurt. I doubt it is. It is most likely a case of the person knowing the one they killed. That, in it's self is sad.
I keep them locked all the time. I hope we find out more. I keep wondering if they have any suspects. It would be comforting to know if there is someone they are searching for. If they have no idea of who did such a thing, then that is what is going to keep me up nights!
I hope you had a peaceful night Margo.I know these things are terrifying and if you're anything like me you'll overthink yourself into paranoia!
These instances are rare,unless you live in a high crime area and you said you don't.It could be a domestic incident gone bad or drugs but whatever it was it was probably contained to that house and the people in it.
Actually, I did sleep OK last night. Of course, it may be because I was up half the night on Saturday and into the wee hours Sunday morning.
I just keep telling myself that this was most likely an isolated incident
My feeling is also that is was a domestic thing. Drugs are also a strong possibility. The news had nothing new to add this morning. Only that the police are still investigating.
I'll keep you all updated.
I expected "a murder of crows" and a story about birds being a pest.
Damn! As for your question, no, I've never had a murder happen anywhere close to anywhere I lived, at least not that I was aware of.
The closest I've gotten is that I've spoken with two convicted murderers, due to my time in the legal profession. One had killed a lover that was about to break up with him, and did it as part of a life insurance scam, and the other had killed his roommate that annoyed him. Both are serving life in prison.
Nope. No birds. From what I am hearing, it was a woman who died.
Are you a lawyer? A paralegal? I'm not a bit surprised that it had something to do with money.
I just hope that there is someone of interest in this whole thing here. I'd like to know that this wasn't some random thing and that there isn't some creep out on the loose. I would assume that we would know that by now.
Paralegal. Sometimes in lawsuits, there are depositions of prison inmates.
I know what you mean about the comfort of knowing the motive behind a murder. Scary stuff like those seemingly random bombings in Austin, that's just pure terror.
You did remind me that when I lived in Kansas City, not long after high school, some kid shot his mother in the head at my favorite movie theater, which I had lived pretty close to. It was walking distance.
There was a murder on our street in 2008. A son killed his father in the garage with a hammer. There was some mental issues involved. About 10 houses down. A bit too close for comfort.
I was once startled to see one of those SWAT vehicles fall in behind me and tail me all the way home. Naturally, with each block as I neared my house, my curiosity increased. After I parked my car in my garage, I noticed they had parked directly in front of my house. At that point I was really wondering what the heck was going on. As I'm shutting my garage, I suddenly see the SWAT team, huddled in tight formation, guns brandished, cutting through my yard. It was really becoming surreal. I watched them approach a neighbor's house, gather at his front door and start demanding for the occupant to emerge with hands raised. He eventually did and seemed very compliant. I've never seen so many guns pointed at one person. While standing there and watching all of this unfold, a deputy sheriff with a huge German shepherd came charging through my back yard and almost ran into me. Quite a bit of unexpected excitement during an otherwise lazy summer afternoon. Although I kept a close eye on the local media and even FB, I was never able to determine what that had been about.
OMG! That had to have been one shocking experience! I would have hidden in my car in the garage!
What happened in the end? What did this guy do? It had to be serious for them to send in a Swat Team!
I couldn't help but watch that unfold. It was just so unexpected and riveting. I remember hearing one cop yelling " I'll blow your head off ! " with a really big handgun stuck right in the guy's face although he was standing there very meekly with his hands raised.
I came to the exact same conclusion about the seriousness, that's why it was so confounding to me to see no reporting of the incident.
My goodness! I have to wonder if drugs were involved. I guess you'll never know. It still sounds like some serious stuff!
Talk about unexpected! One moment you are coming home. The next? You are in the middle of a true crime drama in your own yard!
Wow. I am so sorry to hear that, MissMargo. But that just proves that you're never totally safe anywhere in this crazy world.
I'm so glad that you are unharmed.
I live in a city so this unfortunately happens a lot. I've also had many junkies die in very close proximity to me which starts to weigh on you even after the first one.
True. I can't imagine something like that on a regular basis, not weighing on you. With the drug epidemic these days, it's terrible!
There wasn't anything new on the news this morning.... just tat the investigation is still going on and the police still can't release any information.
I'm originally from a suburb that began as a small town, and grew into quite a big burb, and my dad was a high ranking police officer in our town. Even when we were into the 10s of thousands of people, we would go years without any murders, and then when one happened it was quite shocking. There's now about 70k people in my hometown, but they still have on average about 1 every 2 years. The city I live in now had 125 murders last year, it blows me away because it rarely happens near where I live, so the homicide density of certain areas must be really high.