MovieChat Forums > SoCrates > Replies
SoCrates's Replies
Stevie Nicks
Ann Wilson
Bonnie Raitt
Karen Carpenter
Linda Ronstadt
Nope. After watching a lot of the awful crap that's being produced nowadays, I would say it has only gotten better with age.
The acting, for a low-budget horror movie in 1984, is actually pretty good. The only painful one is Ronee Blakley, who acts like
she's on a soap opera. Other than that, everyone else is fine.
Wes Craven was a master of horror, and this is one of his greatest films, no matter what decade it is.
Halloween (1978)
Halloween II (1981)
Halloween 4 (1988)
Halloween III (1982)
Halloween 6 (1995)
Halloween 5 (1989)
Halloween H20 (1998)
Halloween (2018)
Halloween Kills (2021)
Rob Zombie's Halloween (2007)
Halloween Resurrection (2002)
Rob Zombie's Halloween 2 (2009)
Halloween Ends (2022)
1. Halloween (1978)
2. A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
3. Halloween II (1981)
4. The Thing (1982)
5. Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981)
6. Friday the 13th part 4: The Final Chapter (1984)
7. Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn (1987)
8. Fright Night (1985)
9. Friday the 13th Part 6: Jason Lives (1986)
10. Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (1988)
11. A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987)
12. Christine (1983)
13. The Shining (1980)
14. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
15. Poltergeist II: The Other Side (1986)
16. Hellraiser (1987)
17. Sleepaway Camp (1983)
18. Phantasm II (1988)
19. The Gate (1987)
20. From Beyond (1986)
With good reason.
It's supposed to be a trilogy, but it's actually two films that go together, and a finale where the director clearly lost interest in the characters and story he was telling. Those characters, and their story, that you had been following, have been abandoned completely. Watch 'Kills' and then watch this right after and you think you've missed a chapter or something. All you are left with is questions" "But I thought Laurie was all "Sarah Connor" and stuff, hellbent on killing Michael, and now she's just living that grandma life? "And Michael is still on the loose, after killing Karen and like 50 other people in Haddonfield, and everyone is just chilling?" Huh? "Wait...who introduces a new main character in the finale of trilogy?" "What the hell is this?"
Not gonna lie, I think this idea would've made a decent slasher as a stand alone film. However, as a Halloween fan, this movie sucks balls. It is the equivalent of going to your favorite restaurant, ordering your favorite meal, and finding out that they no longer serve it.
Bad '80s horror is the best! Hope you have a good time.
If the fan base is so male-dominated, why are you trying so hard to market your product to females? It makes no sense. It'd be like if someone took over F1 Racing, or some other male-dominated sport, and started trying to market it to the female audience.
How about you just re-release Halloween 4 with a better mask digitally added.
Yep, it was awful. No redeeming value at all.
Why is Conor McGregor weirdly grinning all the time, and acting like an idiot? Do the writers,producers watch the UFC at all? He's a better villain if you just let him be himself and just talk shit.
They replaced Brad Wesley, the main villain from the original, with this trust fund douche bag son of someone we never see. And this guy isn't threatening at all.
Dalton comes in and just immediately gets along with everyone. Part of the charm of the original is how cagey Dalton is, and also when he sees all the other current bouncers stealing, and taking advantage of their positions, and he tells them to hit the road. That part adds some nice tension to the situation and sets up later events. This has fucking nothing like that at all. No charm whatsoever. If I told ChatGPT to write an action movie that's like "Roadhouse" this is what it would come up with.
Jake Gyllenhaal looks weird and roided up. Every time he has his shirt off, I think that his head doesn't match how jacked he looks. It looks really manufactured. Swayze was so much better.
Apologies for calling your take Awful. I just hate the bullshit that Hollywood is producing right now.
I still maintain that the "dumb fun" from that area is different than what is being produced now. Most "guilty pleasures", as they call it, you actually want to watch again. You add them to your library. I don't see that with this film, or anything else that is being produced.
But yeah, if you like it, it's your opinion.
Awful take.
Don't see how any of the films you listed compare to this pile of garbage. They are all from the '80s/'90s when writers/directors knew how to make action films. They had bad ass heroes with attitudes, villains that were true scum bags, and hot woman with loose morals.
The heroes didn't drive the villains, that he just beat up, to the hospital while they exchange friendly banter. Fucking writers now a days have only seen Marvel movies, so that's the only kind of dialogue they know how to write. What a joke.
Compare this remake to the original "Roadhouse", and it loses every single category.
Fuck Hollywood in 2024! I'll stick to watching films from the past like the ones you listed.
1. Die Hard
2. The Fifth Element
3. Die Hard with a Vengeance
If you watch "Crystal Lake Memories", she says that she would've been willing to be topless for the scene, but they didn't negotiate that before filming. They wanted her to do it on the spot. So, it was an issue with money more than anything.
A photographic memory. Wish I had one, It's like a real life cheat code.
Couldn't have been cast any worse.
I'm now convinced that studios in 2024 are just intentionally trying to piss off the fan base of their IP and lose money in the process.
As usual... None.
Michael has every opportunity to randomly stalk the neighborhood and kill as many people as he can find just like "Halloween 2018". Instead, he is completely keyed in on Laurie. He stalks her wherever she goes, in broad daylight even, and he steals the tombstone of Judith and sets it up for her to find. This is more than just claiming another victim.
That's why Halloween II (1981) fits together with the original like a glove, and is way better than any of the other sequels. The brother/sister angle makes sense. Plus, you get a great performance from Donald Pleasence and Nancy Stephens in this amazing scene:
No, I think he destroyed it so they would remain isolated, and so The Thing could not make it to civilization.
If you like Country, this is my favorite:
It is, it hits all the notes.
John Hughes was a master at capturing that suburban family Christmas, and all that goes into it.
Long John Silvers