people booed in theater

i saw this in theater and people booed! one guy threw his popcorn at the screen and said "this is shi*"

i saw 3 people walk out together

one lady laughed and said what is this script?


I'm glad it went directly to streaming and i didn't waste money watching this crap in a theater. Michael was relegated to a bit player in his own final movie and he spent the whole movie being slapped around by a scrawny kid and a grandmother.


I have all three of the newer Halloween movies on 4k but only Halloween (2018) and Halloween Kills are on Peacock. What gives? You shouldn't be ashamed of Halloween Ends and I like it for daring to be something different.


I'm in the process of watching HALLOWEEN (2018) and I'm trying, but maybe this was a thing when it came out 6 years ago, but so far, it's not holding up well and this could also be an issue that I'm simply too old for slasher horror now and prefer Cerebral, Psychological type of Horror at 58


With good reason.

It's supposed to be a trilogy, but it's actually two films that go together, and a finale where the director clearly lost interest in the characters and story he was telling. Those characters, and their story, that you had been following, have been abandoned completely. Watch 'Kills' and then watch this right after and you think you've missed a chapter or something. All you are left with is questions" "But I thought Laurie was all "Sarah Connor" and stuff, hellbent on killing Michael, and now she's just living that grandma life? "And Michael is still on the loose, after killing Karen and like 50 other people in Haddonfield, and everyone is just chilling?" Huh? "Wait...who introduces a new main character in the finale of trilogy?" "What the hell is this?"

Not gonna lie, I think this idea would've made a decent slasher as a stand alone film. However, as a Halloween fan, this movie sucks balls. It is the equivalent of going to your favorite restaurant, ordering your favorite meal, and finding out that they no longer serve it.


And on top of all that, I bet they all got Covid the next day


I thought the movie ended strong, at least.

There were some interesting ideas there, but still a disappointing final chapter. They focused a little too much on the kid who was shunned because of the death he caused and became obsessed with Michael.


people booed in theater
posted 4 months ago by jason88cubs (2471)
6 replies | jump to latest

i saw this in theater and people booed! one guy threw his popcorn at the screen and said "this is shi*"

i saw 3 people walk out together

one lady laughed and said what is this script?"

Wow!! What Rebels they were..
