MovieChat Forums > fzane > Replies

fzane's Replies

They are two different beasts. One is a TV show meant to unfold the story in a slow way, and the other is a 2 hour movie that should have the story moving along nicely. If 28 days later was a TV show, the pace would have made more sense. I'm not reading all that crap, just from skimming the first few points it looks like that person didn't get my two points i mentioned to mitzibishi above. The film was about someone who didn't have a Dad growing up, and was a reckless ahole, but who turned into a man with courage. I'm guessing there was some people who were supposed to be involved with the film, but then they got released for whatever reason, and now they're so butt hurt, they spend man days writing diatribes about how bad it is, and marvel fanboys eat it up b/c they want to hate d/c so bad. I'm not getting involved. Like i said to mitzibishi, the film entertained me on a 6/10 level. There is no need to comb over all the reasons others disliked it. That would be a waste of my time. See you at the next Green Lantern film. I'm guessing it gets similar or even worse hate from these people who obviously cannot just sit and enjoy a popcorn superhero movie for what it is, instead of pretending it should be judged as the next Godfather. You missed the point of what the movie was trying to show you: How he changed from a reckless childhood damaged nut into more like his courageous father. Also, you didn't pay attention to the dialog, it was later stated that his stunt actually GOT them the contract since they were able to fix the weakness in the drones so they could actually fly higher. So, it ended up that he gave the ultimate quality assurance test for the drones, finding a weakness. When he smashes one through the wall, he didn't even understand that's what would happen. He was still learning the power of the ring. It's not like he wanted to hurt/kill those people. Even if the movie has it's slight flaws, it's in no way terrible, and is sorta like a saturday morning cartoon i watched as a kid back in the 80s, but with suped up graphics. I enjoyed it for what it was, and it entertained me just fine. It certainly doesn't deserve to be crapped on all day. I'd rate it 6/10, or maybe even 6.5/10 for having a great message for anyone who may have lost their dad early in life. I don't watch fantastic 4 or silver surfer, but maybe i'll give them a shot, now that you mention them. l8r. Please God NO!!! You say that, but if it starts out innocent, and you only made one song at a club, and were offered millions dangling in front of you, i don't think you could say what you would do until you were actually in the situation. Millions, set for life, seemingly no chance of being found out? Com'mon you don't know what you'd do man. :-) Also, there are MANY artists out there that do not write their own music, but still take credit for it. Some say even the Beatles themselves did not write much of their music. There could have been corporate think tanks behind much of the great music from the 60s. Look into the tavistock institute: The Manufactured Invention of the Beatles, Stones, Grateful Dead and the Birth of Rock n’ Roll by the Tavistock Institute; A Jesuit Corporation [url][/url] It has to do with the plot. The person in the movie will eventually yearn for "yesterday", before he tried to take credit for all that music, before things got out of hand. Imagine getting to introduce the whole world to your favorite band, and you get to do it yourself. It's a concept that has not been done, and many people would love to do it. Marvel fanboys, and studio bought bots to bring it down. The effects were astounding. I just watched it for the second time, and after 7 years, it had great replay value. Also, there's a sequel on the way, so you lose. I agree, the green lantern was very watchable, and re-watchable a few years later. They keep psychedelics from the living souls because we are finite in number, and if we are able to join together to break the boundaries of our collective consciousness, we can actually change the physical properties of this world. M for Mischa! Agreed. People who hate it are just fanboys of SOTL, and imo, they are stuck on stupid to not appreciate this gem. Linda insulted Mrs Rosen, couple that with the fact she was a whore for most of her life, she was all outta soul tokens, sorry to be blunt, but that's why. this ^ agreed. it's better, and it didn't even have to resort to dressing the wife in slutty outfits or showing panty shots of the 16 year old like the first one did. I know sex sells, but i was glad to see part 2 only rely on the story, and not skin. he was infected 100% for the 4th time!! Yes, i was so mad when he said "wait here". You would have thought he'd learned his lesson after the whole child's room incident. yup, and they didn't even have to resort to dressing the wife in skimpy outfits like the first, or panty shots of the 16 year old girl either!! ;-) It was an excellent continuation to the story, and for anyone who loved the first one, if you didn't like the second, there's something wrong with YOU!