MovieChat Forums > Aqualung78

Aqualung78 (38)



Did anyone else see the picture of Tim Curry in the clown room Richie goes into? I prefer to go to the 12,1or2 o'clock shows myself. Any movie to me is best with no one other than who came with you in there I just miss him burning down Woodbury with Ben Nichols "last pale light in the west" playing in the background Skarsgård killed it!!! The first attempt was a damn tv miniseries(not the medium for an Rrated SK novel) I love Tim Curry and he did the best he could with what they gave him but that was not Pennywise Skarsgård plays it much closer to the novel and I loved it I read the book in 1989 when I was eleven(same age as "losers club" in the book. Curry played it wonderfully but only for a TV mini-series. He had a few scary looks and faces but he couldn't capture the real essence of the eternal entity Pennywise's alien evil. Remember he/she is not a clown. He just preferred that guise the most. Skarsgård nailed it!!! i agree...only problem...I'm ready for the next already!! She is at Hilltop With Maggie at Hilltop And the saw was dull Think so too...wouldn't mind if they did it in 3 chapters...the third culminating in their battle with It as adults View all replies >