The Governor

If he were still alive, it'd be really fun to watch him meet and have his own ass handed to him by Negan.


Would have been good to watch
The Gov could def throw hands ( he pretty much destroyed Rick in that final fight) but he was a tempermental asshat (ie shooting up his own what a dummy) give the edge to Negan


Governor vs Negan would make for some pretty epic TV. It's a shame that Michonne sword through torso was so definite, if they left his death open it could have made for a pretty crazy comeback.


Yeah it would have been kick ass for sure
But we can probably bank on a Rick v Negan gunfight/punchout coming this season
Im thinking good old Rick is gonna need help!


I just miss him burning down Woodbury with Ben Nichols "last pale light in the west" playing in the background
