MovieChat Forums > Mikester

Mikester (144)


1883 vs 1923? (vs Yellowstone?) Looks matter At least it made me feel something Watching Season 1 was one of best TV experiences for me, i guess it wore off These 'Swat' teams seem to do anything from police work to protecting schools to detective work Comments watching it Invasion S02-Ep01 - WTF? Did DC just copy the Marvel Spiderman idea.. Wasn't there just a penguin series basically, with the young batman series? Soundtrack is changing speeds every few seconds?! View all posts >


Well, there is some arc left for the series to continue.. I 'kinda' like Vic being killed cause it closes a chapter, season starts and ends with him good point Average guy - no Hot tall guy with hair (who is not a total pussy) - yes Average looks but worldwide superstar - yes Totally! Yea, on the other hand the phone of the girl got battery for ages.. my phone only has juice like for 16 hours.. Definately, sweaty palms multiple times Definately, sweaty palms multiple times Yea.. i assumed they somehow thought they just went up there and will come down again no problem, but it makes no sense when they use the flair and there is these ladders lying around She posted the carcass dead animal being eaten by the vultures and got likes for it, so i assume she also posted the video before that (the 'we are gonna go up to the tower!' vid in the car) Nah, really not.. i give this a 5/10 of what they could have delivered in this regard (They did deliver on tits - which was justified with story) View all replies >