yawkee24's Replies

ohhhh, what boring choices, (tuna, etc? yuck) the best sea food dich is the San Francisco Italian sea food Cioppino, and the best place to get is San Francisco, here's the link for the dish, I don't know how to make it clickable..... someone help me out. pleeeeese??/ https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=jigKWoGTLoTcmQHc47PACA&q=italian+seafood+dish+cioppino&oq=italian+sea+food+dish&gs_l=psy-ab.1.4.0i10k1l6j0i22i10i30k1.2689.17593.0.22820. ahhhh, that is so well put, I can't believe there is actually someone on this site with a brain. great post strntz. actually, the last 2 episodes were pretty good, kinda serious and very little of the 4 year old scientist I'm going to agree with you on a couple of things, Mitt Romney lost the election because he told the people in Michigan that the auto makers that were in trouble should have gone bankrupt instead of a bailout, he was right but those people didn't want to hear what was the right thing to do, A real estate broker friend of mine was padding home applications so that people could qualify, he got caught and did 7 years in prison, in around 2005 the banks did the very same thing, plus they sold bogus mortgages overseas, they got caught but instead of going to jail they were awarded with over a trillion dollars by Bush and Obama, but instead of helping the people, the banks tightened the screws on mortgages, people could not get a mortgage, instead much of the money went to raises and vacations for those crooks, then the housing market collapsed, many real estate brokers and home builders folded, I'm a builder, I lost over a million dollars, I know how that crap works, I saw it coming but never thought it would get that bad, nobody is more pissed at the government than I am, My eyes are on the termites and the robbers, I am a very disgruntled person for what the Gov. did to me and others, and I pity someone trying to rob me. so you would rather have the police drive around looking for tax evasion instead of crack dealers, heroin addicts, gangbangers carrying 9m and killing anyone that gets in their way, wife beaters, rapists, looters, I could go on but taking to you is like.... well, talking to you. BTW, history is just that... history, why bring it up, it has nothing to do with today, so are so many white celebrities including Mel Gibson, Lindsey Lohan, Etc, that have been arrested in the past for DUI, drugs, and you name it, and I think those people are wealthy, white actors, politicians, doctors, ect. have been stopped many times by the police. boo hoo, poor black kids, they never do anything wrong, police just like picking on them, and there are no white people in prison, only black, and I truly believe they are all innocent. ok, I guess you don't know that you're being disrespectful by defending people that are disrespectful. there is no law against burning the American flag and you would defend that? no, of course not, but when you defend disrespect for veterans, country, flag and our national anthem, I call you a maggot, and I'm really sorry for insulting maggots. " Hate them if you want... but don't question their ability to do so, or we set ourselves back 250 years." We are 250 years ahead because of the hundreds of thousands of young men and women who died for that progress, that's who you are disrespecting, yes, you have the right to disrespect if you want but don't say as Americans we should defend it, it may be your right but it's wrong, to me, those players are nothing but maggots, and if you defend those actions then you're a maggot also. "People's lives are more important than a patriotic song" Sure, tell that to the young men and women that fought and died for the very freedom that allows you to disrespect the country, flag and anthem without punishment that you can't get away with in most countries, Racism? what a joke, black football players outnumber white players 10 to 1 maybe even more, but nobody is saying anything, if it were the other way around there would be riots in every city, people tune into a ball game for enjoyment, not to see a bunch of black millionaires protesting racism or injustice, and if you stand with them, you are just like them. I am so glad, umm, who r they? there's a time and place for everything, when you refuse to stand for your country's anthem, you're an asshole that doesn't belong in this country, inequality? why don't these millionaires give some back to the people that they are protesting for? and anyone that sides with them is an asshole. "Seems like Karma really is a BITCH." Ya, like.....THEY LOST THE GAME!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA YA GOT A POINT never liked him, he looked weird to me, and a pervert no, they are not "pc sheeple" they are assholes I haven't seen the knee drops from the assholes on TV in a while, so they are not getting the attention they are looking for. I really believe anyone that doesn't stand for the national anthem should be put on a raft and set out to sea. what planet are you from? who?