MovieChat Forums > Moonraker (1979) Discussion > One of the best Bond movies ever

One of the best Bond movies ever

This movie was pure excitement (thats also the term Moore and Brocolli used during their interviews in Rio de Janeiro). Theres no other Bond movie (perhaps beside Goldfinger) which show a hero whom saved the world! Thats what people like to see at the cinemas. No pseudo dark and depressing teenager-trash (biggest joke is that this depressing trash is seen as "adult". As if teenagers are adults :) ). We got more then enough trash in reality already.
There are this other "fans", which simply like to see movie heroes fail in their tasks the same way they fail in their life. Thos are the losers which mistake Daniel Craig with playing Bond. Craig just plays a loser which failed at each and every mission he got and was a drunken mass murder. Noone a mental stable human would support at all. And the movies were way, way less connected to reality then any other real Bond movie before. They were simply trash made for people which like to get trash served to them.


The gondola = pure excitement for a four year old


Assuming OP likes Rob Zombie movies and Rap music.


In short it succeeds because it's a Bond film not trying to be something else.

In contrast Craig's "Bond" films fail because they are desperately trying to be something other than Bond films.


Started well, devolved into DC slagging.


It's entertaining but a little on the cheesy side. I love the ending though, that space duel was great.


This movie and The Last Jedi are my 2 favorite sci fi movies ever
