MovieChat Forums > floke > Replies
floke's Replies
Ripping her own limb off was badass
pedophiles arent primarely attracted to the body .. more to the young innocent mind
"oh noez - its no plausible that stupid monsters can reach earth .. better skip the whole movie"
xD lul
youre saying the xeno and the thing had no real motivation?
it was a weird cut and we didnt see the gun shot - the hit with the iron bar represented the shot
you should become a consultant for scifi movies
so you stopped the film before it really got tense
congrats - you dont watch many movies dont you?
its okayish ..
But its more about the drama and the cheating and the creepy atmosphere when they find the cameras - the random hammer killer that kills everyone with 2-4 blows to the head in the last 10 minutes is quite unspectacular
haha Im 5 Minutes in and "Interracial gay couple" - Check
Can only get better
that ending was indeed a bit weird
Lets bring that tech that acted all suspicious the last few days into your holy most inner circle without any drone protection and nothing ...
We dont know and nobody does - because the movie doesnt tell
Its worth a watch
Cool crazy monsters in a great post apocalyptic setting
Basically Zombie Land with big insects
But thats about it
Movie stays pretty shallow and light
that would be pretty weird stuff to film xD
I dont really like the ending ..
I was just thinking "damn - who could have done that? Is there another person in the picture that I forgot?"
Never would I have thought that the girl could change that fast into that super sophisticated suit and would have the force to grab his arm and kill him ... and how the hell does she know how to operate that thing?
The ending didnt convince me at all :/
damn 10 times? I hope you watched all other movies before you waste more time on that :D
the only thing that kept me watching was the smoking hot Amanda Pays
it has a lot in common with "the thing" but also with "alien"
But its way way worse than its role models in any regard
truth hurts doesnt it xD
who cares about details like that - I know ppl like you - who cant enjoy anything because theyre always searching for tiniest plothole or that "impossible" thing .. just be quiet and let me enjoy the movie.
apparently in the universe of "Underwater" these suits can withstand 1000 atmospheres and thats all I need to know
"The Abyss, Alien, Sunshine, Pandorum, Half-Life ..."
Of course I see the abyss and alien .. what about the rest?
Half-Life because of the talking suits?
I also got something from bioshock - for example following the red markers and whole cities at the bottom of the sea .. and the first time the big boy appeared I thought "damn .. its cthulhu" :D
I really like the design of the suits - looked pretty bad ass. Give them a big bolter and they could almost be starcraft or warhammer marines :D
it has potential yes - totally ruined by the camera work .. so annoying in every monster scene
at some point I even thought I was watching a "cut" version because the chick bumped into the fuel pump and in the next shot she was totally shredded by the monster - okay ....