MovieChat Forums > sarahleigh81 > Replies
sarahleigh81's Replies
The vampire didn't turn Mildred; it killed her. She already had the vampire blood in her system from taking communion, so she resurrected.
Per the article that Hownos posted above:
Flanagan continued: “When The Angel first finds Father Paul, it doesn’t kill him. It just gives him enough blood to get younger and to feel vital, because it needs him to get it out of there. He has to travel during the day. And then finally, he’s taken in too much of the blood, it hits that critical mass that Sarah talks about, and he dies.
Sleeping Beauty is a gorgeous film. The backgrounds weren't supposed to be realistic. It was supposed to look like a moving tapestry. It's a shame you didn't get the point.
Her name was Jean. Don't refer to people as Oriental.
That wasn't Mae. If you look up the cast, she was a hooker played by Jules Hartley.
That would make more sense. I suppose I got myself confused because Princess said she was from Pittsburgh and some internet digging said they met Princess in Pittsburgh in the comics. :)
What makes it even worse is they correctly used "would have" in the body of their post, so they do actually know better.
In the book, Dan and Abra's mother are half siblings, so Abra IS his niece.
In the book, Bradley had the measles, which the True Knot contracted when they took his steam, causing Grandpa Flick to die.
I don't think the uncle had anything to do with it.
"of" seen? Do you mean "have" seen?
That's a huge pet peeve of mine too. People are getting dumber by the day.
Goldie Hawn was 10 years old when this movie came out.
1. Anna was never schizophrenic, so his mirror technique to cure her schizophrenia didn't work, at least not in the way he intended. She was demon possessed, and the demons went into the mirrors, therefore "curing" her.
4. The ghosts of all the people killed by the demons, directly or indirectly, were the ones who wanted Anna to return. She was the only link the demons had to the real world. Her return was the only way the souls of the dead would be freed from the demons.
6. He's in the mirror world because he died.
You didn't want to like it. By looking at your other posts, it's clear you're racist, sexist, transphobic, homophobic trash.
Yes, he was a very handsome fuller figured man. :)
You're correct. It was the housekeeper, I believe.
There was a mix of actors and real townspeople playing themselves.
My mom made sandwiches on toast that consisted of peanut butter, tuna, cheese, pickles, and chips. Everyone says it sounds gross, but I love it!
I am aware of that, but she married John Massett after high school. John Massett would have been Dylan's father, though not biologically. Until Norma told Dylan that Caleb his is father, he would have had no reason not to think John was his father.