MovieChat Forums > elmacho > Replies
elmacho's Replies
that is who I initially thought it was and it appears that most people are thinking that. I hope we are wrong.
your right, my mistake. I should have said that the numbers with Rebel Wilson and James Corden.
I thought it was entertaining enough to watch.
after the 5th episode I was thinking "if anybody says "perfectly splendid" again I am going to jump into the TV and smack them. Happy that it did stop after that episode. but, you would have been passed put drunk up until then.
I thought the show was good. However, you are correct, there are no characteristics between this show's Ratched and the movie's Ratched. The show's Ratched has a high degree of empathy and caring. Something is going to have to happen in Season 2 to make her change. I wonder if using the name "Ratched" actually translated into increased ratings. I believe that they should have just made the show with a different character.
The NBA Draft Bubble skit ranks up there with one of the worst ever.
they were the best part of the series so far
i agree. the last 20 minutes was a let down. also, agree that the bribing of the juror was unnecessary, especially how his whole closing argument was about how now that he is a lawyer he has to do the right thing. totally tainted that brilliant moment.
the final two episodes were definitely worth the confusion.
I am 5 episodes in. it is good. not great. a bit slow. probably by the end it will seem like it should have been a movie rather than a series. worth a watch, but not bingworthy.
I agree that it was Chris. He was always eating Chinese food with Adriana.
Kyle McLachlan would have been the best choice, but probably no Twin Peaks for him then. after that, for me: Kurt Russell, and then Alec Baldwin.
he was made before he came on the show. maybe he killed before he was made. but I can't recall if it was ever discussed that he never killed anybody. I am re-watching the show and am on season 3, episode 6.
i'm on episode 5 as well. I think that Jacob is dead (probably suicide). Andy uses past tense when he talks about Jacob. He says "I knew my son" as opposed to "I know my son."
when she tries to stab walter with the syringe he blocks her and then stabs her exactly/precisely in the vein.
I liked it. the first episode is incredible. there are only 7 episodes and they end up being around 20-25 minutes each, so worth watching even if you are on the fence.
article says that Walter committed mass murder in the last episode. this is totally different than how is saw it. It is not entirely clear in the article if the director confirms this or if it is just the authors take.
seems like more of a movie plot than a series.
Ben's scene in the cab was the best acting of the season (maybe the series).
Best line was Ruth "when I say you get of the f*@cking country, you get our of the f*@cking country!"