voltaire2121's Replies

Why you going through my posting history for? Blacks don't care about other minorities, they just love continually playing the victim card. Blacks will always be relentless victims to relentless white racism, yet they love to live amongst Whites, in White societies. Respectfully I must disagree, Kim's gorgeous with a decent body, and legs to die for. Spock = White, Tuvok = Black. White Americans can relate more to a white man than a black one. Even you don't dispute he said that... eww now that is disgusting. Free rent?!? She gave him the best sex of his life. You could say why does it matter that he drove her to suicide? He should have left the poor woman alone. The Picard dying and then being ressurected in an articially grown body plot point was stupid. When he died, that should have been it, Data dies, Picard dies, end of season and series. Finito. Them ressurecting him, in an android body, but not android body... that has implications. It means anyone in this world, if they so desire can be immortal. Just because Picard chooses not to be immortal, doesn't mean others would feel the same. It opens a can of worms that shouldn't be open. Death means death. Some things are absolute in our world and should be in this fictional world. The fact that anyone can have back ups of their personality and memeories and essentially live forever... euh... it's stupid. Not looking forward to Season 2. I am seriously done with Trek. Sidenote, they so should have explored 7 of 9 being the Borg Queen for longer. Dude, you hit the nail on its head. Bringing back Palpatine for the surprise reveal was desperate. Yeah... totally agree WTF is Leia still doing hanging around the Resistance, it isn't her fight anymore. I don't deny she was a bad character, but they shouldn't have introduced her in the first place if they weren't going to do anything with her character. The whole trilogy is crappy without any concrete vision. Yeah, the blackies in ancient Rome were slaves. That's hilarious. Problem is there have been medieval series featuring blackies. The worse offender is the BBC, they made Robin Hood with blackies and Les miserables with a black Javert. Why don't you just say "glories of living in a WESTERN country" because this film is showing in India, and you wouldn't really want to live in India. I remember when I was 12-13 and declaring to someone I was a teenager because I was in a hurry to get that label, and being bitterly disappointed when that someone told me it's really 14-19. 13 isn't really a teenager... well, perhaps one could argue a case for it. My point is, if you're 13-16 and you see Endgame for the first time, you're going to think it is the best thing since videogames, but if you're an oldie beyond that, you'll think it's flashy shlt. Well, one can be 18-19 and still be a teenager. A teenager to me is someone between the ages of 14-19. Well, this is how some Asian people feel. Get real. Do you know any Asians? Do you think we all love this BMWF propaganda Jewish controlled media serves us? Wake up, your culture is disappearing around you. Why would you think I am either of those? Why can't I just be a normal Asian guy who wishes better media representation for Asian men? I can't be advocating for white supremacy when I want to see Asian males paired up with White females. And I think it is sickening how WM are paired up with XF, and I don't want to see it. White guy pretending to be Asian? Euh... I am Asian, but whatever, why can't you just take my post at face value, why do you have to think up silly conspiracies? I am glad to see I am not the only one who has noticed this trend. Why you ask. The Jews who control the media have an agenda to push. I disagree that it's "of late", it's been going on for decades. They never show the men of dark persuasion as villains. It just won't sell, and it's controversial because it goes against political correctness and the agenda they are pushing that people of dark complexion can do no wrong, even if crime statistics based on what's going on in real life is contrary to this. It's gotten so bad, that I refuse to watch anything with a multiracial cast, because I know how it's going to roll. In the multiracial cast, the Asian guy still gets screwed over in favour of the darkies. Even if they show one bad darkie character, they must counter this with a few good darkie characters to show that not all darkies are bad. As an Asian dude, I do agree that Asians experience fewer instances of racism. I was telling a friend recently I don't even recall the last time I was called a ch*nk.